What impact did FF7 have on you the first time you played?

That game was the very first RPG I played. My reaction was something between OMG this is grand and sex (in the good way). It was awesome until I got stuck in modgar in the very beginning. That was a bit of a downside but I beat it. I never beat the game the first time because I didn't understand the materia part well. But I breaded I golden chocobo xD. And loved the golden saucer part. I think it is the best mini game ever. (my humble opinion )
I had only ever played one RPG before playing FFVII back when i was twelve (that honour went to Ys Awakening), but the experience couldn't have been any more different between the two. With Ys, i was pretty much meh about it, but when i played FFVII, my outlook on gaming completely changed.

Out went the idea of just playing racing games & beat em ups just for the hell of it to actually wanting to experience a game to it fullest and get as much enjoyment out of it as possible.
Needless to say, from that point onward i've been hooked to the FF series and RPGs as a whole.

I think the best analogy that sums it up, is that i went from downing shots of tequila to drinking fine wines... Except without wanting to use the over-exaggerated descriptions that those professional wine tasters use.
it impacted my school grades seeings all i thought about day and night was FF. memories
as cheesy as it sounds, it changed my life lol. I was only 8 when i played it and it sent my imagination into overdrive. i was a damn vii junkie. every hour possible of every day i was on the damn thing. if it wasnt for that game, lard only knows what kind of an a**hole id be
Ah...Blessed be thy name of Final Fantasy VII.

Not only it raised the level of "considering videogames ART" to it's maximum, but left a scar of awesomeness in my brain untill today...

Before playing FFVII, the only kinda RPG game i had ever played was Pokemon :wacky:
Yeah, i was kinda young back in 2000.
Imagine the surprise and the smile on my lips when i first played FFVII!

I first got Final Fantasy 7 when my cousin came to live with us and he was playing it and i watched and i had never played a video game before. He let me play FF7 and I just got so into it and its the game that got me into Video Games in the first place. Ever since then i've always loved the serious itself. I never actually understood the game back them till later on when i started playing it more since I was so little. But just the fighting and the action just got me so excited and wanting more.
Coco said:
But it was nothing deep, really. It was a game.

No it isn't/want just m' Ladie ;)

To the people who look more into the Characters and the Storyline and the things that teach you, it's not just a game.
To the whole run of emotions that wrap you during the Cut-scenes, or after/during a Dialogue,heck even after a Tough boss fight...No you simply CAN'T go ahead and tag FFVII as "just a game" ;)
Hmm hard to say, FFVII wasn't the first one I ever played but it was the first one in 3D and that certainly opened up my horizons as far as RPG's were concerned. It didn't have as much an impact on me as FFVI but I have to admit that it certainly marked an important chapter in my passion for the series and set the bar a notch higher. All I can say to this effect is that I really enjoyed it.
Ah yes....I remember the TV advertisement, particularily how cool Barret's "Mindblow" looked! I rented the game several times in 1997 and finally got it for my birthday in June 1998. Of course, I restarted the game because it was MY game now :D

I love it. The story touched my heart, triggered various emotions, and made me think more about how much we hurt our own planet.
The first time I played FFVII, I was like oh my god this is the best game ever. and I still think that its one of the greatest games ever made.

it has an awsome story,the materia combinations are cool,the backgrounds on each of the characters are elaborate, and the soundtrack is the best.(oh, the mini-games are fun too)
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The first time I played FFVII, I was like oh my god this is the best game ever. and I still think that its one of the greatest games ever made.

Maybe elaborate as to why it made you feel that way please?
I think it changed my way of thinking,of judging and how I see things.I think the impact was a positive effect since from that time I've changed in many ways.My love for video games grew even more,and I started playing RPGs too cause until then I really disliked them.It was deep,the storyline and characters that helped realise not just look on the surface of things but search deeper.
Well FF7 was the one who made me enter the RPG world. XP I just liked everything about it and it drew me to play the other FF titles, I always thought it was one of the best games I've ever played even if the graphics aren't that much. >.<
it was my first FF game and i loved it i played it over again when AC came out when i got FF8 i was very disappointed i did not like that one at all a few years later i got FF9 and was blown away so while FF7 is a good game it's far from my favorite games list IX still pwns
I remember the first time I played it, I came home from a friends house and my brother had rented it and was in the sewers right after Don Corneo's mansion. And he had to go somewhere so I started to play it. And I dont think I wanted to stop. It was the game that made me like RPGs so much, once I started to play this game it opened up an entire world that I didnt even know existed. The FF world. And I havent looked back yet, of course even before that I had played Mystic Quest but I didnt know that was an FF so I dont count that as my first jump into the FF world.
I learned to read so that i could play it. Then I couldn't put it down, i beat it in less than a week at the age of 5. Then i moved on to the next FF installment.
FFVII is the first 3D game I ever played, so my first impression was "WTF?! I can move upwards and downwards!!!!". Besides, it's the only FF game I played and never complete.
Lets try to add more effort and say what impact the game had one you, your feeligs toward the game, how certain events made you rect. Or whether it even made you feel anything at all.
When i first got it i wasnt impressed at all really, i didnt like the graphics and i found the gameplay very confusing. It didnt take long though before i was hooked, i think by the time i got to around wall market in midgar i couldnt put it down.
I remember going to sleep at night excited at the thought of waking up just so i could play this game, i faked sick so i didnt have to go to school. All in all it blew me away i had never played a game of that high of caliber before, it was breathtaking.