What impact did FF7 have on you the first time you played?

I guess my story is really weird.

I hated the game. My uncle is a very big gamer, and he bought the game. He didn't like it, so he asked my mom to try it. (She is also a very big gamer) She liked it, and the first few times I just watched her play the game (I was seven when it came out. Around 8 or 9 when my mom started playing it). I just didn't care for it, I thought it looked stupid, and just plain pointless. The graphics didn't seem to appeal to me either.

Than out of nowhere, as my mom told me, one day, I started reading the text that Cloud and the others were saying, through-out the game, as my mom played, and I started getting interested. I later on started a file of my own, and fell in love with Tifa. (Not in that way. I'm straight. xD) I already liked Cloud, so it was most likely for me to love the Cloud and Tifa pairing, and that's really ALL that got me stuck on it at first.

Than as I got older, I was still playing it, and my mom finally beat it. I was watching her ending movie for the game, and I think I went hysterically balistic O.O I was literally crying at the end. Where Tifa falls into you know who's arms, and you know who saves her. =/ I cried through-out the whole thing, and even if people ask me now, "I don't fucking know why I cried O.O"

I'm not a big gamer. Not at all. But I got a ps2, and all that's in there is Final Fantasy VII 90% of the time, like I said in another post. It's a game I can play for hours straight.

So a pretty friggin' weird impact if I may say so myself. o.o
I thought it was a great game. Something I'd never experienced before, I enjoyed the plot, the characters, the mini games, the gameplay in general. It quickly became my favorite game.

Looking back on it now... I was a tad on the ignorant side. It was my first RPG so it was all new to me, since then I've played dozens of RPG's that I've liked just as much if not more than FFVII. And not just in the FF franchise, once I expanded my horizons I found awesome games that Square-Enix wasn't even related to.

Currently my favorite FF game is IX, and my favorite RPG overall is Xenogears. I'm a huge fan of the Breath of Fire series (particularly BoF II), and I found Legend of Dragoon stunning.

VII may have been a thrill for me, but that was just because it was my first RPG. If I'd played Xenogears first and then FFVII, I don't think I would have found it nearly as profound.
The first time I saw it was in my holidays. I think it was in greece or so. I watched to a TV who a boy played it and run through the maco reactor. I just could play it for 30 minutes because we had to pay for every 30 minutes which we want to play. :D

Then later, I didn't know the name of the game, but I found the title-picture of FFVII in a market in my hometown. All the time in the market I said to my mom that I want this game and after 30 minutes I got it. :D

Then it began: The FFVII-crazy-time. I played so much to the end and started it from the beginning again. The game had so much because it was in the time, in which we get the games in 3D and until then I didn't got good games(let me say they were normal) but with FFVII I got a excellent game and it had so much new: so much ideas, what a stroy, a new view because of the new 3D, what a realistic world(not so much pixel-like like in the snes), ...

Today I still play it but not so often like in the past. Well we don't have so much time in our life but it doesn't matter: My memories are forever with me. :)

MFG Majin_Clodan
Do I need to say more? I finished it in about 1 week and save time at 70 hours the first time.
Er, really, I just remember the feeling. It's hard to put into words but I don't think it was obsession (though I did play for hours, and my mom started to wonder what I was doing all that time). It's just... the first time can never be beaten. I wish I could wipe the game from my memory and play it through for the first time.

We had never seen Final Fantasy like this before. FF6 was fantastic (almost as good), but there was just something about 7. It hit all the right bases.

I suppose it was just a religious experience.
I am obsessed. I think it has been the best Final Fantasy made yet, hopefully 13 will change my mind, It was the first Final Fantasy I ever played so of course i think its the best, i did have it a long while ago, but i had to sell it :'(. Looking forward to getting it again and massacreing it, XD.
hell.. I was 6 when i first play VII... i cried when i saw aeris die.. she was my favorite.. her and vincent...... anyhow... i frikin loved it.. Its an all time classic game:fan:
What can I say? I became very attached to the game. My best friend first bought it and brought it round for me to play. I hadn't really been into gaming too much before then. I just had a playstation because it was something to do and it was cool at the time. But FF VII changed me forever. I became addicted to its simple gameplay and its (then) great looking graphics. For me, it was so different and spectacular. The first proper RPG I had played on the playstation.

And I went on to buy my own copy some time later. And from my time playing the crap outa the game, I've got some very interesting memories. They range from pretending my friend is Cloud and I'm Barret, to just remembering listening to the Sugababes on the radio while passing through the Train Graveyard. A lot of strange memories, but some very fond memories of epic moments. Like the whole deal with Sephiroth and the Black Materia in the Temple of the Ancients and even shopping around in Wall Market. Just thinking about it, I feel like I need to fire up my PS2 and play it right now :D

I can honestly say that this game has struck me as the greatest video gamer EVER made and I dare say I'll always see it that way. It got me into gaming, shaped my life to how it is today and is just generally an amazing experience.
Firstly, the emotionally gripping storyline, for me make it one of the greatest games ever made. There just don’t seem to be in many others, if any games. No other I can think of (bar maybe parts from Final Fantasy VIII) which made me feel deep sadness, and regret, and wanting to unashamedly shed a few tears, especially with what happens to poor old Aries. God bless ‘er soul. Secondly, the soundtrack, though sometimes could be considered tot, is impressive, the battle-theme song is especially memorable. Thirdly, the characters were all brilliant. Sephiroth, quite possibly the baddest most ice-cool villain in history, was awesome, and the love-tringle that purses with Aries, Tifa and Cloud was surprisingly moving. No game I have played has ever made me feel enormous guilt over snubbing a girl for the first-date (and then having them die almost immediately afterwards). Cid was funny with all his prolific swearing, although the way he treated Shera, admittedly, sometimes made me feel a little uncomfortable. Fourthly, the materia-system was so incredibly flexible, I have fond memoires of spending many hours delicately arranging my materia to try and make my characters unstoppable and the amount of hours I wasted trying to get Barret’s lucky-sevens was ridiculous, I never did manage to get it. Sigh. 400 words in and I’m not even close to crystallizing what I really think about FFVII. Simply the best game ever.
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To me FFVII was like " now this is a game for me big swords, big boobs a kick arse airship
and some guy with a bent for tsaking over the world" in other words a really great game
For me...it was my life. I got it a week after it came out for my birthday (i was only 9). I wasnt sure what to expect but when i played it, I was immediately drawn into the new world I had discovered. It was like nothing I had ever dreamed of. I learned alot more from that game than i did in school. I still play VII to this day for nostalgia's sake and for the story (albiet beaten like a dead horse with all the side-storys and games) and just for the feeling of being a kid again sometimes. Everyone was unique in their own way and had their own reasons. Hell..I STILL dont know why Yuffie stayed as long as she did lol. (granted when she stole my materia i thought i'd never see her again) All in all..this game represents my childhood and the best times of my life.
Wow, good question!

Well, the first time I played, I was about the age of 9 or 10, or even younger, but since I watch my brother play it, I kinda understood the idea of the game, but somewhat it was a hard game....but if I play it now, I kick arse at it:P
honestly,i uploaded the emulator on my psp after i played crisi core,i was confused at first because cloud was reliving zacks memories,but once i understood it,its one of the best games ive ever played
When I first played Final Fantasy VII, I must have been about six or seven years old at least. I was too young to fully grasp the storyline in depth, but I did enjoy the fact that the game was about a group of rebels blowing up nuclear reactors under the noses of the Shinra (it was only until I got older, I could get past the Midgar section). I thought Cloud was the coolest video game hero I'd ever set eyes upon.
Well, truthfully, I played this game when I was real young. and the honest part of it is that it kinda sucked eggz. I didn't think it was a bad game...just inept. It was not until years later that the game became more significant to me. And even now I still believe the game sucks lol. It's not bad but it's not good either. I think it's because I played FF6 before 7 and you know how everyone who plays 7 first loves it...
Point is, since I played 6 first I think every FF after it sucks eggz.
I think it's because I played FF6 before 7 and you know how everyone who plays 7 first loves it...
Point is, since I played 6 first I think every FF after it sucks eggz.

I disagree with your above notion, considering this is not true to all people who played Pre-VII. I have played Final Fantasy since it first debuted on the Nintendo back in the late 80's and continued playing every single one through out the early-mid 90's (Imports ftw!) and into the present day. VII wasn't even my first Final Fantasy game, in fact, it was my seventh Final Fantasy game that I actually played by the time 1997 hit around with it's US release.

I still to this day, regard it as the greatest of the true FF series, due to it's plot, it's characters, the close relationship between protagonist and antagonist (Pre-VII, they were no-where near as in-depth), it's monster materia system, and obviously one of the most powerful and memorable scenes in video game history with the death of Aeris.

Back in 1994, I thought nothing could surpass VI, however VII trumped it, and in my opinion also IX. One important factor I loved about VII to previous FF games before it was that within the late game of them, it got boring and stale once you had completed most of the storyline with the only result of beating the final boss.

VII continued to be interesting simply due to the fact of earning all of the special bonuses. Breeding chocobo's, playing the Mini-Games at Gold Saucer alone I spent countless hours, along with my brothers trying to beat each other's score.

Then you have the Materia System, the greatest mechanics Square has ever conceived. This gave you an incredible amount of flexibility that you could put together, making the end-game far more entertaining, because you could do some ridiculous combinations that could even make stale characters like Caith Sith worth the time to invest in.

VII's impact was huge back in 1997 and to me as well. It was hilarious when I would go to high school at the time and my history teacher would be talking to us about Final Fantasy VII instead of actually teaching. It was a fun time, and one of the best experiences in my gaming time (considering now I don't play alot of games anymore).
I disagree with your above notion, considering this is not true to all people who played Pre-VII. I have played Final Fantasy since it first debuted on the Nintendo back in the late 80's and continued playing every single one through out the early-mid 90's (Imports ftw!) and into the present day. VII wasn't even my first Final Fantasy game, in fact, it was my seventh Final Fantasy game that I actually played by the time 1997 hit around with it's US release.

I still to this day, regard it as the greatest of the true FF series, due to it's plot, it's characters, the close relationship between protagonist and antagonist (Pre-VII, they were no-where near as in-depth), it's monster materia system, and obviously one of the most powerful and memorable scenes in video game history with the death of Aeris.

Back in 1994, I thought nothing could surpass VI, however VII trumped it, and in my opinion also IX. One important factor I loved about VII to previous FF games before it was that within the late game of them, it got boring and stale once you had completed most of the storyline with the only result of beating the final boss.

VII continued to be interesting simply due to the fact of earning all of the special bonuses. Breeding chocobo's, playing the Mini-Games at Gold Saucer alone I spent countless hours, along with my brothers trying to beat each other's score.

Then you have the Materia System, the greatest mechanics Square has ever conceived. This gave you an incredible amount of flexibility that you could put together, making the end-game far more entertaining, because you could do some ridiculous combinations that could even make stale characters like Caith Sith worth the time to invest in.

VII's impact was huge back in 1997 and to me as well. It was hilarious when I would go to high school at the time and my history teacher would be talking to us about Final Fantasy VII instead of actually teaching. It was a fun time, and one of the best experiences in my gaming time (considering now I don't play alot of games anymore).

Ahh of course! True players would know of 1994. But my point is not that whomever plays FF7 first likes it more than the previous ones. It's whomever plays FF7 first likes it period. I believe this to be a fact, as it shows more than 90% of the time.

I actually liked the materia system. I thought it was nice but FF7 bops FF6 too much. I don't doubt the potentials of FF7, just FF6 has too much meaning behind its histories to be called an average game. And with experience I see the world in a new perspective. Most underrated games/movies/phenomena usually are so due to an uncoverred veil in its roots. Same applies with FF6. In terms of fans and all of that, I would admit it- that FF7 and above pleases the crowd superiorly. But to me...and others who have open minds and eyes....we can see the true significance of such humane phenomena.
Ahh of course! True players would know of 1994. But my point is not that whomever plays FF7 first likes it more than the previous ones. It's whomever plays FF7 first likes it period. I believe this to be a fact, as it shows more than 90% of the time.

I actually liked the materia system. I thought it was nice but FF7 bops FF6 too much. I don't doubt the potentials of FF7, just FF6 has too much meaning behind its histories to be called an average game. And with experience I see the world in a new perspective. Most underrated games/movies/phenomena usually are so due to an uncoverred veil in its roots. Same applies with FF6. In terms of fans and all of that, I would admit it- that FF7 and above pleases the crowd superiorly. But to me...and others who have open minds and eyes....we can see the true significance of such humane phenomena.

Final Fantasy VI is a great game without a doubt, however in contrast to the root of it. This means including not just the storyline of the game, but also the game mechanics of how it's played and it's implementations, considering it is a game, so you would have to include this.

The "storylines" can and will always be debated, however from a game as a complete whole, VII just simply improved and did it better and on a much grander scale then VI did or any other previously. Also, VII isn't taking anything away from VI, I don't understand why you guys try to compare this notion. It's puzzling as to why VI is always compared to VII, and the idea that VI isn't getting enough limelight, or not enough grandeur.

However, let's be real here, the reason being is that VI just simply didn't make the same impact as VII did, which is the real truth behind it. As much as I love VI, it came out in 94 when 2-D gaming was at it's absolute prime, so there was no disadvantage it would have had in graphics. In fact, the mob models, the towns, look, and the camera angles with the chocobo and airship were new for the series.

It had incredible music, incredible storyline, and even it's gameplay was solid. The ratings they were giving at the time was a 93% out of 100 overall, so there was really nothing going against it. However, the simple case is this, VII was the first revolutionary Final Fantasy game, and not only that, but it came out at a perfect time, when fighting games were losing some of their flare, when home consoles were picking up tremendous steam considering they could in some ways, start to manipulate what could be played at the arcades.

When you accumulate all of thise together, with the fact that FF VII itself was a great game, it happened to be one of those perfect moments in the gaming world.

So when you look at it as a whole, VII did not take anything away from VI, it's just that VII just simply made a larger impact in the gaming world, which is why you'll have more people praising this game then VI simply did. Who remembers Street Fighter 1 here? Almost Nobody, if anybody here at that. However Street Fighter 2 is the game everyone knows and remembers, because it was the one that put Capcom on the map, much like VII did.

On another notion anyone who played something before the other and liking the original one they started happens in many other genre's as well. Younger gaming generations that I know of who played Final Fantasy X first, regard is it being the greatest, some other's even with XII. Heck in the Zelda series, although A Link To the Past wasn't my first Zelda game, it was the first one that I truly tried to play, and I feel it's the greatest out of any other Zelda game ever.

While you'll have more then 80% of the crowd saying Orcarina of Time was the best ever. So this saying can be stated for any Final Fantasy game, not just VII.