What is your favourite part in any FF?

Cloud Strife VII

Feb 21, 2008
What is your favourite part in any FF?
Mine would be the part where Cloud and Tifa were in the lifestream when Tifa helped Cloud get his memories back.
Mine would be the part in 7 where cloud dresses as a woman to get into the FF7 equivalent of the playboy mansion. Also including his encounter in the honey bee inn.

Don't ever forget the catfight between Scarlet and Tifa.
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Probably the SeeD Field Exam in Final Fantasy VIII. They really managed to make that one come to life, and I always find it incredibly exciting no matter how many times I go through it.
In Final Fantasy IV, where Cecil fights himself in order to become a Paladin.

Also, Rydia's return in Final Fantasy IV. That summon she used was very cool.
I'm with Sir Kenneth on this one. The mission (field exam SeeD) feels and becomes like your own mission. There is just something about "missions" in general that appeals to me greatly.

In FFIX, I loved the little parts where Zidane occasionally hears Garnet singing a tune. It is so serene and beautiful.

In FFX, the laughing scene. xD I don't know, there's just something about it that is very corny, yet heart-warming. It did made me smile.

I can go on forever, but a few examples should suffice for now.
I have LOTS of favorite moments that are stupid to meaningful ;)

But I'll just post a few, 'cause otherwise I'll be here for at least an hour :P

FFIV: When grown-up Rydia shows up and saves everyone. I was so happy, and it also explained why the Amano picture of her looked like a grown woman.

FFV: When Galuf and Bartz get hot for Faris when she's sleeping, BEFORE they find out she's a girl :D

FFVI: When Terra winks at Locke and Edgar during battle before they go to the the Returners' hideout; they way they "melted" was funny

FFVII: Around the end of Disc 2, when Tifa and Cloud are alone together before they take off towards North Mountain. I just love Tifa so much, and I can't help but sympathize with her.

FF Tactics: Ramza and Delita blowing the reed flute; it was one of the nicer moments in the dark story

FFVIII: When Squall gets stabbed with the ice spear; I don't know, maybe it turned me on or something :P

FFIX: The ending was so damn heart-warming. I don't care if you're not romantic, it's was so sweet :) "Come to me, my Dagger!" Kyaaa! So sweet!

FFX: After the Blitz tournament, Auron and Tidus finally meet after getting sucked up by Sin. The way Auron laughed was pretty uncharacteristic, and it was sweet when he patted Tidus' shoulder 'cause he was scared. I'm not just saying that as a yaoi fan (well, not completely), it kind of shows that Auron acted kind of like a fatherly figure for Tidus during those 10 years.

FFX-2: The ending when Shuyin and Lenne meet and rest in peace together: "This moment is enough", I loved that line.

FFVII DoC: When Vincent jumped from the Shera with the air board thing. I thought it was cool :cool:

FFXII: When Fran goes crazy on that ship and beats the crap out of the guards :D
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The laughing scene is horribly annoying, but it's great for a laugh.

Other than that, nothing comes to mind. I don't appreciate Final Fantasy all that much, really.

Oh, wait. Aeris' death comes to mind.
I can't chose an all time favorite part of FF... There are just too many lol
for FFVII the life stream/cross dressing parts come to mind instantly but i also enjoyed when ever there were mini games in FFVII like when you are on the bike protecting your freinds in the truck with clouds massive sword :P
and te Mt. Condor missions where you fight ShinRa with the little soliders :)
I also love the SeeD exam, it was so goosebumpy and you were right in there.

Also when Yuna performed her first sending. That was such a powerful and dramatic scene as was the kiss between Tidus and Yuna. I was so happy for them and yet so upset as what her future was.
When the Balamb garden is under attack in FFVIII. Ah, it was just epic, IMO. Everyone was in panic and it just made things seem like they were in a rush. I love suspense. <3.

That's just one out of the many things I liked in FF.
mine would have to be the ending of ff7 because i love the ending movie and will always like the way it ends a great game
Mine would be the part in 7 where cloud dresses as a woman to get into the FF7 equivalent of the playboy mansion. Also including his encounter in the honey bee inn.

Don't ever forget the catfight between Scarlet and Tifa.

Hahah they are my faves aswel ^_^

I also LOVE the Gold Saucer and snowboarding to the great glacier. Ooh I loved escapeing from Shinra HQ aswel..so much I love about this game :wacky:

In VIII probably the whole Space Incident from like lift off til you arrive back & bust Rinoa out of the sorceress memorial :monster:
FFX - fighting Ultima Weapon with a fully leveled up Anima then unleashing her overdrive.

FFXII - the airship battle at the start and end of the game, though the final battle was almost a star wars rip. Strahl = Millennium Falcon?

FFIX - going through Memoria and the chocobo Hot + Cold games.

Final Fantasy VII
I actually like the parts in the game that deal with Nibelheim, and Cloud's past. Although I played FFX before this and thus was already kind of tired of the "not knowing your past" bit, it was very mysterious and added a good bit of uncertainty to the storyline.

Final Fantasy VIII
Oh my gaaawd. :updown:

I loved the opening to the game, because it really added power behind the conflict between Seifer and Squall, and the Liberi Fatali with Rinoa in the field of flowers is still imprinted in my memory.

I loved The Landing, and remember the SeeD ships skating across the water under the giant moon. Too cool for words. Oh, and Quistis was badass when she gunned down that damn mechanical spider. I wish she had more moments like that in the game. :|

One of my favorite FF moments of all time is the anti-Edea plot at the end of Disc 1. From the Tomb of the Unknown King to the moment where Squall gets impaled through the shoulder, I was on the edge of my couch and FREAKING OUT. There was so much suspense, action, and strategy, I was literally shocked when I saw Edea drop the pwnbomb. I thought the main character had died already. D: Everything in that part of the game was executed to perfection, including Irvine's conflicting emotions and Rinoa's trek up to confront Edea alone.

The Garden War obviously falls in this list, too. I loved the motorcycle jumps, the magic/armed combat battles as Rinoa and Squall run by, the entire school in an uproar as you couldn't tell right from left. It was CRAZY. :panic:

I could keep going on about this game seeing as how I loved so much of it, but I'll just say the entire game was action packed and riveting. Very well done.

Final Fantasy IX
Actually, I think my favorite part was the opening. Starting off in Alexandria really gave that medieval feel that set the theme for the entire game. The music was choice, Vivi was interesting and unique, the play was fun and interactive, and the FMVs involving Zidane and Garnet were wonderful.

Final Fantasy X
I swear I already posted this somewhere else, so I'll just make a list of all my favorite moments, although the entire game is one big favorite moment for me. :D

- Opening (Loved the song, loved the graphics, loved the destruction)
- Surfacing at Besaid Beach (Loved the new society and the introduction of Wakka/Lulu)
- The Sending at Kilika (Someone else loved this scene, too! So poetic, a good emotion grabber)
- The Battle at Djose Highroad (The aftermath was touching and tragic, and you could really feel all of the emotions of the dead riding on the currents)
- "Killing" Seymour (WHAT THE HELL! I was so crazy and confused, and literally pissed at Yevon for being so corrupted.)
- The Destruction of Home (Too epic. My respect for the Al-Bhed quadrupled at least)
- The Wedding Scene (Epic rescue, and Yuna shows her cards in the form of Valefor. Via Purifico and the trial afterwards were awesome as well)
- Prayer of the Fayth (When the entirety of Spira sings as Sin falls out of the sky, I was soooo in awe)
- Zanarkand Ruins (Lady Yunalesca is a bitch. Nuff said)
- Inside Sin and The End (... I don't need to explain this. It was magic. :updown: )

Final Fantasy XII
The beginning and the end. The middle chunks of the game were crap imo, but I loved how the politics were put together up to Basch's Rescue for the beginning, and starting with the Airship business at the end.

The other games I don't care about, I haven't played, or there just wasn't enough in it for me to go 'wtf' like all of these games. I just love me a good storyline, ya. :)
Hmm...When Zidane encounters Garnet while she was singing...
As soon as you hear Garnet's song start to play, you know there's going to be a really touching or heartwarming moment ahead. I particularly like when he encounters her at the top of the castle in Lindblum; that cut-scene is just too cute. ^.^

I also like every single moment that was spent in Ultimecia's castle. The *best* final dungeon in the series. It was so beautiful. The puzzles were fun, and the music was great. ^.^
I'm not really sure which is my absolute favourite scene.
I love the dance scene in Final Fantasy VIII.
The Spring scene and The Ending scene in X are nice too... And I also enjoy the parts in Luca, the scene at Killika.
Seifer killing Odin in FF8... I don't think any event in any other game, FF or not, has ever caused even a remotely similar shock reaction as that.

My next favorite moment would likely be in FF6... when it is revealed that Sabin knows his brother Edgar has a double headed coin, and that Edgar has been taking the job niether of them wanted because he wanted his brother to follow his heart. Very touching... and I really liked that (Edgar's one of my favorite FF characters).

Then would likely come the Cecil vs Cecil battle atop the mountain in FF4. Its a classic depiction of good vs evil within one's self. There is an episode of Highlander entitled "Delieverance" and it concludes with a similar fight with Duncan fighting himself, and everytime I see it I think about the Cecil vs Cecil fight (I so can't wait for the FF4 DS remake to be released in America).

Then we get back to FF8, the scene where Laguna implies that Squall is his and Raine's son and says he wants to talk to him after everything is said and done. That always made me grin... of course, it just adds upon the tragedy that is Laguna's life.

Next would be a scene from FF11, when the Behemoths come onto the attack and we see their truly massive forms in the opening FMV war sequence... that was just plain awesome.

I could go on, but thats my top five, so I'll leave it at that.
FFIX - Fighting Beatrix, the scene where You're Not Alone is playing
FFX - Kiliki destruction. Sad, I know, but I found it very touching. The sending too, not to mention the beginning FMV.
FFVIII - The last battles. Oh, optional stuff too was a blast.
FFXII - Anything with judges. Hunts. The Music. The beginning and ending FMV's.
Well, my favorite part in VII was
when Cloud sauntered into the Honeybee Inn and had his steamy encounter with Mukki and his men. The hottub scene makes me happy ! Hum, that and when he and Aerith, Tifa confronted the Don. " I'll rip them off. " xD! Those are my favorite comedic scenes. Let's see, as for something serious, I'd say it'd have to be the very last FMV, when the Lifestream is coming forth to help Holy battle Meteor and everyone is on the Highwind, just standing there, watching it. Exquisite, beautiful. It gives me chills everytime.
Another favorite part of mine was in IX. It was a scene between Garnet and Kuja. Kuja -
" May I also take a part in this act? Yes, an act from a beautiful play. There is a knight on a white horse and a beautiful princess. It's a tale of tragic love. Overcome by grief, the princess must sleep for a hundred years. It appears we were destined to meet again. Come to me, angel, I'll take you to a world of dreams. " It went something like that. So lovely.