What IX might have been

Rockman X

Over 9000
Jul 7, 2007
On a boat.
I recently stumbled upon alot of concept artwork for IX done by Toshiyuki Itahana, and while i absolutely adore IX, i would LOVE to see what Itahana's version would have been like.

Vivi's very different but cool look:

Summon-based Dragoon classes, VERY awesome:

Classes pt 1:

Classes pt 2:

Garland apparently looked much like his original self in FF1:

Apparently dragons were intelligent creatures:

And cooked their food without ovens:

So what do you guys think? Wouldnt you love to see a FF made with these concepts? It looks awesome to me. And if you want to see more of Itahana's concept art, you can go here: http://www.finalfantasytr.com/artwork/itahana-ff9.htm
im really not into this, i mean if vivi looks like THAT, i can only imagine what zidane, garnet, or steiner look like. and oh god, amarant :O. i much prefer the look that they were given.
Vivi ... THAT?! No way! :P

Why does his Dark Knight look like a chicken? ...

Nah, I'm much happier knowing that IX had pre-set classes and non-radical illustration.
Umm...their isn't even a job class in FFIX. Did they mean for the game to have a job system? If they did that would of been incredible. But their is no Dark Knight, Bard, Archer, or Viking in IX so that leaves me kind of confused.
I think Vivi's alternate appearance looks fan-freakin'-tastic!

I mean, he's a cute little guy and all... but in all honesty, I am not really interested in playing with a dwarf sized kid black mage. I mean, we can all say what we want, but at the end of the day we are supposed to be saving the world! I'd like to believe that the characters I'm playing with actually have the potential to do so... which seems to be the case of this alternate version, more so than the real thing.

Anyways, I'm still not too sure about the rest though... smart dragons seem interesting.
Umm...their isn't even a job class in FFIX. Did they mean for the game to have a job system? If they did that would of been incredible. But their is no Dark Knight, Bard, Archer, or Viking in IX so that leaves me kind of confused.

Well this was all just ideas they came up with and apparently they didnt like any of Itahana's ideas xD I would have loved to see classes though, especially those amazing Bahamut and Leviathan dragoon armours. It'd be nice to have a Dark Knight make a return too, i miss that class. Viking...meh...i'm not fond of axes and other weapons that deal random damage.

The whole dragon thing reminds me of FF2 where you got to actually interact with dragons, rather than just fighting them. I wouldnt mind seeing something like that in a FF.

I think Vivi's alternate appearance looks fan-freakin'-tastic!

I mean, he's a cute little guy and all... but in all honesty, I am not really interested in playing with a dwarf sized kid black mage. I mean, we can all say what we want, but at the end of the day we are supposed to be saving the world! I'd like to believe that the characters I'm playing with actually have the potential to do so... which seems to be the case of this alternate version, more so than the real thing.

Anyways, I'm still not too sure about the rest though... smart dragons seem interesting.

Thank you! Finally someone else who likes Vivi's alternate look. Dont get me wrong, i love Vivi, he's one of my favorite characters and i use him in every file, but i still think that alternate look is awesome. It's just a complete contrast of cute unassuming Vivi.
For some reason, the Vivi sketch reminded me of a Heartless. :P

But anyways, no, I much prefer the current version. Changing the character designs to these would've made the whole medieval feel of the game go awry.
Well, I don't know.
I think Vivi's alternate appearance looks fan-freakin'-tastic!

I mean, he's a cute little guy and all... but in all honesty, I am not really interested in playing with a dwarf sized kid black mage. I mean, we can all say what we want, but at the end of the day we are supposed to be saving the world! I'd like to believe that the characters I'm playing with actually have the potential to do so... which seems to be the case of this alternate version, more so than the real thing.

Anyways, I'm still not too sure about the rest though... smart dragons seem interesting.

dont judge a book by its cover, vivi owned. and if your gonna complain about anyones appearance, why not quinas? would you really wanna bring that along to save the world? i like vivi just the way he is, you dont gotta be a 6 "4 cloaked black mage with a huge staff to be strong.
For some reason, the Vivi sketch reminded me of a Heartless. :P

But anyways, no, I much prefer the current version. Changing the character designs to these would've made the whole medieval feel of the game go awry.
Well, I don't know.

Oh i'm not saying i would have preferred those sketches to the current version, i love IX the way it is. But i would definitely hate to see those ideas fade into obscurity, i would love to see them made into a FF (not by SE though, i'd want it to be mistwalker...so i guess the name couldnt be FF)

dont judge a book by its cover, vivi owned. and if your gonna complain about anyones appearance, why not quinas? would you really wanna bring that along to save the world? i like vivi just the way he is, you dont gotta be a 6 "4 cloaked black mage with a huge staff to be strong.

Part of what makes vivi so awesome is that he's so adorable and unintimidating, yet he packs such a punch that he's invaluable to the party. I still like his alternate look though, sort of has a witch doctor/shaman vibe to it. Of course it wouldnt be the vivi we all love, but it by itself as a black mage outfit looks pretty badass.
I prefer the current versions, to be honest. The dragoons were pretty cool looking though. However, as far as Vivi goes...that is a big change! =O Truly the opposite...

I love Vivi's current appearance. He's so adorable...it was very easy to fall in love with his character. I like the fact that they made him look so unique...moreso than Quina. Quina was unique too, but...I just don't quite comprehend the...appearance. =/

Anyway, whoever created Vivi was a genius! That's all I've got to say.

I love Vivi's current appearance. He's so adorable...it was very easy to fall in love with his character. I like the fact that they made him look so unique...moreso than Quina. Quina was unique too, but...I just don't quite comprehend the...appearance. =/

Anyway, whoever created Vivi was a genius! That's all I've got to say.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Though the alternate character design is pretty cool-looking and could make for an interesting character in another game, just not in IX.
Vivi looks too old.
Not Innocent enough like he was in the game.

I like the rather cartoony look they were given and wouldn't have it any other way.
FF needs to make another game with FFIX-like Graphics
I like the rather cartoony look they were given and wouldn't have it any other way.
FF needs to make another game with FFIX-like Graphics

I cant believe you actually said that O_O

*applauds you*

I do quite love the chibi feel to the game...although i think some of those pics (the dragons and then the summon-based dragoons) could have been incorporated into the game.
The conceptual artwork is interesting, but I’m glad IX didn’t end up that way. Much of it seems a little too medieval for my taste and a lot less like Final Fantasy.

I don’t know, when I look at a lot of the concept art, I have a hard time fitting them with the personalities that we all got to know during the game. I’m just glad they ended up the way they did, It truly made for better character’s, in my opinion.
I don't like Vivi's look. The game was ment to "bring back the old of previous titles". Maybe that is what Square decided to do after they thought that look wasn't going to fly?
I like it, but i agree that it doesnt fit with IX. Looks more like a Native American black mage or something.
I'm sure those Dali workers wouldn't have been able to shove that Vivi in a box. :P
I think it would have been an interesting alternative if the game had been stylized differently *looks at Vivi concept* but the game would have had an entirely different feel to it. And I loved FFIX to pieces for exactly what it was. That fantasy, mystical feeling, with cuteness and poignant moments. If it had turned into something like FFXII, it wouldn't have been as good (to me).

And no I'm not bashing XII, I love XII, it's just that the plot, storylines and characters are obviously vastly different in IX & XII.
Aye, i'm glad IX is what it is...but i really would like to see those designs put to use, they look like they would make a pretty awesome game (much more awesome than XII)...but...i wouldnt want SE to make it though.