what pair do you chose

Zell was a funny bastard, but i hated him as a party member, always seemed so weak, i thought he would fight like Mike Tyson with his tattoo.

I liked that one earlier of Eiko x Gau, that could drive just about anyone insane!
I thought you would of learnt about prejudice from cecilandrosa.

We all have to start somewhere.

It was just a pic of Zell and Mike Tyson, showing how similar their face tats are.
Oh calm down Hildy its all good.

Prejudice is not a lesson taught here at FFF.

Yu guys seem to be learning how to not double or triple post.
Well done:smartass:
Sorry Hilda Garde I cant reply to your PM for some reason?:hmph:

Anyway posting pictures............like this:


^Lol. Edgar did get interested in her, didn't he? He said something like "Not quite old to be a lady yet, but soon."


Not sure if that will work as a couple, but they would make great babysitters for

I liked that one earlier of Eiko x Gau, that could drive just about anyone insane!

But anyways, some more suggestions:

Cyan X Beatrix (something about them both being so serious seems to match)
Kefka X Yunalesca (I don't know why, but why not)
Lightning x Cloud
Paine x Squall
Kuja x Kuja

...I have a thing for shipping male characters with their female selves. :awesome:
Saying Lightning was a female Cloud was one of the things that made me look forward to XIII so much, she was a decent character (probably the only one) but nothing like Cloud, and that game ended up ruining half my year.

Kuja x Kuja sounds spot on though :D
I don't get what to do either, but I will say I wish that Balthier and Ashe got together at the end of ffxii.. Maybe developed more feelings throughout the game and then when he gave her the ring back it was a proposal instead?

Just Sad he chose a stupid rabbit over Goddess Ashe..
Saying Lightning was a female Cloud was one of the things that made me look forward to XIII so much, she was a decent character (probably the only one) but nothing like Cloud, and that game ended up ruining half my year.

I personally find Terra to be a female version of Cloud... or vice versa, Cloud being the male version of Terra. And speaking of which:

Cloud x Terra