what pair do you chose

This thread is fun! I'll have a go:

Shotgun GuyxVanille
FangxScarface Guy

...But I mostly ship the first. Both are totally kickass fighters, and might clash at first, but before you know it, they'll start having difficulty finding the right words to say to one another and will be blushing in each other's presence quite a lot. Oh Noctis, you adorkable dork! Lightning will definitely make a man outta you.:cheers: She didn't rank next to Lara Croft on the hotness scale for nothing, you know. ;))

Vanille and Shotgun Guy will provide lotsa laughs and Fang and Scarface Guy look so incredible together. Kyaa~!!!:spaz:
life love fate time nothing matterd to the bad guys like seperoth only money how ever frend ship apeard and he was destroed this is us my band of frends together not even omega wepon can stop us nufe said
relm from ffvi and eiko from ffix.. maybe not lovers but long lost twins.. They both acted and looked similar..
Tidus and Rikku because I like Rikku better than Yuna and this couple would be better for humor and they have funny chemistry. Plus she's prettier than Yuna and is more lively/energetic like Tidus!