What pissed you off today?

Not sleeping until 3:00 am thats for one, and I am finding myself to wake up with a migraine every morning as of late, and to make matters worse it is one of the hottest days so far where I live and I have no air conditioner :neomon:

And now realizing that I must save up for the new Assassins Creed game and have zilch money :gasp:
My dad hogged my computer for three hours. No one else is going on tonight, period. Mine mine mine. :mokken:

Other than that, my day was just fine.
What pissed me off was that my driving lesson sucked so bad. I was so tired yesterday and I went to bed at 12 am since I had to get up at 8:30 am, but as expected I couldn't sleep and fell asleep at 3 am. I was so damn tired while driving.
I almost crashed twice... and next week I have my driving exam. I'm screwed since I fail most of the time in each lesson.
Strictly speaking this was yesterday, but my new hair cut :hmph:

Ive straightened it abit more to my liking, but Im still not happy :mokken:
I went to see a counselor about upgrading some courses over the summer so I can go to college and do the course I want... fucking bitch was so negative "You'll never get the three courses done in 3 months, it takes 5 hours a day, five days a week for 6 weeks to complete one course."

....~~kaaay but I'm jobless. I have all the free time in the world.

"How much time is that exactly?"

Well minus sleeping, it's like 15 hours of the day for 3 months.

If I want to attempt it, shouldn't these people fucking support you through it, not downgrade your abilities to learn when they don't know you?
I woke up. No, seriously. I thought I could have a nice and uninterrupted lie in, but the whole house woke me up. Was not very happy whatsoever.
I smashed a teapot by accident. I was making a cup of coffee and my stupid elbow knocked it onto the floor, nearly waking up the whole house. Of course, I'm pissed about how much of a klutz I am, not my elbow.

The teapot was nearly empty, so thankfully I didn't flood the kitchen floor as well. It didn't smash to a thousand pieces like I imagined it would, but it was badly cracked. It's a shame too, because it's one of those personalised ones I really love.
My phone

its really beginning to piss me off now, its losing its signal ALL the time, texts and calls are rarely getting through on EITHER end, and I still have to endure another month or 2 on this stupid contract. Ugh. I just want to cancel it now, roll on 22nd of july :rage:
This stupid Duffy poetry book has pissed me off enough times now today.

It's not enough that I have to study page after page of "thrilling" poetry for tomorrow's exam, but it's also given me a papercut somehow. It's not serious, but it stings nonetheless.

It's a minor thing, although I'm also pissed towards the idea of writing an exam essay on poetry in general. Poetry and I never get along.
Halo 3. The ranking system is so SHIT. I win 5 games in a row in first on lone wolves and I still have a 47 then I get 5th and then 6th and I go down to 46. what kinda shit is that? Jeez at least I got 47 back after I went down. Im so glad they are changing it in the next halo which is reach.
My job :rage: We're getting this ridiculous, expensive new computer system next week that's more complicated than the old one, and the training for it has been hell. Not only because I've had to work longer hours, but because instead of getting to Train for those longer hours, I've ended up having to do regular work anyway :jtc: And now they're talking about it possibly getting delayed a week, and if that happens it will fall on the week when I have to take off a Saturday to go to a family member's memorial service. Well, today when I mentioned that, they said that if it gets delayed to that week, I will have to work on *Sunday* :rage: I do not work on Sundays. Sunday f*cking morning from 8am to like 11am or so? No. :mokken: #!&! that shit.
Some chick puking in the goddam parking lot at Wal Mart, right in front of everyone ther, me, my family who were sadly eating at the time, and they left in there for someone to step in.

Like it wasn't bad enough watching her yak...by the way she was drunk. :awesome:
The fact that I can't get on MSN or access my emails. To make matters even worse, my current password needs resetting. Oh, the joy I'm feeling.
repairing my comp has been a real pain, and now I have to reinstall wow.

I have a horrible headache. :monster:
Someone tried to justify stoning a girl to death in Iran with "It was her fault she was raped!"

That pissed me off royally! :C
People who lie to me believing I won't notice. I find nothing more insulted than being underestimated in that matter. If you want to lie to me at least take time to make it as believable as possible even though I always check the facts. ;)
I hit my eye with my mascara brush. It hurt and now there is a big black splotch under my eye lid <.< It took a bit to clean it up.
A fly flew into my room and I was trying to swat it - with my own hand. I didn't have any good weapons close to me at hand.

Not only did I not hit the little bugger, but I'm slammed my wrist at great speed against the door. :gonk:

I bet the little fly was laughing at my klutziness (is that a word? xD). :ahmed:
Too much stuff. I wake up with a headache, as a result of sleeping in late, as a result of staying up late due to more drama at home. Jobs I apply to never get back to me, insurance money for my dental hasn't come in yet. My social life is pretty much obsolete, and I'm hungry right after eating, wtf?! Dx
I've woken up the last two mornings in a row with a splitting headache.

Today was worse though because it stayed with me all day. I'm usually not one for taking advil and that sort of thing for headaches but at 7:30 tonight it was still as bad as it was this morning so I took two. =/ It's gone now thankfully.

But I practically slept away my Saturday afternoon. Slept from 3 til 7:30pm.

And it didn't help at all. <_<