What pissed you off today?

Electric Bill... I got it in the mail yesterday and noticed it was a grand total of 178.00 and usually it's at 90.00 or so in the summer.

If it wasn't 95 degrees out every day.. my house would cool properly.
Pfft, Shu, my dad got the electric bill today and it was 300$... not sure why, but means moar rent money. D;

My bf has a rly bad back and can't be going back to work recently, which JUST happened when I lost my last job. GOOD TIME TO INJURE YOURSELF, GAWD.. although now he's gotta go home to England and get treatments cause this back thing could be a potential bone fusing disease.. so yaaaay not seeing each other for months.

Pfft, Shu, my dad got the electric bill today and it was 300$... not sure why, but means moar rent money. D;

My bf has a rly bad back and can't be going back to work recently, which JUST happened when I lost my last job. GOOD TIME TO INJURE YOURSELF, GAWD.. although now he's gotta go home to England and get treatments cause this back thing could be a potential bone fusing disease.. so yaaaay not seeing each other for months.


Damn that sucks, all the way to England for treatments.. though unemployment bit is more and more these days for folks. Hope he's okay, as well as yourself, I'm sure ya'll will be fine (cliche).

To Contribute to the thread: I need new glasses but they say the frames and the lenses will be $300.00 bucks, plus I need new contact lenses so tack on another $110.00 that only 50 dollars I'll get back from my insurance.

So right now I'm wearing old ass contacts. I have a splitting headache from my sinuses acting up. /EMOOOOOOOOOSHUUUUUUUU
Damn that sucks, all the way to England for treatments.. though unemployment bit is more and more these days for folks. Hope he's okay, as well as yourself, I'm sure ya'll will be fine (cliche).

To Contribute to the thread: I need new glasses but they say the frames and the lenses will be $300.00 bucks, plus I need new contact lenses so tack on another $110.00 that only 50 dollars I'll get back from my insurance.

So right now I'm wearing old ass contacts. I have a splitting headache from my sinuses acting up. /EMOOOOOOOOOSHUUUUUUUU

Just reading that made me realize I don't have to complain about my crappy day. :sad3:

Student Council Meeting at 2:00 PM, the strike at my campus might finally end but resuming classes at this point is quite stupid since most of us can't remember a fuck about what we were discussing in our respective courses. :rage:
Ugh....the prices for new prescription glasses (lens & flame) are ridiculously high now I come to think about it, considering I had to pay somewhere in the region of £180 to £200 for the current pair I'm using.

Anyway, I've had a minor annoyance today. Someone waltzed into college with a vuvuzela in hand, blowing it every minute or so. I was working on some research online and he came in with his friends and started blowing it at them as hard as he could for a laugh right next to me as well without warning.

Ow, that was loud. At least he was sent out though. I would have loved to see the librarian chase him out batting him with the vuvuzela.
The cleaners.

It's not even midday yet and they've been here for a freaking HOUR! I've been waiting to get ready since I woke up and they just won't bugger off. Plus, I've gotta go in an hour and a half back home, so you can tell why I'm pissed off.
For some reason today my sinuses are reaaallly bad, so I've got a horrible headache when I'm supposed to be studying =/
I think it's because the weather's suddenly gone bad after a few weeks of sunshine and stuff and my sinus problems are pressure-orientated.
Fucking hurts though.
It's not pissed me off but its really pissing me off................downloading something at 25kb/sec that is 1.02 GB................Estimated Time Left: 6 hours 25 Minutes 12 Seconds

i was pissed off by the fact that i come back after being off for a while and all my fucking tools have dissapeared. Im pissed off that all my boilersuits have been taken out of my locker and are being used by someone else. IM pissed off that my gaffer seems to think that beacuse ive been off a little while il somehow be imcompetant and hes giving me shit jobs to do. I was so close to walking out today, ive had enough.
Damn that sucks, all the way to England for treatments.. though unemployment bit is more and more these days for folks. Hope he's okay, as well as yourself, I'm sure ya'll will be fine (cliche).

Cheers Shu. We'll be okay. It just sucks cause money's tight, on us and my folks (who we've been living with) and unless we get all the money back from the Visa people who owe us $1900 for 'services' they didn't provide, it's gonna be rough to try send him back home.


The little shits are everywhere! I keep finding daddy long legs. >.<

They keep giving me shudders every time I think about them. >.< I ended up getting a massive cramp in the left side of my chest because of it. =/

Was rather painful.

I saw a black spider about the size of a dime yesterday come shooting out from underneath something and towards me on the bed. I had no idea what to do so I just grabbed my bf's sock.. and squished it. x.x

I'm pissed off that it's been raining too damn hard the last 4 weeks that we haven't been able to go swim in our pool. :rage:

This somebody....

The fact that that this somebody doesn't believe me. Fine whatever. I'm just tired of this somebody saying the same thing over and over and over. Its getting old and im sick of it.

This somebody also tries to make up excuses... idunno its not working for me im mad.
Work (hey, what's new? :awesome:)


Holy f*!@ing crap, do I hate my job :rage: It's bad and boring enough as it is when I'm doing regular work all day--customer service, repetetive daily tasks, having to be polite and all, and holding my tongue all day when the local zombified socialites sit there spouting off their completely ignorant views about what's going on in the world, tainted by closet racism and pseudofeministic b.s. that makes me want to literally strangle someone :ffs: But now, since it's summertime and we're less busy, it's all I can do to find things to occupy the time, and if I don't find things to do the whole six hours I go crazy :sad3: But now, not only is the pregnant girl I already work with taking over some of my deskwork since she can't lift boxes anymore (which is not her fault of course), but now starting tomorrow I have to start training some new cold bitch (nice to everyone but me for some reason) on how to do all the OTHER things I do >_> I'm like, seriously boss--if you want everyone else to do all my work for me, then the f*ck am I supposed to do? And they act like they're doing me a favor :gonk: If they want me to sit on my ass and read a book all day like everyone else I'll be glad too, but I'm sure as hell not going to stand around and pretend to be working the whole time when there's flat out nothing to do :mokken: Honestly, as much as I appreciate the money, I seriously want to gouge my eyes out whenever I'm there. I can't be myself because of both the employees and the clientele, so it's very stressful, and I get sick all the time because the only food there I can snack on makes me dizzy and doesn't fill me; and I've also had a lot of breathing problems lately which make the experience even more unpleasant ;_; AAAAAAAgh I hate my work, can some CEO of a big company just please give me a whole bunch of money so I don't have to do this anymore? Kthxbai.

My ex. Hes a liar and a complete and utter dicking tool. He cant have me as a friend cause Im in a new relationship, but he has the bitch whom made his life a hell as friends on every social site! So I gave him a bollocking and its just gone overboard.
Ex's are never good. You should know better. :mokken:

I spent too much money on groceries when my mum bought groceries as well. :gasp: I probly didn't need to buy half the stuff I did...
WoW realms are still down.

id cut myself if i knew they weren't coming back up :monster:

Its the only thing you have to hate about mmos... motherfuckin' patch day T____T
Derek get a life. :monster:

ilurly <3

I'm pissed off at my sister and her selfish ways liek. She just had a wedding, and our parents, her and the man, and his folks each paid a third. Today they had a discussion about what still needs paying and who can pay for what. My mum says she doesn't have the saved money (3 grand) she had put off for the wedding because ever since my dad got on disability/officially retired, he's been getting shit all money. I was able to help with rent an stuff at first (which my sister never did for all the years she lived here, which was until she was 24) but haven't recently because I lost my job as well.

She starts getting all upset because she thought things were sorted and gonna get paid for. Dude, it's your wedding, and yeah it's tradition for the Bride's parents to pay for it, but my folks have 3 girls. They got screwed at the first wedding, and now the second. They're not financially stable and it upsets me that she doesn't realize that.