What pissed you off today?

What pissed me off so bad today was losing twice against the Ninetails in the RPG. That things is so annoying, especially when it uses the poison spell. I get out of my nerves everytime she spams that attack.

They're getting everywhere now and I'm practically scared of them after a near-traumatic incident that happened back when I was about twelve.

Anyway, we've had one wasp invade our English Literature classroom. It buzzed around my head (I was so scared that it was going to fly into my ear or something >.<) and it even sat on the laptop keyboard I was using. *cringe*

Another one got into the bus I was taking home. It was by the back upstairs and I only noticed it when it was crawling on the window ledge next to me. So I started stumbling to the front while the vehicle was moving.

And finally, there's one in the conservatory right now. I'm too scared to go inside and open the door to let it out or something. >_<
the fact that i realised this site is pretty much infested with gurly nonsense threads....

oh and I am behind my knowledge of first aid and the law..and have 2 exams next week,yet im distracted by all these fancy girl talking wasting my time here instead of doing homework...that is what is pissing me off.
I woke up today at 1 am and then fell asleep again at 10am and slept til 2pm. AND I'M STILL TIRED. I shouldn't be tired after getting so much sleep.
The weather,was planning on going for a walk just now becasue I'm bored as hell...........But the weather just turned cloudy with high winds...................and It's meant to be 22 degrees that's if your checking the weather on the BBC.........Guess I can't trust them anymore......Sky news it is for my daily weather update now!
Derek get a life. :monster:

ilurly <3



anyway my net has been on the fritz for the past few days, it's been pissing me off pretty badly. :neomon:

interrupting wow tiem, porn tiem, youtube tiem, and pirated movies tiem makes me mad D:<

Man, 300 million in the box office for them, what the hell is the matter with Society nowadays? Movies with actual plots fail because there are deprived teenaged girls who love Team Jacob/Edgar :wacky: I am quite frankly sick of it all together :ryan:
Just completed Final Fantasy IX

But...............I had to fight Necron like 15 times!!

Plus I had to fight Kuja as well because everytime you lose you have to load the save file and fight Trance Kuja again!............I could beat Kuja,but Necron was too powerful............I didnt want to level up anyway, I fought I could do it without leveling up............But I should've................It took me like 3 hours just to kill him!!!!...................
whats pissed me off today is the fact that one of my best mates who said he wouldnt do anything to annoy/upset me has got with the one girl ive been trying to sort stuff out with...
FFS!!! Why does all the bad shizz happen to me? >.<

This somebody....

The fact that that this somebody doesn't believe me. Fine whatever. I'm just tired of this somebody saying the same thing over and over and over. Its getting old and im sick of it.

This somebody also tries to make up excuses... idunno its not working for me im mad.

Yeah, same situation here. That and the fact that some people really don't fucking know how to make "believable" excuses. I was having such a nice day and BAM! People canceling out in the last second.

With all that has happened to me these days I am really losing all kind of trust for some of the people I know (outside the Internet) because most of them: a) Think they can fool me, well dudes...you can't...I always find out the truth one way or another, b) Are irresponsible pieces of shit, c) You can't really count on them, d) Oh just wait till pay back time....e) They really make the BEAST inside of me coming out of its cage....:rage:

I am a calm guy...getting me pissed off is not that easy, but when you do...run. I mean it. You won't see what's coming. :vikki:

Somebody high five me if you believe that "irresponsible/last minute canceling cunts who can't make a decent excuse" should be left stranded in a desert island. :monster:

I know it's pointless to rant here but I needed to let out some steam....:ahmed:
I just mowed the lawn three days ago and went outside today to find that it needed to be mowed again

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ntelos has finally come to the conclusion that maybe my router is finally crapping out on me and sending me a new one. I won't even get it until I have to go back into work again :wacky:

its not that hard to put 2 and 2 together when you're dealing with a (basically) brand new comp lol. id probably sue them for being so shit if i worked longer hours :monster:
Whats pissed me off today is the fact that everyone im around is having problems with their lives at the moment whether it be getting kicked out of their house for being 'a drug addict and alcoholic', to having relationship problems and many more although the one thats really pissing me off still is the fact that the girl ive liked for a while now got with my best friend on friday and he is treating her like shit >:(
Which is really pissing me off because she means so much more to me than he can ever think of to be honest, he is just an immature twat.
Not seeming to be too harsh or anything but I wish he would go die a slow and painful death somewhere far far away from me because I've already got sick of having to cheer her up when he says or does something that upsets her.
Her facebook statuses are the worst part of it because she still says she misses me and just because she and my 'best' mate where drunk they thought they 'needed' to be together....

If he treats her badly one more time I am personally gonna yank his bullocks off like a paper towel:mad:
The tyneside police have really pissed me off today.

a nut case killed his ex-girlfriends new borfriend, shot her and then shot a police officer, and 48 hours later the pyscho is still on the run, WHAT!!! the police are doing a fantastic job up here like, some loonies running about with a shot gun and the police close down roads and shit, where the person was last sighted.
HINT: if he was last sighted there chances are HES NOT THERE NOW :rage:

honestly how shit are police at doing there job these days :ffs:
Myself, strangely enough :shame: Today when I was talking to someone, I completely went psychobitch on them and started yelling at them when they completely didn't deserve it at all :sad3: I'm so mad at myself, because they probably think I'm a complete moron now, they haven't known me for very long and it's a really shit way for me to make an impression :ffs: And I have no idea if or when I'll be able to make it up to them. I swear I must have some kind of subconscious self-destruct mechanism, I always screw up things that are important and do great at things that aren't :sad2:
Next doors alarm

Instead of leaving it to jnust go OFF for ages, get your fuckign arase out of bed and sort it the fuck out

I was dreaming it was my alarm and couldn't get it to turn off. THen my alarm went off and woke me up proper :hmph:

Most irritating, it's fucking Monday morning, sort it out you irritating twats
Got a letter from the landlord. Got a house inspection coming up this friday. Time to clean up the place and get the cat out of the house for the day :rage:


I had a customer imply that I was retarded.

I was cashing her out, giving her her pizza when her kid starts asking about me in college (kid is about 6). The kid asks if i'm taking classes over the summer, to which I reply "no, i dont like taking summer classes, they are kind of hard."

His mother looks at her son, nods toward my direction and says "if youre smart you are gonna take summer classes." takes her pizzas, and walks out the door.
Our stores {WAL MART} are limiting every customer to buying ONLY 2 milks per customer! What the hell is this? who can get b y with only 2 milks? I mena we're going to be going back and forth to and from the store forever! I mean I MIGHT as well go buy a Cow -__-