What pissed you off today?

I've done sod all all day. Now, for most people that'd be a nice day, but I don't like the feeling of just sitting around doing nowt.
I just feel lazy, and like I should be doing more, since I'm technically on holiday again... I shouldn't just be sat in my nan's house.

Also, I can't find my phone, again :ffs:
I think I just need to attach it to myself with a piece of string. I keep losing it/misplacing it :dry:
I have to say I am a little pissed with a friend haha. Tried to explain something and it just felt that no matter what I said it didn't mean much and then they'd repeat what I said. They asked me if I thoght I'd be where I am if I had this opportunity earlier or later, and I disagreed and it just turned into an argument. why ask me if you are just going to tell me what I would have done?
I was supposed to go shopping with my friend today, and when I woke up I smelled something really awful.....so I went to see what it was, and my cat had pissed on my favorite shoes, and my other shoes were at my granny's house :( and she's in another country :( so basically, I can't even leave my HOUSE. I was really pissed! I ended up being sent home for going barefoot n_n
I cant find my fooking leggings!!! Ive got 2 pairs and both have disappeared!!!! How and fooking when is beyond me! Im so miffed cause Im going out tommorow and I so wanted to wear them with my new tops!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My laptop. Seriously, it seems like no matter what I try to do, just something has to fail, I played resident evil, just wanted to lower my screen but then it went black like mostly when I touch the screen, of course it doesnt want to restart and it's stuck forever so I had to take out the battery. And Internet is just stuck whenever I have something important to do, uploading vids to youtube never works, Internet always crashes then. It's bitchin with another site now as well.
I got a job today. Usually I'd be psyched... but I make more on my EI benefits than I will on the job.. About 40-50$ less.. =/ I REALLY either want it to turn full time, or get the other part timer I'm trying to get.. otherwise it's pointless...
Food poisoning. Finally get a chance to eat something different after complaining for days and Karma strikes and makes me unwell. I am not impressed. Starting to feel better now but it completely ruined last night. Typically happens on a weekend too, no?
My mother.

The woman never seems to back out of an argument, she always has to win. I was meant to be going away pretty soon and she wanted to know every little detail. I appreciate that she's my mum and going to be worried, but I don't appreciate her waving the what-if-you-go-missing card in my sodding face. Sometimes I wish she could trust me since I am an adult after all.
mom :elmo:

she stuffed the trashcan full of shit so when I tried to pull it out the folds ripped and everything went all over the floor, then she just bitched at me instead of helping me clean it up. fucking gayness :monster:
Well for some reason my SIN and access code don't match when trying to do my EI reports online to get money.. which is weird cause I did my last report without a hitch. Now I have to call tomorrow and find out why they fucked up my account for no reason. :rage:
The mess in the house.

It's probably just because I've nothing to really do today, but I just have this massive impulse to run around the house and get some tidying done. In just half a day, clutter can scatter everywhere shockingly quickly. I stepped on some Lego on the floor earlier and that left a painful mark on my foot.

Honestly people - a bit of tidying up isn't too much to ask, rather than leaving it around expecting it to clean itself up. I generally can't stand looking at mess anyway.
i just got my hair cut

and it wasnt thick enough to get it the exact way I wanted it since ive been wearing my hair flat and long for such a long time. so now i get to go to work tomorrow looking awkward :monster:
My job. Im happy Im employed, but retail is dragging me down and Im going to lose my weekends, which is the only time I can see my partner. I want an office job, 9-5 and weekends off!! Its so hard getting one though :(

Pre-ordered Starcraft II from play.com and things like that usually come the day before it's released (it comes out tomorrow) and I've been gearing myself up to play it today after work...it never turned up. I also ended up accidentally watching the ending so I've spoiled the 12 year suspense of finding out anyway.

My Nan. She woke me up at half past 8 saying 'I'm off to walk the dog now, back about 10'
I was just like, you didn't need to wake me up for that :mokken: and now I'm kinda tired already because I went to bed last night.
She should have just gone and left me.
Election crap in the mail. Apparently the huge "NO JUNK MAIL" sign I put on my letter box does not protect me from political pamphlets :rage:
I'm pissed off at myself. Seriously I have enough from my health. I just wanna run miles or something but I can't even step to the town hall without getting tired (and thats not even 500 m away) so most of the time I just sit on the couch.
I do admit I go to bed way too late but when I just go to bed earlier I fall asleep at 3 am anyways. Hope it's different soon.
Pissed of at my pills. I have to take 5 pills a day for the next 5 1/2 months, and 3 more pills on top of that for the next week or two. I'm not a happy camper, to say the least, especially since I absolutely hate popping pills. But well, whatever's best, I guess.
Florida :jtc: I was just sitting outside for about an hour, on a folding chair, and I got not one, not two, but THREE mosquito bites on my backside, of all places :rage: Yeah. So now I'm going to be walking around looking like a caveman for the next few days, scratching my ass and grunting about it :ffs: I don't even understand how it's possible if I was sitting ON A CHAIR :banghead: If I were in a video game, like Secret of Evermore, I could at least get some EXP for swatting them, but nooo, I have to live in a fricking swamp :mokken: Ironic the only wildlife they couldn't clear out when they developed it was the suck one, so to speak. I HATE MOSQUITOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rage: :rage: :rage:
