What pissed you off today?

Our stores {WAL MART} are limiting every customer to buying ONLY 2 milks per customer! What the hell is this? who can get b y with only 2 milks? I mena we're going to be going back and forth to and from the store forever! I mean I MIGHT as well go buy a Cow -__-

What?! That's ridiculous!

It's almost as bad as the time I had 2 bags of skittles in a day, went back the next day and the owner said "I think you've had enough."
I felt normal, but I must've gone in with skittle remnants all over my face or something, on a sugary high :wacky:

Personally, I think you should declare war on your local Wall Mart!
I forgot to pick up my mum a gift today, it's her birthday tomorrow. :ffs: So now and the bf have to slip out tomorrow and go into town and get her something post haste.
I cut my hair too short today..........I told him to cut a little bit and he goes and cuts a lot............then I just told him to level it off,now I have short hair and look really gay.........Any suggestions on how to grow it back........within two weeks..........It's like 1 inch now........
I was running out of the college to catch the bus home earlier. It arrived a few minutes earlier than I expected it to and I was frantic to get onto it to avoid waiting about a quarter of an hour for the next one to arrive.

As luck would have it, my form tutor stepped right in front of me to ask me about my personal statement for about a minute. By the time she shut her trap and walked off, the bus was out of sight.

And seeing as that bus was five minutes early, the next one didn't arrive until approximately twenty minutes later. Needless to say, I wasn't pleased. :mokken:
Waking up in the afternoon is pissing me off lately. Oh yes and Fucking mosquitos that need to get a fucking life and stop buzzing around the house -__- Also catching Ho-oh with perfect Iv's is frickin hard so yup thats pissing me off as well. Finally gonna get that damn tv tommrow probably. Thr big one is pissing me off it just makes me fall asleep. :mokken:
My overly sized ugly nearly out dated Television, man I told my parent I didn't want it but something tells me they won't let me say "No":cry:

I don't want it its so darn ugly :gonk: And it takes up way too much space -__-
My bitch of a mother is whats pissed me off today as she keeps finding the smallest things to moan at me about. I dont do one little thing like turn off a light she goes off on one shouting at me telling me to move out of the house and shit. Its doing my head in to be quite honest.
Having to pack my apartment up. It's irritating and I still have a lot...a lot left. I'm tired, though and it's hard to do that with a healing broken ankle. Booo... >_>
The thing that pissed me off today was that the Twilight movie ended at 8:57 and we had to catch the train from 9:04 or else we had to wait an hour. Of course we wouldn't make it by just walking so we had to freaking run! And I'm out of breathe really fast so that pissed me off. Luckily we made it right on time.
I received an email earlier this week telling me that I was due to attend a meeting with the Principal along with 20 others in my year concerning our interests in Oxbridge. "Please arrive at 9am" it said along those lines.

So I turned up, sacrificing time I would have otherwise spent catching up on some sleep to come in. We were waiting for nearly half an hour before a clueless member of staff led us to a totally random room, where we resided in for another 20 minutes.

Then a slightly less clueless staff member came in to apologise to us for keeping us waiting. Apparently the Principal was in a meeting and couldn't see us until the lunch hour. So we had to sacrifice our lunch hour as well. :jtc:
It wasn't exactly today but the anger has held me over since yesterday. I was supposed to get broadband yesterday but, once again, they fucked up again and I'm still stuck using this worthless garbage. I keep hearing from people about how much AT&T sucks. It's amazing due to the fact that they haven't even activated our internet and they're already started to fuck up on us. Hopefully, we'll have it by Wednseday but I'm not getting my hopes up. Well, I am but I really wish I wouldn't.
What's pissed me off today? I woke up early after having hardly any sleep and of course, being earlier, not as many people are on and seeing as today is a rather lazy day I am just sitting here waiting for company haha. I hate summer. If you aren't away then you are always waiting around till they come back...and typically when half of them are back, then I am away. The joys of timing, eh?
I didn't sleep at all with all this heat and my eyebrows are angry trying to keep my eyes open! my only salvation will be a bath full of ice cubes
When I woke up this morning, I got a call from Mother, she was angry at me because I had forgotten to take out the trash. Truth is, the truck came much earlier than it usually does and I was just late, I guess. She asked me why I didn't take out the trash and when I told her what happened she snapped out a "I con't care!"

Really? She doesn't care and why the fuck did she even bother to ask me why I haven't if no matter what I was going to say she would have said the same thing. Thing that made me thought that was that she didn't even let me finish my words before she snapped out at me. Sometimes, I just don't understand grown ups and am just scared to grow up to be one of them, one of the rest of many tired and grumpy adults....
What pissed me off today is the bunch of pikeys who mugged me and my mates on Saturday are now starting again but going up to my girlfriend etc.

Telling her they wanna fight us and shit. They got the balls to mug us then they gotta have the balls to tell me and my mates face to face.

They think their all that just because they walk around in tank tops and tracksuit bottoms drunk and stoned picking fights with random people trying to enjoy themselves?
If that's what they think makes them all that then they wanna come find me again, just because I was ill last week and barely had the energy to move doesn't mean ill give up so easily this time.

Also the fact that the pikeys who mugged me keep knocking at my door and running away when I go to answer it.
wtf is a pikey?

I had a fairly good day until I realized it was 2:46. What was the significance of that time? Well, in a time zone three hours ahead, in Toronto, we were supposed to call/receive a call from a Visa Agency about getting our 1900$ back. When we called earlier they said the man handling our case was on the phone and would call back. He never did. Now they were closed. :mokken:

Now we have to wait until monday to get in contact with them again. Oh but wait, I'm receiving emails about messages in our account that would help our case. Of course our account is locked after not paying the remaining 200$ which we refuse to do.

tl;dr.. money stress.
Few things ticked me off today. First was the heat, especially walking at downtown, L.A. Then we paid this dumb parking lot attendant who turned out to be a total scammer. As soon as we paid, we went up to the lot and whaddya know, there were 15+ cars more than there were parking spaces, so people ended up parking in front of other cars, which really pissed me off. What if those vehicles needed to leave, but obviously can't because there are other vehicles right in front of them? The parking lot was so cramped it was so difficult to drive our truck around. We refused to park in front of other vehicles so it took us awhile to find a parking space, and then hoped that no one would park in front of us...

Then there was that walking around downtown, and it's not a very fun experience with my grandma around. She stopped at every little shop and the rest of us were just busy dodging people in the sidewalk - it was that crowded today.

And then finally, we stopped at a McDonalds, which was THE worst McDonald's I've ever been to. No air conditioner, which made it horrible just being inside with all the people. The line was huge...I've never seen that huge of a line in any fast food places. And to make it worse, my daughter had to go to the restroom, and there was a big line for that too.

To make it twice as worse, I was asked to show this worker a McDonald's receipt if I wanted to stay in line. I gaped at him for a moment, and then turned to my grandma who was already in line for food, and practically yelled across the room: "Grandma, can you get me a Big N' Tasty and chicken nuggets?!?!" That was enough proof for the worker, I guess, since he let us stay in line. (By the way, that Big N' Tasty was freakin' gross. The meat was so dry and tasteless.)

Last but not least, I finally went in the restroom with my daughter, only to witness a big old woman come out from a stall, with sweat glistening all over her chest. Fortunately for us, we didn't have to use the same stall...

So yep, that was my day.
I worked at a McDonald's for a year, what the fuck is a 'Big N' Tasty'? I've never heard of it...

Today I was at an 8 hour job employability skills workshop getting my First Aid certificate to look good on resumes. 8 hours stuck on a couch inbetween two other girls in this hot little room while every other seat was occupied. I didn't get enough sleep the previous night so I nearly fell asleep twice and felt like a douche.

Oh, and the air conditioner in my car is still not working. Brilliant.
I should be happy as I got a full bag of awesome clothes from Primark with my mum for £21. But its my ex again. After another big row bout 3 weeks ago he blocked me on FB and told me he wouldnt add his previous ex to FB again. That was the cause of the arguement. He wont add me, but will her and she was the bitch of all bitches. Then he removes the block today and whats this??? Hes friends with her AGAIN after saying he would NEVER EVER add her again. So I sent him a pissed off message and blocked the fucking fat liar myself. What a fucking prick, hate his fat guts.
Not really pissed me off, but did tick me.
Some people just take RP relationships a little too seriously. Honestly, in some cases it's kinda cute, but when I have a whinny kid calling me complaining about it, it kinda gets on my nerves for about two or three minutes, then...I go back to thinking it's cute. /facepalm