What sports are you currently involved in or have done in your life?

I have played football and wrestled all four years of high school. I am currently wrerstling on the high school team, but my record is 5-7. My schools league competitions start this week and I am really looking forward to it.
Currently, i'm involved with 3 different hockey teams... Glencoe A, A/E, and high school hockey. Not doing too well in Glencoe hockey but in high school hockey we are now in first with a big win :)

I also play baseball in the summer, and volleyball at school but that was a couple months ago.
I have been a soccer player for 3 or 4 years. Quit when I was 12. I have also been a member of a Taekwando club. As well as some unofficial bmx contests. At the moment I am interested in Snowboarding but can't find a club for it.. :ohshit:
I ran track and cross country for a few years in high school. The years that I didn't run cross country I played football, but my one true love was always basketball. High school basketball was always fun but I really miss playing AAU. I was on a couple of AAU All-Star teams, and we were pretty good. I also played a little bit of LaCrosse during the summer. Now I'm an avid golfer, and I think it's probably the most fun to play of all sports.
Well from 1997 to 2000 I made athletic sports. After that time I decided to go to the sportschool in my hometown. I continued athletic sports but now with the view that I must train every day 3-4 hours and must enter in competitions and now this sport was called competitive sports. Well I made from 2000 to 2006 the competitive sports in athletic sports but because of some complications I end the sport. :sad2:
After this until today I just run in the forest or train the body but this kind of training isn't comparable with a competitive sports. :) But besides my study it is enough. :D

MFG Majin_Clodan
I didn't play on a team at the school. (they wouldn't let home schooled kids)
But I did play basketball and football with kids that were on the teams.
I've played varsity football, basketball and lacrosse. I have also played other sports to the side, I have played soccer for fun, it's a nice sport. Same goes for tennis, I can hit the ball and I have some skills, but I'm no Roger Federer. I used to play baseball. I like golf but I'm terrible at putting, I want to one day try hockey.
I am involved in dancing and swimming and I used to be a part of a baskteball team. I'm looking for some dancing lessons, hip-hop and such. Usually I do hip-hop freestyle. I do some cool moves when I feel the music. I'd like to take that to some higher level though. As for swimming, I only do diving and a few weak swimming techniques.
I play beach volleyball and pickup games of football the most. I'll play anything. I lost nearly 80 lbs in the past year and a half and have become very active in anything physical. I've never played soccer before until a few weeks ago. I suck at it and was one of the worst on the field but it was fun. The sport I least like to play is mowing the lawn. We've got ants.
Well I have a lengthy list of sports I've done, but I'll stick to what I'm doing currently. Right now I'm marathon training, but only for the half marathon. I run pretty much 5 times a week, (recently slacking for my 2nd week in a row), but mainly try to do around 25 miles a week.

I have cut 22 lbs since 2008 and am trying to get down to 187. Unfortunately I love food, and cook out on weekends, so I'm down to 195.. which is very painful to say the least when I get the scent of food in me.

A sports recap of my life though..

1988-1997 - Soccer - Center Forward 2000-2001 - Right Midfielder
1990-1997 - Baseball - 1994-1997 Pitcher - 1990-1994 Short Stop
1990-1996 - Basketball - Forward/Guard
1995-2003 - Track
1997-2000 - Football - Defensive End/Linebacker/Tight End
2001-2002 - Cross Country
2003 - Bowling (haha) Yea, I tried it in my senior year.
Post College
2006-2009 - Soccer - Keeper/Midfielder
2006-2007 - Co-ed Softball - Short Stop

2009 December 05 - 1/2 Marathon in Memphis for St. Jude's.
I played in my football (soccer in American terms) team when I was 11 and was goalkeeper. We won all the matches and I only let only one goal in, which made me a happy bunny. I used to do swimming and compete, but I had to give that up when my parents got divorced. At the moment, I'm going to play netball for fun and, hopefully, see if I can get through trials to play for the university's team.
Tennis is what I'm currently involved in. I started trying to progress in it back in 8th grade, and went on to get recruited for a local high school team, which then kind of jump started my advancement in it. I got private lessons, played in USTA tournaments, etc... Throughout the time though, I've stopped or went away from it a lot, but am currently practicing with my college's team and might play for them in the future.

The second biggest "physical sport" I've been most active in is Martial Arts. I took Tae Kwon Do and MMA for the past like...5+ years of my life. I haven't though, ever since I graduated from high school. But I'm looking to possibly pick it up again.

Other than that, I used to play both basketball and football for a lot. And for teams along the way. In basketball, I was something of a small forward. Ugly jumper, but I was pretty good at getting it in. In football, my positions ranged from linesman (early on), to Wide Receiver, to Corner on defense (which has been my primary position throughout playing).

When I was very small I was a hockey fanatic, but only ever played street hockey around the neighborhood.
I used to do athletics. I started off running 100m then, as my legs grew and my stride was revealed to be long more than short and fast, I moved on to 200m and then eventually 400m.

I was a member of Birchfield Harriers in Birmingham. Though I wasn't ever brilliant, I'm quite proud of some of my achievements in my local district of Redditch. I became district champion quite a few times when I was young in different events... Though I never really achieved anything other than a few medals with Birchfield, as the bar was set so much higher as when there were competitions it would be quite a few clubs from across the country, or at least the region.

I used to run 400m relays too for Birchfield, which is probably my only contribution to it. We sometimes did quite well... But one time I messed it up as I tore a hamstring on my run and had to pull over... That was annoying. I felt so bad. :sad2:

I didn't enjoy it much though... It always felt good AFTER a run if I'd done well even on a personal level, or even if I did crap I could feel good that I've tried... But doing it always felt so painful. I hated competitions with a passion. I'd be worrying about them days before, and everything felt like such a chore. Part of me misses it though.

I gave up about 2 years ago when I started Uni. I've done sod all since then. :brooding:
- Stickied -

I'm only playing netball for fun at the moment because I'm sure that the other girls don't want me on the team. I'm currently considering going for basketball instead since THEY want me on their team, which is quite flattering to be honest. If I don't play a single game of netball for the rest of the year, then I'm going all out for basketball in my second year at uni since one of my flatmates plays for them as a sub.
Anyone who has read a few of my rants in the What's Your Mood thread will know that I predominantly play hockey. I'm currently in the college team and we tend to produce mixed results whenever I'm playing- so I don't quite know whether I'm a blessing or a curse to the team. I love my teammates- they're not complete bitches unlike some of the netball team.

However I'm getting sick of all the constant practising and the match fixtures. Hockey is normally played outside- which isn't good if it is freezing and the astroturf being like a skating rink when it's rather icy. I have injured both my knees at one time which put me off hockey for months.
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I played American Football at my high school. Defensive Tackle and Back-up Fullback.

I wrestled in high school. My record wasn't to good but I still love the sport.

Set the Squat record in my weight class at my high school my junior year.

2nd place 2009 Mr. Millennium Bodybuilding Show - Novice Short Class.

My next real goal is to run a triathlon but I'm so lazy now that I'm outta high school... Haha. I gotta get serious about it and train.
I play a little street hockey. I'll probably pick up roller hockey in the spring.

That's pretty much it for sports for me. I'm not very athletic. Between my music, my gaming, and my friends, I simply don't have the time anyway.
Well,I played from 5th Grade till 8th Grade-Basketball[and I love it..I was having fun back then..with my classmates..and I used to play in my district as well..
then in high school I played volley ball[which I luv as well..I used to play since I was small..and it's good to play as a team,as I am good at it.. ^^ hehe
Currently an assistant coach on my old high school team. We started the year with about 20, but are now down to 2. And what makes it worse is that school has won our league for the last 4 years, but not anymore.

Other than that, I'm not doing anything.