What sports are you currently involved in or have done in your life?

This may sound stupid, but what is netball?

As far as I know, it's similar to volleyball, and played primarily by females. I think so anyway, as I'm a guy, I've obviously never played it!

I have however been involved with hockey and hope to join a Scuba-Diving club next week!
Well I didn't try out for any sports while in school, but in my own free time, a few friends and I would wrestle for the hell of it. We would have full-contact matches and try to knock each other out :lew:. Yes, yes I know, we're stupid, but hey, I'm American :wacky:. Anyways, aside from wrestling, I would also play tackle football with the same friends. Of course, I would get knocked, out, but hey, I enjoyed it :8F:.
Well I used to play for a football (soccer) team when i was younger (and fitter) I still play with my mates, but its played for fun and messing around. I also play Cricket and Basketball
I do abit of MMA at my gym, they pretty much teach Brazilian Jui Jitsu and Kick boxing. A good way to stay in shape and work off the alcohol from the night before
I´m playing Badminton till 3 years. It´s really much fun.

I used to play Judo for about 11 years and football(soccer) for about 1 year. Judo was first really nice, but at the end it was just the same so it was really boring.

I'm playing football (Soccer) for 13 years. I'm attacking midfielder, 2nd striker and winger.
I train MMA locally purely for fun and fitness. I did karate when I was younger but stopped and for a few years I was aimlessly trying other things like Kung Fu and Taekwondo (which sucked). Eventually I joined an MMA gym and got my ass handed to me a few times which taught me alot.

I have no plans to compete as of yet. I'm fond of my straight nose :P
i race bmx. in 2011 i took my first ever keystone state title (pennsylvania bmx state series) and also in 2011 i took a national 10 ranking in my age group (28-35 intermediate) i have been involved in bmx freestyle dirt jumping since i was 13 and i have been competing in bmx racing since 2009.
i have quite a few sponsors too.