What summons would you like to see?

Leviathan never actually appealed to me that much. Odin would be the one I'd like to see most, followed by Bahamut and Ifrit.
Bah... (haters...) >.>

Anyways, don't know what it is about Leviathan that I like so much. I think its just his design and the fact that he can control the tides... Its probably why I liked FFIX so much, cause he had a greater role there and if I didn't know any better he was on par with Bahamut as well as Alexander (unlike most FF games which got you believing Bahamut is the shit... that summon gets a little too much credit). He claims to be the King of Summons in 8 yet Eden easily takes the title away.

Anyways... Yeah... back on topic... i'd like to see Leviathan in this game (Maybe Anima as well... he/sse another summon that I like alot).
Yea, that's all I like. =P
I think that certain summons should be left out.
Some FF games have their own unique summons which add to the game's indivudual qualities. =]
Take the following for example:
FFVII had Knights of the Round, and two extra unique versions of bahamut. I'm not sure if Kjata has appeared in any previous FFs, but I think it may be unique to FFVII...
FFVIII has Eden and Brothers, and Jumbo Cactuar.
FFIX had Ark and Madeen.
And FFX had Anima. ;)

I know there are some that I left out, like Quezacotl and Ixion, but...
I think that the Thunder summon should have stayed as Ramuh. =[

I just want to see the original summons, like:
and Bahamut


Though, I'm assuming that if Shiva is in the game, then the rest will most likely make appearances too...
I'd like to see some classic Summons like Ifrit and Shiva make a come back but what's to stop SE making new Summons?
of course, SHIVA and IFRIT are part of ff since i started to play ff, so no doubt they should be in. And i would like to see Nosferato (from ffVIII) back too! He was my favotite! and Anima should be awesome too
i'd like to see

but i'd like to see Valefor more powerful then she was in FFX, she was rather pathetic compared to the others...

anyhow, considering Anima is the "Dark Aeon" and this game is a bit "evil tinted", about pain and misery, it's very much possible Anima can be present here...
the way the game is, is ofc only suggestive, can't say it's confirmed but the trailer sure shows it's a a bit like this..
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ipay him my virginity to kick some ass lol jks

umm bahamut shiva ark and valefor oh and anima!
You cant have an FF game without Bahamut so he has to be in there. I would also love to see Yojimbo and of course my personal favorite Knights of the Round. I would also really like to see Diablos make a comeback. I loved him. Oh and Hades but they need to change his attack up make him more powerful.
obviously bahamut, shiva and ifrit
but also
ff6 - raiden (better version of odin) crusaders, ragnarok the sword
fft - lich, cyclops, golem hahahahaha
ff8 - you got to have doomtrain and alexander!!!!
ff9 fenrir all the way baby!!!!