What team do you use?


May 23, 2008
So just curious about what team you guys use when playing through the game? Also what people will you NEVER use.

Me for instance usually use:
Locke or Celes (depends on if I want to steal anything from the guys or not)

I don't really like to use Umaro or Gogo, simply because you can't actually control them. Although, they would make an interesting team with Relm and Strago.
The team I always use is -


I choose those 4 because they're my favourite characters, and they're a great team ^_^ I sometimes use Shadow and Cyan, but only if one of those 4 aren't available.

I never use Umaro because you can't control him, and I dislike Relm too, as in my opinion, she's just a weaker version of Celes/Terra.
Celes_Harvey said:
I don't really like to use Umaro or Gogo, simply because you can't actually control them.

What can't you control about Gogo?? He just doesn't have a Fight command as I recall...He's got lamer stats comparatively (because he can't equip Espers), but he's also the only other person besides Sabin/Mash that has access to Blitzes! Or he could just use w/e Magic your other 3 party members have! Anyways...

I don't usually focus on one team. I like to level the FFVI cast in a fairly even manner...if I were to choose one team to power through the game with though, it'd probably be...

Sabin/Mash - Gotta love Blitzes. BUM RUSH FOR THE WIN!!!
Edgar - Tools rule. He will go Friday the 13th on your ass!!!
Cyan/Cayenne - Psycho Cyan FTW!?!

...and then probably Celes to spam Magic using enemies...or Locke to steal w/e if the enemies have anything worth stealing...or Gogo w/Blitz, Magic & Tools, I guess? Maybe Sword Tech, but probably not...

I guess the one I dun like using much is Strago because while some Blue Magic is good, it's mostly costly...and I hate old men characters...and Blue Mages in general most of the time (Quistis was a nice try)...

Contradictory to my main party, my favorite character was Shadow, but I didn't use him much since you only had him a limited amount of time throughout the game until the end.

I also through in Celes as my #5 or my main "beat 'em up girl".
Actually, y'know...I forgot about Setzer! I used him a lot because of Dice & later Fixed Dice. Two Dice (or Dice & Fixed Dice) + Gengi Glove + Offering is a pretty nice combo...and I just like to think of Setzer as the Red Mage of FFVI. "HERE'S DICE IN YOUR EYE!"

I like...

Shadow: I like him best for using magic and physical attacks, throws are great, too.

Locke: Steal Ultima weapons, Steal, fast. Genji Glove+Master Scroll+Quick. <3

Celes/Terra/Relm: Main caster, Relm for uber spells, Terra for trances, Celes for runic.

Edgar/Sabin: Blitzes are hard, but oh so worth it. Tools are easy.
ok...i think the ultimate team should be:

Celes : Staple, highest (?) magic stat, has runeswd to cancel magic (broken skill), char with the economizer

Sabin: Two words: Bum Rush

Gogo: Mimic, free ultima right there

Locke: Gotta have someone steal stuff for you, plus he's the speediest if trained properly

Well, actually, a more interesting thread: "who are your final three groups" in the final dungeon?

My main party's up there, then I had:

Terra/Shadow/Old Man(lol i forgot)/Cyan


I try spreading the magic users around, for ultima. basically Relm and Terra are the casters, and the rest act as guardians

This is why i saved shadow: I hate umaro, ugh, he's so damn useless idk why he's even a chara, the party should just kill him right there in the cave, and apparently is Mog's slave. NO MAGIC. hairy. heck, I prefer Ultros over him any day.
Shadow, sabin, cyan, edgar. since they are the best hitters in the game thats my party XD i love them specialy with quad attack and their abilities they are just awesome.
So far Ive been using Edgar, Sabin, Locke and Celes/Terra although it keeps forcing me to use other people which really irritates me

I don't like Gau ans Setzer though. I don't think I will ever use them unless it makes me
i just use shadow because of his throwing ability and his dog (gotta love that dog man) terra for the spells and occasional hard hitting with morph+flail, strago because he's got thousand needles (1000 dmg) and he's got good mana man and mog for dances that can usually 1 shot a few opponenents.
I usually use:
Sabin I just liked the pummel command it was powerful
However I don't like to use Umaro, GoGo and Gao
I use:
and Cyan

I find them all very handy and in my opnion they're the best team to use.And for me its easier to defeat enimies with them.
My main party is always:

In that order. The four of them always become insanely powerful, especially Celes. By the end of the my game not only was Celes a magical goddess, she had insane physical strength.
well a the moment i've just left Zozo and i'm using:
celes: healer and the odd bit of black magic
edgar: chainsaw, nuff said
gau: rage/stray cat - massive bonus at this point
locke: just 'cos

that said, i really want to have terra back and include shadow and sabin, so bargh i hate having so much choice :P
My usual 4-person dream team is...

Terra - powerful magic
Celes or Shadow - Celes is probably the better choice because of Runic and having more powerful magic, but I just sometimes swap in Shadow since he's my favorite character :)
Sabin - Bum Rush and blitzes for no-mp-required-ownage
Locke - stealing useful goodies and I usually equipped him with the genji glove / offering combo
My team usually consist of...

Terra: Powerful magic user when in Morphed.
Cyan: I love his Bushido attacks because I think they are strong.
Setzer: He is just more of personal preference for me.
Shadow: I love ninjas and he has some powerful throwing items.

I also use Mog because of his Moogle Charm so I don't have to fight off enemies sometime.
MY Team
all 4 members tanks
Sezter: 90+ Magic Power
Edgar: 100+ Vigor
Sabin: 100+ Vigor
Cyan 100+ Vigor
abit of a defencless team but i can seem to be able to beat the branchosarus in about 2 turns

Members i wouldnt use:
STRAGO: just dont like
Relm: dont like
Celes: runic is annoying sometimes
Terra: can sometimes only deal damaged when morphed
Umaro: cant control

sometimes use locke, mog and gogo
Sabin, Edgar, Umaro, and gogo w/ tools, blitzes, and magic.

Sabin and Edgar are simply broken, Umaro is powerful enough that he doesn't NEED to be controlled (and it's fun watching him throw your characters), and gogo can use both edgar and sabin's abilities at about 80% strength.
I liked to use Locke, Celes, Setzer and Sabin most of the time.

Setzer was fun just bc of his limit, and plus I loved the fact that he used a card deck. :)