What? The movie

MAJOR SPOILERS*The movie is about Aliens who come to earth and start killing people. Many people are killed so the humans build a city in a barrier, safe from the aliens (called Phantoms). As it turns out, the aliens are actually ghosts, killed when they destroyed their own world. Aki and company try to find 8 compatible spirits in the ghosts that can destroy them. In the end they find that Aki has the final spirit and they get rid of the ghosts.
you could have at least wrapped it around spoiler tags, my eyes were fighting my hands to read it! BTW any1 know where to get this movie?
The film had numerous references to the games, but the story was not in any way actually related to any of the games. The references are as follows *Again, Spoilers*:
The scientist is called Sid, which is a following tradition of every FF installment having a character named Cid (despite the spelling diference)
The alien/spirits come to earth on a meteor, a reference to the meteor summoned by Sephiroth in FF7
The movie's villian uses a massive energy canon to vanuish the aliens/spirits called the Zeus canon, a reference to the mako canon ShinRa uses in FF7
Once again another reference to FF7, Dr. Sid has a "Gaia theory" which means the planet and every being has a lifeforce, which is highly reminiscent of FF7's lifestream/mako storyline.
Some characters in the movie refer to Earth as "Gaia" which is what FF9 calls it's planet.

I hope that answers your question Sins!
i've never seen it coz my best friend that saw it told me that it doesn't look like any of the ff games,she expected Cloud and Tifa there.
a lot of people didn't like the movie but i found it visually stunning when it was released...
1 word: SUX
this movie is the stupidest FFmovie ever it's call fianl fantasy and there is nthing fantasy in it!!
Yeah, I was totally dissapointed with this movie. As with anything with the Final Fantasy name in the title, I had pretty high expectations for the film. So I was let down pretty bad. Oh well, life goes on.....