What was the most emotional part of this Final Fantasy to you?

It's hard to say since it's been so long, but definately all the demises, I don't think any other FF has so many people die.
For some reason, the last time I played this game I got emotional right before the final battle where all the characters are giving your party strength, mp, health ect... Don't know why.

Also during the ending when Edward asks Anna to watch over their kingdom.
Me too, that scene was sooo emotinal... it made me cry lol jk...but it was pretty cool
I was sad when Tellah died D:

Then when Cid and Yang both 'sacrificed' themselves for the greater good, I thought the end was really quite good aswel, where everyone is praying for the party and guiving their little words of encouragment, Tellah aswel, I was like awww
I think, looking back at my first play through... the part where yer on the ship(water ship not airship) going to
Baron, and Leviathan knocks the party off the boat.
The first time I played that I thought all those people died, and was sad... cuz Cecil was alone again, and I felt sad for him. He kept losing the people he held dear.
Poor Tellah. </3

I also felt bad for Edward. He lost the woman most important to him, and then everyone acted like a bitch and told him not to cry. D< And yet, when something bad happened to them they were allowed to wallow in whatever sadness for however long they wanted.

It made me really mad for some reason, lol.
I had almost no emotion for this game, I had a little at first/early on...but I lost all emotion because
everyone who died KEPT COMING BACK TO LIFE!!!!
, that was so annoying and made me lose all emotion
When Palom and Porom turned themselves into stone was so emo because 1. Palom is my favourite Character 2.Palom has my last Ice Rod when he dies 3. I love seeing Palom getting hitted by Porom.

IF I was Palom or Porom, I would petrify Cecil and end the game, or Tellah cause HE IS SO WEAK AND ANNOYING THAT HE CAN'T CAST "ESUNA" ON THE TWINS PROPERLY!!!
I had almost no emotion for this game, I had a little at first/early on...but I lost all emotion because
everyone who died KEPT COMING BACK TO LIFE!!!!
, that was so annoying and made me lose all emotion

I agree with you completely, I mean, show some backbone, ACTUALLY KILL CHARACTERS.

The most emotional for me I think was Yang, because at that point it was just like, why, why does everyone need to die? WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS??
daywalk3r said:
Originally Posted by ACardAttack
I had almost no emotion for this game, I had a little at first/early on...but I lost all emotion because everyone who died KEPT COMING BACK TO LIFE!!!!, that was so annoying and made me lose all emotion

I agree with you completely, I mean, show some backbone, ACTUALLY KILL CHARACTERS.

The most emotional for me I think was Yang, because at that point it was just like, why, why does everyone need to die? WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS??

I agree with the both of them, it was emotional with Cid and all but the characters that died kept coming back which was really irritating.
cecil becoming a paladin was an emotional thing. he seriously wanted to achieve forgiveness over his sins. so when he became a paladin, it showed how truly pure his heart was or how he really wanted to be. rydia's return to the team was also an emotional event for me, because even when Cecil asks her why she retuned to help them when it was 'partially' his fault over her mother's death, she asked him to forget it. (spoiler): in the end when she returned to feymarch, an eidolon who grows a fang tells her it wants to look like her, but she answers human and eidolons are the same. it's what is inside that counts.
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I would have to say that the most emotional part I ever saw in the FINAL FANTASY series was the moment Zidane threw off his cloak and exclaimed, "Bring my beloved Dagger to me!" I thought that was the most romantic moment... I still cry every time I see it. (Please don't make fun of mah... ^_^) Then Dagger runs out to him, but drops her pendent. But does she go back for it? No. She continues to run to Zidane, and even throws her crown down, still running to him. That comes to show me that no matter how royal you are, no matter how precious an item may seem to be, love is important and overcomes all of that. And at that moment, she is in Zidane's arms, crying happily. That's true love... ;)) Then Zidane tells her that he had no choice, that he had to live... That he wanted to come home to her. And so, he sang her song... Their song. :inlove:

Of course, that's just what I think of this emotional scene in FF9. ^^;

:zidane:+:garnet:= TRUE LOVE!!! :inlove:
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The Tower of Zot sure did have some amazing scenes. Tellah fighting Golbez, Giving his life to use Meteor to avenge his daughter. Cecil saving Rosa just in time before the ball drops.
Golbez kicking the party's asses in the underworld only to be saved by Rydia, summoning her Mother's Mist Dragon.
Palom and Porom turning to stone so the party can escape Baron.

The entire game is full of emotional and downright epic scenes. I enjoy the DS version because even though I know what is going to happen from the SNES/GBA versions. It is nice to see these scenes in Full 3D.
sry but i didn't get attached to this game at all. i really didn't like the characters (especially cecil and edward) and if you hate the main character of the game then the game becomes pretty lame...only time i got emotional was when the game was finally over after like 40 - 50 hrs of gameplay and that was because i felt really happy that it was all over lol...
Honestly, I have the scene with Cid dying like memorized :'D

I find it to be epic lulz.

But a touching moment to me had to be when Cecil became a paladin. It wasn't exactly sad, but it was very...emotional. Like, it was like, "Wow, I'm so proud of him."

...But then you step outside the mountain and are like, "Ohshi level ONE?" and it all goes away :'D
The most emotional part was definitely when Tellah died and when Golbez discovered Cecil is his brother. The second scene that's most emotional would have to be the climax at the ending.
This game had a ridiculous amount of casualties. I think I felt the most awful when
Tellah died, that old man was rockin'! And he saved that spell the entire way to Golbez only to croak and not kill the guy. Poor old guy.>_< Not to mention his daughter Anna died for that spoony bard!

This thread is like a minefield for anyone who hasn't played the game yet. Spoilers everywhere! :gasp:
I thought it was pretty sad when Rydia lost her mom and her whole town caught fire. That would suck bad!