What was your favourite Key Blade?

Mine was the fatal crest, until i got beserk charge, then it was the sleeping lion, I loved that one. :D
Oathkeeper is and will always be my favorite, though I loved Oblivion, Sleeping Lion, and Bond of Flame as well. But I love the way Oathkeeper looks and what it represents for Sora and Kairi. Plus it's pretty decent in battle, especially with Wisdom and Final forms.
My fav has always been the oathkeeper from kh1. Oblivion comes in second. I love design of them and hope that they make it in KH3.
i have four(from kh1 and 2)

kh1 lionheart kh2 oathkeeper
ultima weapon oblivion
oblivion fenrir
metal chocobo ultima weapon
I must say I was very fond of two keyblades...

Oathkeeper: Because it represents the bond and promise between Sora and Kairi. The whole story behind it is interesting and its meaning is one I liked.

Bond of Flame: Because it represents the friendship between Roxas and Axel, even though he gave the Keyblade to Sora (well not exactly giving it, but you get the point) because Axel recognized and saw his best friend in Sora. As it says "Bond of Flame"meaning the bond between Roxas and Axel. A deeper meaning, which makes fighting with this Keyblade much more enjoyable.
the Oathkeeper was sooo awesome cool, I used it even though I had far stronger keyblades
in second place I would pick Ultima weapon, that was cool too
and the third place goes to Bond of flame, its cool, and has a history behind it that made me cry
oh let us not forget the road to dawn maaaaaann that was the coooolest keyblade in the whole game, and it didn't belong to sora wtf ??
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Oathkeeper: Sentimental, and useful for levelling up drives. Cool in the final battle when Riku and Sora switch keyblades. Also looks cool in 'All's end' (session)
Ultima weapon: How else do you propose to beat sephiroth?
Sweet Memories: Aww...
Kingdom key: Stylish, cool, and gives you the elation of not needing that bloody struggle mallet...
Ultima weapon: How else do you propose to beat sephiroth?

Er...I beat Sephiroth with the Oblivion Keyblade but I suppose it depends on the talents of the player rather than the Keyblade because Sephiroth is nothing on this game compared to KH Sephiroth.
you could beat sephy with sweet memories even at lv 60 or something
well have any of you guys seen the new keyblade in kh2 fm?