What weapons have you equipped your characters?


White Mage
Apr 7, 2007
Newcastle, NSW Australia
Sorry if there was a threrad that covered this, but if there was, i couldnt quite find it... I typed in "weapons eqipped - FFXII" in searchif you need to know... no search results...


I equipped everyone with swords except balthier and fran who have guns and a bow respectively. Cant rememebr the specific names but theyre the types...

Just curious as to what you equiped your guys with. No need to tell me what the weapon is called, just the type will do. But if you wanna add the name, then go ahead...
My main party used to be like this - Basch + Balthier = hammers/axes, Fran = ninja swords/bows. However, I'm just going to give them whatever weapon is the strongest. Currently, they are all wielding Defenders.
My characters had varieties of weapons. Reason being because I wanted them to be unique in their own fighting-style. ^_^

Balthier - spear
Basch - hammer/axes
Ashe - swords/ninja swords
Vaan - swords
Penelo - crossbow
Fran - bow

Vaan: Spears
Balthier: Gun/crossbow/bombs
Penelo: poles/ninja swords (i like how she uses every weapon)
Ashe: Sword and shield
Fran: Great Sword/bow
Basch: Katana
Vaan & Basch: 2H Sword
Baltier & Ashe: Ninja Sword
Fran & Penelo: Bow
I recently changed mine on Vaan reson being axes are unpredictable

Vaan- Demon sword? "atribute=one hit ko"
Balthier- Gold axe
Fran- bow
Bash- Dragon whisker (my fav spear)
Penelo- bow
Ashe- whatever sword she can hold ..

Oh and I just got the demon shield, it absorbes Dark.. Its feakin sweet!!

p.s. To Rulia , Like the new av and sig!!^_^
I recently changed mine on Vaan reson being axes are unpredictable

Vaan- Demon sword? "atribute=one hit ko"
Balthier- Gold axe
Fran- bow
Bash- Dragon whisker (my fav spear)
Penelo- bow
Ashe- whatever sword she can hold ..

Oh and I just got the demon shield, it absorbes Dark.. Its feakin sweet!!

p.s. To Rulia , Like the new av and sig!!^_^
Yeah, axes, maces, and bombs are unpredictable. They can do a ton of damage or sometimes when you really need it to do a lot of damage it does like, 11 XD
I gave Vaan a one handed sword (forget the name, as good as you can buy it at the end of the game) and a shield. Mighta been demon shield or something else, good defence and thats it I think.

Basch got the Zodiac spear

Ashe got the Rod of Faith
Both Vaan and Basch have a sword and shield, Fran has a bow, Balthier has a gun, Ashe has a spear and Penelo has a staff.
at the end of the game i had all 3 of them equipped with Save the Queens

but before that Ashe had a claymore and Bascvh and Fran had crystal swords
Vaan: pole
Basch: sword and shield
Balthier: bombs
Fran: bow and arrows
Penelo: axe/hammer and shield
Ashe: great sword

-I wanted everyone to have different weapons.
I'm thinking about doing that and giving Vaan a katana but since I have no idea where to get one I'll have to wait. I probably should have given them all different weapons but I'm a sword kind of person and I didn't want to not give Basch a sword.
There's masamune in the game? I'm not to far, only to Raithwall's tomb so I don't know how many weapons are available to me at the moment but I haven't seen any katanas.
oh k nevermind you way off until you'll get it
you could try to get demonsbane in tomb