What weapons have you equipped your characters?

I think I had the normal initial set of equipment for everybody. At the end of the game Vaan had the Ultima Sword, Fran had the youchi, Penelo had the whale whiskers, Ashe had the Rod of Faith, Basch had the Masamune (equipped with the Genji Glove), and Balther had the durandal with the Zodiac Sheild.
Vaan - Masamune + Genji Gloves
Support character - Tournesol
Healer - Excalibur
Vaan: 2H Sword
Balthier: Staff
Penelo: Rod
Ashe: Knife and shield
Fran: Bow & Arrow/Crossbow
Basch: Sword and Shield
I am not sure exactly. My characters have Maximillion (sp?) and Magepower Shishak (sp?). =/.

I need better Weapons. Ugh. Mine are kinda sucky, atm.
I am not sure exactly. My characters have Maximillion (sp?) and Magepower Shishak (sp?). =/.

I need better Weapons. Ugh. Mine are kinda sucky, atm.

I thought those were armors.

I gave Basch a greatsword as soon as I could purchase one. Right now, he has excalibur. Balthier had a bow but when I got the Genji glove, I equipped him with the masamune. Penelo has some form of pole I think.
For my armour i have grand armour for 3 of my characters and circlets for 2 of my characters ^_^ and i have a magepower shishak for my 3rd character
Well if you do ashe10's guide on how to chain helvinecks then you can get around 3 in 45 mins if that ^_^
Helvineck is a rare game monster which spawns in necrohol of nabudis after you beat 5 oversouls (or something like that) he has a 5% drop chance but if you lead him near an exit and kill him there and quickly take the loot, then quickly leave he will spawn again ^_^

There are only 2 circlets in the game and 1 of them is in pharos 3rd acent i think and the other in is the subterra ^_^
Vaan: Zodiac Spear
Basch: Excalibur
Balthier: Ultima Sword/Masamune

Everyone else: Save the Queen swords.
Im stll thinking of what I want to equip my charaters with. I think I lost the chance of getting the Zodiac Spear. I might end up seperating them into combat style groups. Like
Vann, Basch= Melee
Ashe, Penelo= Magic
Fran, Balthier= Range
I plan on making it this...

Vann= Sword
Ashe= Katana
Basch= 2 Handed Sword
Penelo= Rod ( for magical bonus )
Balthier= Gun
Fran= Bow

If any of this is a bad idea plz tell me.
vaan:ultima sword
basch:zodiac spear
penelo:hand bomb
balthier:ivory pole
fran:dragon whisker
Hayate, Ive had to delete lots of your response posts around the forum. They bring nothing to the topic and are spam. So Ive given you an infraction. Please stop responding and asking people questions in the threads. PM them if youre that interested.

As for my characters:

Vaan: Zwill Blade/Bronze Shield
Balthier: " "
Fran: Javelin.
Basch: Kotetsu.
Ashe: Killer Bow/Parallel Arrows.
Penelo: Handaxe/Bronze Shield.
Hm.....basically everyone have the licenses to equip any weapons. I'm thinking of choosing my choices after I collected all the best weapons.

Vaan: Masamune with Genji gloves
Balther: Formalhaut
Fran: The second or third strongest bow
Basch: Golden Axe with Demon Shield
Ashe: Deathbringer with Demon Shield or Save the Queen
Penelo: Orochi
Most of my characters had a double-hand weapon.

Vaan - Tournesol
Balthier - Masamune
Fraan - Deathbringer
Basch - Zodiac Spear
Ashe - I can't remember....-.-
Penelo - Save The Queen
Since I got my hands on 6 Golden Axes I've used them ever since, and not looked back. That together with Maximillian/Circlet/Golden Skullcap/Demon Shield/Ribbon makes me feel almost invincible. :D ... That is, Yiazmat being an exception. >_< Just entered the fight. Wish I hadn't. :blink:
On my 2nd runthrough, just before bahumut

Balthier - Gun (Formalhaut)
Vaan - Spear (Zodiac Spear)
Fran - Bow (Perseus Bow)
Basch - Greatsword (Tournesol)
Ashe - 1H Sword (Deathbringer)
Penelo - Pole (Sweep)
Ever since the beginning it's been:

Fran - Ranged, usually crossbow or bow, because that's what I identify her fighting style with.

Basch - Hammer/Sword/Axe, again because that's what knights usually bring to battle, right?

Balthier - guns, because that was his original. (seeing a trend? xD)

Ashe - Spears/Lances/Bamboo Sticks, just because I can't really find anything else to equip her with. :P

Vaan - not dagger, but a hammer. So much better than daggers, though the damage is rather erratic on hammers and axes.

Penelo - Bows/Staffs/Rods, just because she's the healer/mage in my party.

I think that's it. :monster:
Ashe: Swords or Spears.
Balthier: Guns, Crossbows & Bows.
Vaan: Mostly Swords.
Fran: Mostly Bows.
Basch: Mostly Swords.
Penelo: Nothing… I tried very, very hard no to use her…
Vaan: Rod
Penelo: Dagger

Muwahahaha lol.

Brilliant Indeed. I myself have settled on:

Vaan & Ashe - Staves (black mages)
Penelo & Fran - Rods (white mages)
Balthier & Basch - Katanas (fighters)

With this set up you always have a fighter/tank, a healer/green magick, & a black magic damage dealer. Seems a little too Sword-Heavy in this forum. Just what in the hell happenned to Mages in Final Fantasy anyway? or is everyone using magic & swords?

I wonder, has anyone gone with all Mages where Rods & Staves are the weapon of choice or is everyone Sword-Crazy?
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Vaan=Ultima Weapon
Panelo=Cloud Staff strongest staff i found so far
As you can see i'm all about swords.