What's on your "To buy" list?

most of these are for PS3 unless stated

Devil may Cry 4
Call of Duty 4
Assassins Creed

okay all of them are for the PS3 lol XD
1 The Sims2 Stories (PC)
2 Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
3 Final Fantasy Crisis Core (I pray for it to go out on Psp...)
As of now, I plan on buying a PS3, so that I may finally have all three consoles and therefore, enjoy a mass variety of games.
Grand Theft Auto 4.

I've played all of them so far in the series except Liberty City Stories which I don't count anyway. However, Vice City was my favorite, San Andreas had A LOT to offer, but this game seems to be getting a lot of hype for good reason too.

It's suppose to have a ton of stuff to do in it, but won't be as big as San Andreas was in terms of land to cover. San Andreas took forever to get from one place to the next if there was quite a distance to go.
Well, since I now have an XBox 360, I'll list the ones I'm looking forward to for this console.

-The Last Remnant (November 20, 2008)
-Star Ocean: The Last Hope (March 3, 2009)
-Ninja Gaiden II

I already have Tales of Vesperia, and two games that came with the XBox 360 (Kung Pu Panda and Indian Jones Lego). I haven't really been paying attention to this system's games, so I'm a little clueless as to which games are really good and highly recommended.

As for PSP, I'm really looking forward to 3rd Birthday. xD

DS - Chrono Trigger.
Persona 4 and KH:CoM for the PS2 is what I'm waiting for ^^

I still need to get my hands on a PSP so I can finally play FFVII: Crisis Core
and other games bound to arrive for that system.

I'm also debating getting an XBOX 360 since the ads are all pointing out it's cheaper now, so there's that too >_>
Warriors Orochi 2 (xbox360)
Grand theft auto IV (xbox360)
The Sims 3 (when it comes out)
Well, as soon as i can send my 360 in for repairs (i called a month and a half ago and they still have not sent the box yet) But i want to get:
Fallout 3
Ninja Gaiden
Mass Effect
Maybe Assains Credd but idk

For Wii:
Metroid Primes 2 and 3

Chrono Trigger When it comes out
Fire Emblem when it comes out
Pokemon Platnium

However, my first priority is to get a new computer, and i am still like 250 short (damn i wish i was old enough to work). For PC i want to get
Starcraft 2 (duh)
Diablo 3 when it comes out
Heros of Might and Magic 5

So ya, there is a shitload of stuff i want to buy, not to mention 2 or 3 albums
The only games I am interested in buying are Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires (PS2), Samurai Warriors 2: Empires (PS2), and Soul Calibur IV (PS3). I want to add the Empire games to finish off my KOEI collection aside from Dynasty Warriors 3 which looks horrible (hello bad voice acting). I want Soul Calibur IV when it's at a more reasonable price then it is right now.
This is like, my entire christmas list xD

Little Big Planet – PS3
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – PS3
Valkyria Chronicles – PS3
Sonic Chronicles – DS
Chrono Trigger – DS
Dragon Quest IV – DS
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift – DS
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness –DS

I really need more PS3 games. Despite having a PS3 for nearly a year, I only have 4 PS3 games x_x

And, I'm starting to use my DS more! It's easy to take to college and kills free lessons, so more DS games are needed xD
There are a few games that I want, and it's impossible to list/remember them all. Actually, most of these games have actually been released already.. But because I'm so poor, I haven't been able to pick any of them up. I've starting applying for jobs recently, hopefully I can get hired and ease this pain caused by a void of video games.

Games That I Want

Infinite Undiscovery
Sigma Harmonics
KH: Re CoM
KH: 358/2
Odin Sphere
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Rune Factory 2
Rune Factory: Island of Happiness
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (can't find this game anywhere)
Grim Grimoire
Mirror's Edge
Soul Calibur (any and every volume)
Chrono Trigger
Gyakuten Saiben 5
Gyakuten Kenji
The World Ends With You
Call of Duty 5: World at War (PS3)
Resistance 2 (PS3)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (PS3)
Prince of Persia (PS3)
Fallout 3 (PS3)
Farcry 2 (PS3)

Thank God it's Christmas soon. :wacky:
Right now, absolutely nothing. I'm content with still playing this years' Madden '09, Halo 3, and borrowed Fable 2 from Aztec which I got a good deal into the other day finally. I'll probably be playing those 3 mainly for still a while. Not much impresses me at the moment for the 360, and I'm not gonna spend $60 on a gamble game that I'm not sure will enthrall me or not.
Right now really the only thing i wanna buy is SFIV(ps3) and Killzone 2(ps3) sure theres others but those are what im looking foward to.
My Christmas list consists of these games:

Final Fantasy VIII
Kingdom Heart I
Kingdom Hearts II (I hear it's better than the first, but in order to understand it, I need to play the first, sooo...
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Sims 2 for PSP

Aaaaaand that's about it. I'll probably get one on the fourteenth (long story), which I'm guessing will be either VII or KHI.
the only games that i want to buy at the minute are Saints row 2 for PS3 and also Need for Speed: undercover for PS3 (if it on PS3)
Well my To buy list hmmm let me see. Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, Tomb Raider Underworld, Tales Of Symphonia 2 Dawn Of The New world, Final Fantasy XI Wings Of The Godess, Xbox Live 1 year gold membership, Sonic Unleashed and alot of other stuff that I can think about it. This is basically my christmas list so far.