What's the hardest thing in FFX?

Summoner Yuna

The pirate and the princess
May 10, 2007
Moravia, Costa Rica
Just like the title says: what was the thing that gave you the most trouble in FFX? Was it defeating a boss, doing a sidequest (blitzball, chocobo racing, butterfly catching, cactuar village, etc.)?

I had almost no trouble defeating any of the bosses in the game. Even the final boss was relatively easy. But some of the sidequests in this game are a nightmare, especially two: blitzball and chocobo racing. I haven't been able to win a single match against any team whatsoever. Also, the last chocobo race is virtually impossible. My best time is 8.7 seconds and I haven't got near close that record again. I've tried so many times, that I'm about to give up and make Tidus his own weapon with Break Damage Limit using Dark Matters.>_< Some people say that butterfly catching is frustratingly hard, but I could do that just fine.
The hardest thing that I ever did in X was catching all the monsters for the monster arena, I mean that whole thing was tough, to tell ya the truth.
Also, fighting those monsters, quite impossible for me, I got too lazy to even train and get stronger because I thought they were practically invincible.

Second would be collecting all the sigils, I came close, but no cigar, I got too bored again. :P

Third, collecting the Al Bhed Primers, yet again, can you guess?
I got too lazy to find the last 2 at the end, even though I knew that you could start the game over and just get the primers back from your previous playthrough.
Monster Arena creatures (especially Origionals) and the Dark Aeons/Penance because they were rediculously strong and you had to train loads to even challenge them.

Chocobo subquest to get Tidus's Sigil

Dodging 200 bolts of lightning (more about patience and concentration)
The obtaining of perfect abilities. Self-explanitory, with being "perfect" they're not exactly going to be a piece of cake to get for your entire party. Not to mention you need a pretty good ability set to actually take on the Dark Aeons and Penance, otherwise... well, you'll never beat them without cheating.

Considering what I said above, no one in their right mind should attempt the Dark Aeons without a darn good set of abilities, so as such shouldn't really fall under the category of "difficult" seeing as they wouldn't be challenged until said abilities are gained. With them, you can't actually lose against the Dark Aeons.

So yeah, the most challenging thing for me was gaining this. 70+ hours of doing JUST that, dammit! :mad:
It has to be defeating Penance, a close second would be training for Penance (Celestial Weapons and such...)

Overall I think I've put a good 400+ hours into my current file trying to accomplish all of this
The Dark Aeons were quite hard but the 300 lightning strike dodging was painful.

Against the Aeons you can change the course of a battle but dodging the bolts is insane.
The hardest thing in FFX is without a doubt the minigame where u have to dodge the lightning bolts, i found that almost impossible i just gave up enventually
The Dark Aeons were rock hard.
I also had problems on the chocobo race, did eventually do it though.
Capturing all 10 Tonberries. They weren't even hard to battle against and defeat, but it was just traveling around for countless times and trying to locate them deep in the Omega Ruins on in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.
probably dodging the 200 bolts for lulu's signet.

hardest thing iv done though is prob beaten nemesis.
i wish i had international though so i could fight penenace
The path to and the battle vs Penance, takes a whole while lvling your chars up it's just doing anything in that game.

Also getting Wakka's ultimate weapon as it never has happened to me, Blitzball gets too boring to play after a while -_-.

Dodging bolts isnt exactly hard it's more about patience.