Whats the longest you've gone without sleep?


Suck my dick.
Nov 29, 2010
so Just as the title said, whats the longest you've gone without any sleep.
I suck at not sleeping so I think my longest was something pathetic like 20 hours.

But I have heard of people staying up for days! How can you do it? :O is there a reason why you stay up that long?

Anyway, you go! :cookie2:
I've stayed up for like three-four days straight once.
Love makes you do really weird things, lol. I was talking to friends and my bf and I survived on tons of caffeine and food. I ended up going into a bit of a caffeine withdrawal, losing my balance, and falling over trying to get out of bed, knocked out about 15 minutes after that on the fourth day. Fun. -_-
I stayed up a whole 24 hours once. Funny thing is that it happened recently, during Winter break. I had had several cups of coffee around 11PM and at that point I wasn't tired at all. Plus I was having a very interesting conversation with someone that night so I really didn't want to go to sleep. It did feel pretty odd, since it was the first time I've been awake through the whole night. I certainly was jittery most of the day ( had to keep perking coffee . :wacky: ), and I couldn't tell if I was really tired or wide awake. It was an interesting day indeed .
A whole week, a week and three days if you don't count the 2-4 hours I got to nap in those three extra days... >.<

(I don't get sleep much anymore...)
holy crap! a whole week and a half?? thats crazy man haha
how come you stayed up that long?
... Staying up is my talent. :wacky: I'll stay up to long then pass out for a few hours, and be up for so long again. I don't really pass out, it's just whenever I wanna lay down. I'm a pretty restless person. I drink coke, yes, but it definitely doesn't make me more hyper than I already am. I don't drink coffee, sugar doesn't make me hyper, so it's really just me staying up on pure me-ness.

It sucks sometimes, but at the same time, I'm not wasting time! :wacky: Sleeping is, however.
The most for me was probably... a day and a half, I think :hmmm: It was when I was awake for a whole day, then had to pull an all-nighter with a final paper, and then go to class the next morning at 11am to hand it in. I literally worked on the paper that whole entire time except for peeing and eating, and finished right before I had to go to class, then slept around 12 or so as soon as I got home. I had to walk through busy traffic to and from the bus stop to get there too, I don't know how I survived :ffs: The only way I was able to stay awake was that when I'm writing and doing research, time passes very quickly, and I had my favorite Celtic 2-CD set on replay the entire time.

EDIT: The next closest I came was staying up for about 23 hours to finish working on a bio for one of the RPs here which was 3+ pages long, and then sleeping for one hour, and then going to work the next day and going to sleep at my regular time that night. So essentially 2 days with only one hour of sleep between them :hmmm: Actually I did that twice, the other time was to post the 6-page intro post for that same character :wacky: /writer

I think the most I've ever done is about 22 or 20 hours without sleep...and thats me forcing myself to stay awake for that long a period. Otherwise about 2 years ago I had this horrible bout of insomnia that lasted for about 10 days and I went to bed every night but could never sleep, it was ridiculous. After about 4 days I felt like I was a smoker who was going through withdrawals. I couldn't think clearly, couldn't enjoy anything during the day, and all I thought about was when i was finally going to be able to sleep again.

I don't know about everyone else, but I highly value my sleep. Not only am I a person who can't function on a few hours of it, but me being able to think quickly to be able to save a life or make a snap judgement on the job depends on it.
The longest I've stayed up was 48 hours with two of my mates. This was back when I was like 15 and I probably couldn't do it now. We were basically just playing games most of the time, we ended up wandering off to an internet cafe around 40 hours into it.. by the end of it I was drifting off during the loading screens.

One of my mates was waiting for his step dad to pick him up and he basically fell asleep in the gutter out side my house while he was waiting. My other mate stayed at mine and we (no joke) slept for 24 hours afterwards. I probably wouldn't be able to do it again but it was pretty fun at the time.
I think I've lasted... for about a day and a half or so :wacky: I mean, unless I can keep myself occupied, i'm gonna fall asleep XD.

I recall it because I was at my friends party. It was a few years back and, pretty much pulled an all nighter and more XD. fell asleep like half way through the next day xD. It was pretty fun but, I need sleep. no way in hell i'm gonna do that again D:
I've gone without sleep for about a day and a half before, but this was only because I was ill, and I just couldn't get to sleep because I was so damn uncomfortable. In the end, I just gave up and got up. I can only say a day and a half with certainty, because I may or may not have passed out on the second night...it's always difficult to tell unless you meticulously watch the clock.

I never stay up for that long otherwise, though. Fucking up my sleep schedule would make me extremely irritable...well, more irritable than I usually am.
I'm not too sure to be honest. The worst is when you are in a depressant mood where it's like thoughts are attacking you almost. You try to sleep, but your mind won't shut off. I've done I think 2.5 days till I started to hallucinate. I was a zombie, everything was in slow motion. Safe to say, it wasn't the best state I've ever been in.

If I ever get back to this state of mind, shoot me. Damn those few days sucked. Sorry to be such a debbie downer about it, but I covet my sleep! If I don't have my sleep, god I'm such a total ass hole. It's like bipolar disorder or something.
The longest I've been without sleep was around 34 hours. It was around the time of my finals during my freshman year at college and when I had a thing for Energy Drinks. Heck, I drank energy drinks as regularly as I should have been drinking water. I admit now it was reckless and unhealthy and unless I have a really good reason I am not doing it again.

I normally sleep around 7 hours per night, but I have been able to keep working plus studying during a week with less than 4 hours...sometimes 2. It makes me grumpy....
Despite insomnia keeping me up now and then, I've rarely ever gone through a day without any sleep. All insomnia does is keep me up for 2-4 hours before I eventually do drift off to sleep anyway. The longest I've managed without sleep was around 36hrs when I was flying over to Hong Kong. Firstly there was the uncomfortable night I had previously which meant I was up by around 5am.

Then there was the plane itself, and trying to get some sleep on any plane is just impossible for me no matter how much I tried. At that point I thought "fuck it" and put on a couple of films and shows for the rest of the flight. Getting to our destination, it was in the middle of the afternoon anyway, so that was essentially another half day I went through without sleep. I was exhausted towards the end of that 36hrs and unfortunately when you're in a state of being overtired, it prevents you from easily falling asleep. That probably kept me up for another hour or so. xD
Probadly just over a day and a half.
I know theres been a few occasions where ive went out on a friday/saturday night then went back to mates houses after the night out and not ended up getting home til 11am or so the next day then going to bed at night. Im not a fan of staying up late at all. I go to bed when im tired. I enjoy my sleep alot. I wouldnt trade it for anything :ryan:
The longest I stayed up was probably more than 2 days. I can stay up forever if I want but there is a time that I will fall asleep for an hour and then get up again. But yes I can stay up for days. I usually stay up really late all the time. Just last week I only got 4 hours of sleep max I think. I didnt sleep at all when my parents left the house :hmmm: I am sure I can manage a week but that is just unhealthy and not the way xD
Probably August 09. I had a full week of the worst bout of insomnia Ive ever had, it was mingin, I was absolutely exhausted, but everytime I tried to sleep, I just lay there, eyes shut, fucked off and going insane.

I wasnt like, up and doing things or keeping my eyes open with match sticks, I just physically couldnt sleep, afew people, particularily staffers/ex staffers probably remember how bad I was that week. So bad that I even remember when it was :rage:
I think I've managed to stay up for about 36 hours once or twice. When you're cramming or finishing up a project during the night, and then have to go to class in the morning, sleep doesn't seem worth the effort X_x

Sometimes it's going to work instead of class in the morning, so I'm even more tired.

But for the record, I usually crash for at least 10 hours after wards, so it's not like I can keep going full steam ahead.
I dont really know how many hours..........but I think,I must of been up for like 35 hour-ish once.......But I am highly sensetive to caffiene seriously one cup of coffee or red bull can cut back my sleep for like 6-8 hours........If your having trouble sleeping I would strongly recommend refraning from drinks (with high levels of caffeine) or smoking........and drugs if you do them, when your not really meant to :wacky:
This past week I actually set my record. I had to go to Washington DC for work on Sunday night, got to the hotel and slept till 6 the next morning and got up and went into the the office. I worked until a little after midnight that night then got in the car and drove home, which put me in the door around 4:30AM. I figured there was no way I was going to fall asleep and get any rest worthwhile, so I just stayed up. Went into work that morning and ended up getting home about 8PM and not to bed until 11Pm that night. So about 41 hours.