Whats the longest you've gone without sleep?

A day and a half.. Uouh that was the most horrible experience of my life. I stayed up all night on the computer and then went for a ride in my bike very early in the morning. The streets were empty and surprisingly I almost fell asleep while riding my bike....

Halfway through the second day I just gave up and went to sleep. I had a horrible headache and as feeling very sick. I slept almost the whole afternoon and then waited for like until 23:00 to sleep again. I promised myself never to do it again.
Two and a half days or so. I used to have some really bad insomnia problems, I'm still not a good sleeper but I'm much better.
I believe the longest I've gone was about a day. I am a girl; I need beauty sleep xD. I remember back my junior year of high school, after the homecoming football game, we all went out to mess around and shieett, time flies when you're having fun :wacky: Needless to say, I went home and booooyy was I in deep shit XD. Fun night. Now, I NEED sleep (7 hrs) or i'll get really ugly and bitchy. Snicker's won't help either >_>
I know that there have been many all nighters pulled for the sake of getting homework done and sometimes playing video games. :P I do remember one particular weekend where I had two friends over and we stayed up the whole weekend playing games. One of them was Final Fantasy 7. Sadly, at that point in time, I did not have a memory card for my PS1, so we were determined to play it straight through without saving. We got to Cosmo Canyon before the PS1 froze on us. :(
Ah. I don't last long without sleep. I get huge headaches and my nose starts dripping. Probably 26 hours. :,
The longest I've ever went was 3 days.

Boy did that fuck me up. The first night, I just wanted to pull an all-nighter, but then I was busy the next day so I didn't have time to nap, and when I got home, I decided to just stay up all night cause I knew I wouldn't wake up in the morning if I did go to sleep (I had to get up early) and basically the same thing happened again; busy day, get up early the next morning. I felt high all the time. I crashed when I finally did fall asleep, though. Slept for 12 good hours on the couch at my grandma's lol I'm not sure how I did it because there was a lot of activity going on around the living room.
Longest I ever had was recently. There was this marathon event that I volunteered in that suspiciously called me to work at night. Having no prior experience, I didn't actually expect that they would be making me, and other volunteers, pull an all-nighter while waiting for time to pass. We were there at about 11pm. Our work began at about 3-4am. We ended up having to find a Starbucks nearby to while our time away. Then at 3-4am. We were still wasting time, up till 7 when the event actually began. Finally got home and crashed immediately. That was almost 24 hours without sleep, I think. 23, most likely.

Pretty terrible for me. Mind's not working, everything's a haze. Definitely not something I'll do again if I have the choice.
I've stayed awake for about 35 hours on a couple of occasions... of course that has been a loooong while ago
Longest I've stayed up is 19 hours and boy when I woke up at 6:15 am (cause my first lesson starts at 8am) I feel groggy, my breathing was heavier than usual, I could barely stay awake and barely talk. I'm never pulling all-nighters again...:gonk:
Hmm let's see....

There was never a time that I didn't get SOME sleep. There was one point that for about 3 days all together I got about 5 hours of sleep. Those were busy days. But yeah man, other than that, I've never really gone a full 24 hour day without sleep. I've gone multiple days with very little sleep though. :D
72 hours. Reason? FFVIII. Got sucked into that game and once I got the hang of Triple Triad, I forgot that I was on planet earth.

Older now lol, I can't stay up that long anymore.
I think the longest I've ever gone is around 48 hours. Me and my friend decided to partake in sleep deprivation as we were studying it in psychology at the time and we thought it would be 'trippy.' Obviously no stimulants were allowed. Pathetically we gave up after around 48 hours but we did spend some time apart in between this so he may have slept. ¬_¬

Near the end I was convinced I was hallucinating something chronic, but in retrospect I may of just hallucinated the hallucinations. *ponders*