What's the worst and most disgusting thing you've eaten?

Some people say sushi is just a fad? well i've never tried it...

but about eating alligator or crocodile, i can't help thinking about the fact that they are prehistoric creatures... probably just like eating a dinosaur lol...
And i like burnt bacon

Burnt crispy bacon for the win!! Love it, but I loathe salty bacon, yuck!

As for sushi, some people do tend to eat it for trend. The amount of business women Ive seen buying sushi in supermarkets for their lunch makes me giggle cause I wonder if they really like it. My friend adores the stuff and Ive only had it once. It was nice, but I prefer a sandwich over some sushi from the supermarket.
I am not willing to try Balut... (partly formed duck embryo... :blink:

LOL I actually ate those when I was a kid...now, I can't even stand the sight of it. I will not touch or eat it ever again! I don't know what the hell was up with me back then. :blink:

Hmm, so yeah that's probably one of the most disgusting thing ever for me. But I remember that my dad made me try this one meat when I was younger too...and I noticed the taste and texture were not your typical meat...I mean, it was cooked and all, but I knew there was something different. Then my mom chastised me, asking, "Why did you eat dog's meat?!" >.<
Ugh, are you serious?! Dog meat?
That's why I sniff and poke my food now ever since I ate that pig tongue thing. :blink:

But dog meat seriously...that takes the cake.
And you know where dogs go during their free time.
Um no, where do they go? o_O Or do I even wanna know? And hey, I was a kid! My dad fed me that one night. And as the obedient daughter, I had to eat it...

Oh, have you ever ate chicken's feet? Lol, you know what I'm talking about. Those ones that they grill? Those were actually good...
No, I've seen them but no. Pig feet too, just...no.
I dunno, something about my experiences in the inner-city streets of Manila just makes me not want to try feet of any kind. lol.

Another one, lungs. Chicken lungs. I thought they were pork rinds one time (that was the time when I actually liked pork rind), and it was digusting, even if I didn't know what that was.

And liver, not that disgusting to you guys, but I just don't like it. :sick:
Ugh, are you serious?! Dog meat?
That's why I sniff and poke my food now ever since I ate that pig tongue thing. :blink:

But dog meat seriously...that takes the cake.
And you know where dogs go during their free time.


my cousins eat balut like it was an easter egg. They insist its good for you... but no...

did you know in some places around the world (i think mainly china) they eat the barin of a semi-conscious monkey... it gave me the chills when read about that... THE MONKEY IS STILL ALIVE!

Alive? I thought when it was dead that they ate the thing. >.<
But yeah, I've heard of it, parts of Borneo, China, somewhere thereabouts.

Also, I saw an article in National Geographic today talking about something in the city of Oaxaca in Mexico, where they roast the most abundant crop pest ---- grasshoppers. Apparently, it's quite a delicacy, roasted grasshoppers...well, think of it this way, if you've ever had roasted nuts before, that's what it looks like, but with a tougher shell.
Heh heh, anything that looks gross or sounds gross I don't eat. I grossest thing I ever ate was lobster.

I grossest thing I ever saw someone eat was a snake heart, it was right after they killed the snake too. I also knew someone who ate a soup that has pig feet. Ugh....
Pig feet is kind of a delicacy, well, where I used to live. I don't like it, it looks disgusting. D'=

And snake heart? People eat anything I suppose.

Another disgusting food:

Roasted spider = quite a delicacy in South America and in some parts of Southeast Asia. Roasted tarantula the size of a dinnerplate sounds kinda nice, after they burn all the hairs out first, of course. :sick:
I cant remember which country it was... either in central or south america but they eat iguana or some tree dwelling reptil lol.. i wouldnt eat any sort of reptile...

Pigs feet, chicken feet, wouldn't touch it...

As for snake... hell no... i remember watching an indiana jones movie where they cut open a pregnant snake and ate the babies... alive... put me off anything that resembles snakes... eels for one
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Ohhh that reminds....remember Fear Factor? They were forced to eat the worst stuff ever! I remember they were forced to eat a horse penis. It got worse when they covered it with ants and other random bugs. I remember in another episode the contestants had to drink a milk shake that was all bugs thrown into a blender. Ugh, talking about this is making me want to puke. Q_Q
I remember that one time when they had to chow down on....well, I don't want to say. :sick:
And that one time when they had eat bugs...oh wait, that was every episode.
Those don't look clean at all, in Fear Factor, I wonder if anyone actually ever got really sick and sued them.
I'm sure the contestants signed a contract that they weren't allowed to sue. Actually, on Survivor they had to eat nasty things too but it wasn't as bad as Fear Factory. Aw man, I remember the bug pizza in one episode.

One thing that really disgust me is eating animal brains. I don't understand how can someone eat animal brains. On top of that it seems really bad since mad cow diseases came about.
No, and I would not want to hear about it, thank you very much. :sick:

And those iguanas you mentioned, I heard in some parts of Oceania (Pacific) they slit open a pregnant iguana and take the eggs right from the inside of it for food. How sick is that?
And then they let the iguana go, free to live another day.

Speaking of which, that reminds me of a program I watched the other day about turtle poaching. I have to say they eat every part of the animal, which is also a big blow to conservationists.
I once ate my brother's toe nail clippings when I was 6 that was pretty dsigusting.

More Recently? I had Tartar Sauce, I hate that stuff.