What's the worst Final Fantasy game?

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May 29, 2007
ff9 is awful abilty stones suck,the chracters are aaaaaawwwwwful!! and there size for 17year olds tch about 3,2inches high? is there any game as bad ad ff9?
I'd have to say probably VII.(Out of the ones I play every now and then)

I don't really play for the story, even though a story can be pretty interesting sometimes. But I only find it to ring true in hack and slasher games. Like Drakengard 2.

I don't really like FFVII. I usually play for good battles, but FFVII does not deliver that brand of fun. If an enemy is a challenge in the game, it's insanely powerful and kills you 24/25 times you fight it, and it's not even a side boss/boss. For me FFVII compared to FFVIII is nothing. FFVIII delivers that action and fun for me. Enemies aren't too strong, and some of them aren't so hellaciously weak. Makes the game fun.

Oops. Got a little off topic there.-_-;
I thought this thread had been done?

CC is the worst IMO. I didnt feel for any of the characters, hate real time and it was repeative.
Out of the ones I've played I would say FFXII. First I do prefer the turn-based battle system but I also don't think that FFXII's battle system worked very well. Gambits can be annoying and they could have put in a lot more that would be helpful. To me it didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game. It was as if it was Final Fantasy XI, Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts all cramped together. Either that or it just feels like Final Fantasy Tactics. I haven't played FFXII:RW but even that feels more like a FFT game rather than an FF game from what I have read.
Final Fantasy VIII, i utterly despise that game. Storyline was weak, character backgrounds were pathetic, Junction system was boring (and yes i understood it) Drawing was crap, and i hated that magic became an Item.

Horrible game.

Tis just my opinion though :P
then again FFXII wasn't that good either.....it didn't have that strong storyline as the Previous and primitive FFs. And well it didn't live up to the great story line that BOTH of the tactics had to it.

just a big disappointment. and that battle system was just boring. didn't even seem like you were playing at all. caharacters fought for you depending on gambits and i don't know about you but i like to feel as if i'm in the action than commanding it.
Wonderful. FFXII bashing in short sentences. You know at least Vayne wasn't some psychotic prick who wanted to destroy the whole world. FFXII provided people with new challenge etc.

Worst? I don't have a personal worst, though FFVII can bore me. CC would be my least favourite. They should have taken into consideration that not everybody can play multiplayer with this game.

That's a crap reason too for hating FFIX. The style of the game was cartoonish. What heights were you expecting?
I actually prefer IX's "cartoony style", as many call it, to the properly proportioned characters of VIII. I can't see how you can dislike it because of that. Do you hate all of the pre-VII games too?

You said the characters were awful ... are you freakin' kidding me? Out of all the FF games I've played (VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII) I think IX's characters have the best developed motivations and backgrounds! If anyone mentions that fact that Kuja 'wears a thong' as lame comeback I think I'll blow a gasket :P

These threads are pointless. You can't honestly say which game is your least favourite if you haven't played all of them. A lot of members, including me, haven't played them all. So, whatever opinion you have will be pretty biased (if you haven't played them all).

I admit, I'm pretty biased because I love IX and I haven't played many of the other games.

But, yeah, rant over :P Back on topic.
Can't say; I've only played VII, IX, and X. I've got to say, though: Derek's answer kind of suprised me.
IX though? i thought that was one of the great ones, and do grapics really mean that much to you? and you 2 are the first people ive seen say that VII was their least favorite final fantasy. oh well i guess everyone gets their opinion. oh anyway, ill get back to you with my least favorite after ive beaten them all, since i have yet to beat I-IV...and i have a feeling one of them will be my least favorite since i love V-XII. (minus XI)
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Can't say; I've only played VII, IX, and X. I've got to say, though: Derek's answer kind of suprised me.

;P Not often you see someone say FFVII eh?
He's got a point about the battles. The battle system never offered anything challenging which I was kinda annoyed with.
Final Fantasy VIII, i utterly despise that game. Storyline was weak, character backgrounds were pathetic, Junction system was boring (and yes i understood it) Drawing was crap, and i hated that magic became an Item.

Horrible game.

Tis just my opinion though :P

I agree with AG!

I didn't like VIII at all, although there were some points that were actually pleasing, most notably *only* the graphics.
Other than that, there wasn't much else.
I found the game much too mushy-mushy if you know what I mean, and the action got boring ~ like the prison part.
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