What's the worst Final Fantasy game?

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xD ahah yeah the money thing. I kinda cheated with the tests on a previous playthrough, so I was loaded. I heard as well your SeeD level goes down when you escape from a random battle.
Eh fair enough. Forgive me, I get a little bit grumpy when I see the anti-FFXII talk.


..but surely this is somewhat better then X-2? ;w;

FFXII was by far better than FFX-2

FFX-2 just doesnt have anything appealing

Poor characters,not just because all 3 playable are female but the 3 were all annoying,Yuna lost all her respect by turning into another Rikku, Rikku was the horrible cast member of FFX wihch was bratty and terribly immature and the you have pain whos personality is just like Aurons but without the interest.

You change your clothes while in battle....

and the story only reallycontinues FFX when you see the end video,the rest of the game is a waste of time.

though the only thing that saves FFXII for me was the Judge characters

The Judge battles


The Bahumat

and the Gameplay
I thought XII was a really good game. The story confused me and still does but, it's a decent game. X-2 is by far the worst FF Game out there.
I've said it once, and I'll continue to say it, FFVIII.

There wasn't anything more complicated with the storyline than any other FF, IMHO, I just disliked the storyline itself, and the characters. Oh, and the battle system.

FFX comes in 2nd.
i couldnt stand ffx-2 that would be the worst one in my opinion i just could not stand the characters or the storyline
Hmm, i'd have to say FF X-2, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it was just a new FF rather than a sequel, using recyled FFX characters.
I still finished it a couple of times, but i traded it in for something else.....
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus were goddamn awful. FF:CC for being so boring. DoC for being a horrible third-person shooter, whoring out a great game and ruining its good name. Plus it had to be connected to Advent Children, I felt that movie had ripped me off, it was underwhelming to say the least. That being said, I liked the original FF7.
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Nobody loves X-2. ):

Anyway, my least favorite so far would be VIII. I'm going to start playing it again next month though. I got to disc three last time and I thought it was okay. That was when I was younger though so I'm going to try to replay it to see if my opinion on the game changes. (That opening cinema movie is the best opener in the series though. Squall and Seifer duking it out to "Liberi Fatali" was great.)

I played and hated FFX when I was 13; I'm now 18 and I find it one of the best in the series. I'm hoping that FFVIII will be like that when I replay it.
It's probably not my place to even say anything in this topic because I've only played two games in the series, but...I'm going to anyway. The two games that I've played are FFIV and FFV, and I found one to be drastically worse than the other.

FFV just didn't quite match FFIV's standards for me. I didn't find the characters to be as interesting-especially Bartz, the "main" character, and Exdeath, the villain. Why? Because Bartz wasn't a good main character and Exdeath wasn't a good villain. I didn't like either of them. The supporting characters are actually for the most part more interesting than the main character is, and that bothers me.

Other than the characters, FFV really wasn't that much worse than FFIV. The music was about equally good in both games, and the graphics in FFV were actually a step up from the previous game (although that's a no-brainer). The plotline was fairly interesting, but I still preferred that of FFIV.

So...yeah. I probably shouldn't have posted in here yet, but I was really pretty disappointed with FFV after finishing FFIV.
X-2 was a complete travesty and disgrace, it definitely wins the number one spot. Dirge of Cerberus was pretty bad too, not just the gameplay but the hideously painful voice acting. Oh dear god, it makes my ears bleed when i hear Scottish Cait Sith. I'm gonna have to put XII in here too, it's a good RPG, but not a very good Final Fantasy....same goes for Tactics Advance.
I HATE 12 sooo much but i know if i go an buy X2 that i will hate it even more because nothing in the preview inspires me to go out and buy it. it looks rather lame

ff8 is my favorite, then ff10 then ff6.. im going to start playing ff7 next week. im on phon coast with ff12 i might finish that after 7 just to see the ending but it doesnt really compel me at all. the story line is not moving at all but i will give square its praise to graphics and details they put into the game. Sound/music sucked though, all the chars except balthier sucked. basch was somewhat ok
I would probably say either FFXII or FF Tactics. FFXII's battle system was terribly complicated and the story line was completely boring. Plus, Vaan looked like a complete tool. FF Tactics on the other hand was just boring and tedious.
I HATE 12 sooo much but i know if i go an buy X2 that i will hate it even more because nothing in the preview inspires me to go out and buy it. it looks rather lame

ff8 is my favorite, then ff10 then ff6.. im going to start playing ff7 next week. im on phon coast with ff12 i might finish that after 7 just to see the ending but it doesnt really compel me at all. the story line is not moving at all but i will give square its praise to graphics and details they put into the game. Sound/music sucked though, all the chars except balthier sucked. basch was somewhat ok

Did the music suck because the composer was different, or was the music not your type? I always have to ask this question you see :P

Soundwise - Voice actors I presume?

Sorry for questions, I'm always super curious about this when people comment on the negativity of XII's music/sound haha.

No longer will I make comments on characters XD
I thought that DoC was too short. And maybe too hard. There are no sidequests and it's boring. You don't see Cloud (in good graphics) you don't see Tifa, Barret. Well at least Yuffie gets the character
I thought that DoC was too short. And maybe too hard. There are no sidequests and it's boring. You don't see Cloud (in good graphics) you don't see Tifa, Barret. Well at least Yuffie gets the character
I thought DOC was too easy. There was a lack of side quests and I was a little disapointed not to see much of the other characters.
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