What's the worst way you got killed?

I went to Besaid. Had no idea that Dark Valefor would make an appearence. To cut it short, my characters needed training up. And basically he pwned me.
i guess the worst i've ever been killed was when i was fighting a great malboro whith rikku dead and auron equipped with murasame. one bad
breath and auron just wnt to work on a poor sleeping tidus. it was a cold hearted murder-suicide case:sad2:
During the fight with Seymour Natus, he managed to turned all team into Zombies in one turn and then his lil buddy used full life on all ma character before i even had the chance to cure the status or attack him.
the worst way I got killed was yesterday by Dark Anima. Sure he doesn't take much of your hp but when he attacks I turn into stone. I hate his Mega-Gravitation ability. It casts Doom. DOOM! I like Dark Anima but I hate his abilities (or should I say "her")
I had level quite some time and then BAM! Some freaking Ahrimans came and put my Wakka on confusion and he went to SOS haste and killed my whole team. After that i slaughtered every Ahriman I could find.
i will have to say Dark Magus Sisters well you have to if they do their overdrive on you and deal 99999 damage on you like over 15 times.
Omega Dungeon. Fighting Great Malboro with Yuna, Rikku, and Tidus. Bad Breath comes up, Rikku & Tidus get confused. Yuna just goes berserk. Rikku attacks & misses Yuna with Godhand. Yuna Hits and kills Rikku with Nirvana. Tidus hits and kills both Yuna and himself. THE most hilarious yet humiliating loss of life I have ever seen.

LOL, funilly enough that happend to me :P
Lol… That would definitely be against Yunalesca. The very first time I came into that battle with her, I had everyone fully maxed out and thought it would be a breeze. It would have, but I completely forgot about Megadeath, (Worst part is, I kinda remember reading about it before I got the game) and before I knew it, everyone was dead...
By one of my most hated fiends in the game, he ambushed me then slapped poison and confusion and that was game over, never had a chance to move or anything! cant think of any worse way to die then your own party killing each other then going suicidal
Dark aeon magus sisters. I was looking for aurons celestial weapon. They were the first dark aeon i came across, - after one very long winded overdrive, well - game over. Very kind of them.
At the beginning in Zanarkand, I didn't know I had to Push that Train off the road and the Sinspawn kept coming and killed me eventually.

I suck, I know.
First dark aeon battle here too....before that had some hard moments but generally it was ok. But Dark Ixion wiped the floor with me literally...I did not even knew what hit me....
Well...I was returning to Besaid Village and bang.....Dark Valefor(note that I had like 4000hp on my best character and my highest stat was Auron's 52 Strenght. All that flying crap did was spit an energy ray and bang....9999 to everybody. I hated that defeat.
Has to be when i was fighting Omega i cast reflect on him by accident forgot about it and double-casted ultima onto myself i would mind but it didnt kill me lulu and yuna had survived tidus was dead. But since i had memory cursor on when i tried to use phoenix down it was on omega... then he killed me