What's your favorite FF7 quote?


Mar 15, 2007
As the topic says what would you say is your favorite quote in FF7?

Mine would have to be from Cid Highwind when you first meet him in Rocket Town.

Aerith: Why don't you read our fortunes?

Cait Sith: Say, that's right... I haven't done it in a while, huh? I'm so
excited. Right or wrong, I'm still the same 'ol me. Now, what should I predict?

Aerith: Hmm, let's see how compatible Cloud and I are!

Cait Sith: That'll cost ya. Exactly one date! Here I go! This isn't good. I
can't say it. Poor Tifa.

Aerith: No! Tell me! I promise I won't get mad!

Cait Sith: Is that so? Then I'll tell you. Looks good. You are perfect for each
other! Aeris's star and Cloud's star! They show a great future! Cloud, I'll be
your matchmaker, preacher... I'll do whatever you want me to! You just call me
when it all happens! Thank you for believing in me, know that I was a spy. This
is the final, final farewell!

^_^ i love that quote :)
Cloud: "I'll cut 'em off"
Tifa: "I'll rip 'em off"
Aerith: "I'll smash them!"
Aerith: Why don't you read our fortunes?

Cait Sith: Say, that's right... I haven't done it in a while, huh? I'm so
excited. Right or wrong, I'm still the same 'ol me. Now, what should I predict?

Aerith: Hmm, let's see how compatible Cloud and I are!

Cait Sith: That'll cost ya. Exactly one date! Here I go! This isn't good. I
can't say it. Poor Tifa.

Aerith: No! Tell me! I promise I won't get mad!

Cait Sith: Is that so? Then I'll tell you. Looks good. You are perfect for each
other! Aeris's star and Cloud's star! They show a great future! Cloud, I'll be
your matchmaker, preacher... I'll do whatever you want me to! You just call me
when it all happens! Thank you for believing in me, know that I was a spy. This
is the final, final farewell!

^_^ i love that quote :)

yeah cait sith got that dead wrong.Bad luck fortune telling if you ask me.

My fave qoute:

Sephiroth "meteor...the ultimate destructive magic...with it i shall destroy the world muhahahhahahahahhah"

cloud "i dont understand what your saying!"
Barret: "I guess that's everyone."

Red XIII: "No, Yuffie's missing."

Barret: "She ain't gonna show up. Least this time she didn't steal our materia. Guess we gotta be thankful for that."

Heh, that made me smirk. Yuffie's a great gal, really...but what Barret said kinda cracked me up. Yuffie's a changed girl now and would not steal any of her friend's materia anymore. I think Barret just said that out of humor.
Right when Cid gets done yelling at Shera during the TEA scene. He storms off. If you have Barret in your party at the time. As soon as Cid is out of there, he goes..."Damn man!.....Whats up with that guys attitude!?" Of course, I loved all the quotes during that scene.
This one was really sad i thought:

Then I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over.
- Aeris' last words (in Cloud's vision/dream at the Forgotten City)
Let's see... What was that quote...

"Elena, can you quit talking? You're making me sober." -Reno

Something like that. @_@; I forgot.
Godo: Strength without determination means nothing... And determination without strength is equally useless...!

Red XIII: I am Nanaki of Cosmo Canyon! The son of the warrior, Seto! I'll come back a warrior true to that noble name! So please, Grandpa...

Bugenhagen: What to do? Have you lost your way? When that happens we each have to take a good look at our hearts. There's always something forgotten. Remember it... Whatever that is, must certainly be what you are looking for...
I love some of the things Barret says:

"why Nibelheim, what are you high on mako or something."

"Cetra, is that a disease or something."

Then the classic Aerith line " This guy are sick."

On the TV in the slums "Come to the light, Shin-Ra is the future. Real happiness can only be found in obedience to the company."

Reno " We may be retreating ,but we're still victorious yo."
"OH GAWD! If i know this was gonna happen, i would've taken rope escape lessons more seriously!!" - Yuffie

"Lookin' at you is makin' me sober" - Reno

"Hey Tea. Can i have some too? with plenty of sugar and honey. oh yeah and don't forget the lard too!" - Palmer

" a Pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. that's just a fool." - Reno

Reno- "why do you think we went to all the trouble of teaming up with those guys to get you...?
1. because we were ready to die
2. because we were sure of victory
3. because we were clueless"
Corneo - "Two...Number two?"
Reno - "All Wrong."
Corneo - "No...! wait, Sto......!"
Corneo - "Aaaaaaaaaa......p"
Reno - "The corect answer was..."
Rude - "Becasue it's our job"
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Just about everything Reno says is funny...but there is one that stands out in my mind from FFVII. Its when Don Corneo kidnaps Yuffie and Elena, when Cloud and co. show up. IF you have Vincent in your party, he says,

"I don't care much for what your doing, but its just the stupid way in which your doing it..."

XD I love it.