What's your favorite singer?

Matthew Barlow! Nobody can beat this guy!
Band: Iced Earth - again. Finally they hired him again, kicking Owens '-' I'm sooo happy about it!~
Why I like him: He's the only vocalist I know that really shows his emotions by singing. That sounds rather stupid, for every singer tries that. TRIES. But he is the only one who really does it.
Bad thing that you only hear it when you hear live songs of Iced Earth. (*cough* Listen to Alive in Athens *cough*)
I don't think I could pick just one! One for each gender, maybe.

Female = Avri Lavigne.
At first, I wasn't sure what to think of AL. I'd heard Happy Ending, but didn't think I'd like her other music. I was very wrong. I love both her old tracks, such as Complicated, and her newer ones; When You're Gone and Innocence are just beautiful, and Hot is simply catchy! While some of her recent music - namely Girlfriend - doesn't contain the BEST morals, and goes against all she once stood for, it's still very addictive and, having seen her live, I can see how much energy and enjoyment goes into her music! ^_^

Male = Nick Lachey
I don't like one of his albums, but some of his music is simply beautiful: I Can't Hate You Anymore, What's Left of Me, Ghosts, Did I Ever Tell You and On Your Own are especially beautiful. :)
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Mike Patton, as my avatar shows. Although I guess not your traditional singer, I just love how he can do amazing things vocally. He was in Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Fantômas, Peeping Tom, and other things including many solo projects, working with the Melvins, Dillinger Escape Plan, etc.

Fun fact: He did the voices(sounds?) of the monsters in the remake of The Last Man on Earth, I Am Legend.

For a more traditional singer I would say Robert Plant. He is pretty much what makes Zeppelin so great for me, that's not to say I don't enjoy Bonham, Page, and Jones. :P

Don't really have a favorite female singer. Don't listen to many, if any, bands with lead female vocalists.
I think Amy Lee has one of the best voices, without a doubt. She's one of the only female singers I can tolerate.
I like Tim Mcllrath's (Rise Against) voice, it's so unique.
Also, I love Alanis Morissette's, simply amazing.
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I love Megumi Hayashibara, a Japanese singer that sings Brave Heart which Is the song In my signature. Shes a very pretty singer In Japan, hopefully when I visit there she will still be there. :)

I also have a lot of favorite bands but Its so hard to choose just one. :D
My favorite female singer would definitely have to be Lacey Mosley. I love me some Flyleaf :monster:

As for males, I don't think anyone even comes close to comparing to Adam Gontier. Canadian AND amazing voice? Wicked <3
My favorite singer has to be Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, such a great vocal range.

Geddy Lee of Rush, and Tommy Shaw of Styx are also close favorites as well.
it has 2 be corey taylor (not while he's in slipknot) if isn't actualy screaming for once he is pretty good. And charlie simpson from fightstar.
My favorite singer would have to be Kelly Clarkson she sings very good. :) If not her then Chris Daughtry. :monster:
It's a three way tie for me.

Warren Zevon - Has this cigarette laden voice that just sounds amazing to me. It's a real pity he died a few years ago as he was a brilliant songwriter.

Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) - Jethro Tull is my favourite band, and Ian Anderson is the big reason why. I find it surprising that his voice can still hit all the right pitches.

Geddy Lee (Rush) - Looking at him I'd never expect his singing voice to be as amazing as it is.
Brendon Urie from Panic at the Disco! I've seen them live and he sings just as he does on the records, he has a lush voice, plus I just love him anyway haha
I started to listen to Scooter a lot and I must say, his music is pure fun. I can't help but dance and laugh :lol:

And without a doubt Rihanna. Even though her songs, dance moves don't stand out but her voice really does. She sings like nobody else. She is popular because she is Rihanna and nobody has the same or even alike voice like hers. Black men and women are truly talented singers imo :)
My favorite male singer would have to be Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars. I love the energy and emotion he puts into each and every one of the songs off of the bands latest album, a Beautiful Lie. His good looks don't hurt either :D

I also really like Chris Brown, not just for his singing, but for his mad dance skills as well. Every since he came onto the music scene a few years ago, he's been releasing catchy, upbeat songs that become hits almost instantly. He really is an amazing artist, and he's now one of my favorite singers.

Last but non the least, my favorite female artist is Rihanna. She has a very unique voice and style, which is one of the reasons I've come to like her so much. No body can top the edginess she brings to the music world. I really can't get enough of her songs!
Favourite singer? I think I'd have to go for one of Faith Hill, Katherine Jenkins or, believe it or not, Michael Bublé, all three of whom have particularly powerful voices and anything they sing tends to grab my attention remarkably quickly.