What's your highest chain?

55 is now my highest but that is just from killing panthers for the courl pelts in the golmore jungle..them thing are some money makers...how i found that many panthers in the first place i will never nkow!
60 again with the skeletons in the mines. Im getting so much cash stealing bone fragments from them lol!
Highest ever : 500 in mines with the undead

Another good palce is galmore jungle i got a 350 chain in there from the wolfs and if you steal from them they give out a mixture of good loot...made a fortune in there
Mines about 150 in Lhusu mines on skeles. 193gil for bone fragment plus any extra items like dark stone etc. some decent gil ther =P
you guys should try get a good chain in sochen cave palace against all the undead and steal Maggoty Flesh and Forbidden Flesh from them.. i left once i had 99 of each and a 300 chain or something and ended up with over 100000 gil!
160 in the Feywood, with Cerberus and Tartarus. It really isn't something worth chaining so much unless you are looking to get the Hell-Gate's Flame 6 times like I did. Which took a while.
I actually got 130 yesterday exploring around the sandsea without meaning to actually get a chain.
Around 350 with killing cerberus, I was on the "hell gate flame" hunt and it was all for the tournesol, but I have to say it was worth it, the sword is ass kicking...

257 killing the mobs that appear after killing Zeromus (you get 140k gil for selling 99 blood darkened bones that you can get very easily from killing them.)
My highest chain was about a 50 chain with the Estersand creeps. There were so many so it was easy to get chains off them.

Also, the bats in the Henne Mines were quite popular too for Chains.
My highest chain is 203. I was training in the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea and fought a lot of Urutan-Yensa. It took me a couple of hours or so, it tends to get extremely tedious and boring after a while so I simply gave it up! I hope to beat that record again sometime soon.
mine was about 150 of the wolves in the Mosphoran Highwaste. I REALLY wanted those drops of throatwolf blood. I ended up with about 25 drops...I wasn't all that lucky...or maybe I was actually lucky, I don't know the drop rate of them. I also got 150 of the Lhusu Mine skeletons.