What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Excited

Reason: Christmas is only 15 hours away! :monster: Not too excited about the wrapping part though. After posting this, I'll have to get started on wrapping the 21 gifts (I counted -__-). It wouldn't be so difficult if I wasn't running low on scotch tape. And I really, really, REALLY don't want to go out to buy. It takes so long.. I mean you'd have to wear leggings, jeans, a light jacket, a scarf, gloves, a heavy jacket, thick socks and then boots. Jeez.. :gasp:
Extremely tired and un-motivated. Supposed to be wrapping gifts and all right now, but i stayed out at the bars for a while last night and then came home and played Halo 3 'til bout 2AM or later.

Mood: Fucked.
Reason: It has been non-stop all day :wacky: plus I didn't manage to get much sleep, and it wasn't even excitement that kept me awake, I just generally couldn't get to sleep :( however, it has been an amazing day and the alcoholz will be cracked open soon :D
Mood: Ok

Reason: Chriostmas is finally over, spent most of the day asleep anyway, I conked out after istmas dinner, my house is a mess, toys where, cant wait for normaility to resum, and Im hungover...grrr

Roll on tomorrow, piss up pending :monster:
Mood: Very Tired

I could have had a 4 day weekend but I chose to work Boxing Day and get that extra bit of money >_<

So now after a long day I am still up at 1:30 am on the internet trying to amuse myself because my partner wouldn't stay up with me. And now I've just remembered I haven't finished my brothers Christmas present yet. >_<


I'll get to bed eventually. >_<
Mood: Tired
Reason: I just successfully finished a road trip with friends and cousins. Awesome day yet tiring at the same time. We left after spending time with our parents during Christmas eve. It was totally awesome!
Mood: Undecided.

Reason: Got enough games and DVDs to keep me busy for a while but I don't know where to start. I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff I got and now I don't know where to begin. >.<
Mood: Impatient

Reason: Been waiting for a blockmate to get online for...4 hours now. I NEED to know WHEN my Arts paper is due. Otherwise I say goodbye to 20% of my grade. It's about why people build religious temples. Haven't even started.. -__-
Mood: Impatient & Confused

Reason: I went to sleep last night at about 4 am (in my time) and I woke up at 10 o'clock at night. This means that I didn't move an inch out of my house. That means that I don't have Twilight yet! :gasp:
It's half 6 in the morning now, I'm staying up until todays evening and go to sleep then. (I'm absolutely not tired btw. I didn't need to drink coffee.)
Mood: Bored.

I'm not doing anything else other than staying on this forums. And I've been doing that for the past few hours, not touching the Arcade, and with no RPG either. Sigh.
Mood: Tired and impatient.

Reaosn: I am a bit tired today. I been somewhat impatient waiting for someone to get on MSN the past few days to get some information on a issue but from the information I got already, nothing has changed so far.
Mood: Rubbish

Reason: I dunno, probably because I feel ill and that today, although it's been a common feeling for me recently. Tis no fun. -_-
Mood: Tired and annoyed

Reason: I went to sleep last night at 5 in the morning. I stayed up and watched a bunch of the movies I got for Christmas and played on my new computer. Because of that though, I woke up at 11:30 this morning and half of my day is gone :/

I've got to start going to bed at a normal time >.>
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I have a blister the size of a 20cent coin on my foot and it tore yesterday so now every step I take is painful and I'm forced to walk on the side of my foot like an idiot. -__-
Mood - Goood.

Reason - I love the holidays =D Lazy day every day! I'm currently hooked on Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3 =D At the moment I have to destroy this beast of a tank and I'm hopeful I won't have to retry again =D
Mood: Annnnnnnnnnnnoyed
Reason: All my new games are bloody annoying, FF4 DS I can barely get money in, Tales of eternia has me stuck where i'm meant to fight something, WOTL has me stuck on the second battle and I CAN'T WIN TO SAVE MY LIFE. Grr... Strategy games hate me -__-
Mood: Calm, relaxed

Just finished several hundred pages into Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, part of the Twilight series.

No reason to explain it though, always feels good for me to read a lot first, then head up to the computer.. Weird huh?
Feelin gooood

Im lying in bed today doing absolutely nowt browsing the forums and playing about on photoshop. I've turned my phone off so no one can get a hold of me and to make things evn better, im off al next week through to the 6th of january :):):):):)
Mood: Lazy

Reason: hungover so Im doing fuck all today. Im starvinfg and cold, which is annoying because Ive got the fire and the heating on D: Cant wait for food to arrive. No more beer for me after new ywear...well, not much...