What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Bored again

School's starting. A new year of excitement, and an extreme anxiety with my coming National Examinations. Which explain's why I'm up here despite the time being like. 2am in the morning?

And to think there are not that many members as i was hoping there would...... Thus explains my interesting mood.
Mood: Lazy and impatient.

Reason: Sundays are my lazy days now and I don't feel like playing any of my games I got at this time. I am still waiting for someone to get on MSN but that isn't going to happen either. *sighs*
Mood: Happy

I bought two Twilight books at once yesterday. I already read half of the first book. Both books cost me 14 euros. I still have about 40 euros left. I'm getting a DS for my 14th birthday and that's pretty much it.
Mood: Great
Reason: Last night was absolutely SENSATIONAL! House parties ace clubbing at my age tbqh, it's sooooo much easier to socialize with everyone at a house party opposed to a club and 4 of us went to the pizza shop down the road and had a great laugh and even got two 10" pizzas for the price of one 16" :D
I think we ended up walking out with like 8 pizzas and 4 parmos xlolx.
But in fairness there was 20 of us at least :-)
Mood: Knacker'd

Didn't sleep all last night, I got to bed at about 9am and woke up at 12pm been up since, Also I has nothing to do so I'm just sitting here not doing anything. D=
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Housework needs doing, Ellie being naughty (has been banished to her room) I took the tree down in a temper :wacky: The twatting council offices arent open so I cant get a new BIN, Velcro won't stop meowing at me, oh and I think Ellie may have killed all my sea monkies... -__-

Today didnt start off too well :grumpy:
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Housework needs doing, Ellie being naughty (has been banished to her room) I took the tree down in a temper :wacky: The twatting council offices arent open so I cant get a new BIN, Velcro won't stop meowing at me, oh and I think Ellie may have killed all my sea monkies... -__-

Today didnt start off too well :grumpy:


Im not doing anything, tv is shit and i got bored with FFVI, i cba levelling up all my characters to go climb kefka tower, fuck that.
I kinda want to go out 2nite but i kinda dont so i dunno what to do. Ughhh i hate being undecided.
Mood: tired

Reason: I was dragged out of bed at 9am this morning to be dragged around the shops, which was a depressing experience. Then I came home and played on the wii for ages and I tired myself out. >_>
Mood: Depressed

Reason: I have to work New Years Eve and I'm not happy about it. They have me work every single holiday and I already took Thanksgiving and Christmas off, I don't think I can afford to take New Years off too.
Mood: Shattered :|
Reason: I think I got too much sleep which has made me more tired than I went to bed. :wacky: although I could blame the 9am shopping this morning. What's worse is that I'm at a 3 hour hair appointment at 2pm then a party at 8. x)
Mood: Meeeeeeh

Reason: I feel like shiiiit, Ive eaten far too much chocolate, got zero appetite, headache, tired cold, i have another cold coming on. Going to the motherships later.... I wish december would fuck off
Mood: Tired

Reason: I was woken up way too early this mourning after getting only a few hours sleep. I was going to go out with some friends to a club tonight, but now I can't be stuffed so I'm just going to watch some South park and go to bed.
Mood: Great and excited

Reason: I passed an entrance exam for college. I have only passed one exam and the results of the other two exams that I took are coming soon. I can't wait for next week to come because next week will be the showing of the results of my college of choice!
Mood: Amazingly good.
Reason: God knows, I should fell well down considering I have shit loads of homework to do and we go back to college tomorrow...and I should have a hangover as well. But a combination of seeing Kayleigh for the first time in 2 weeks and 5 a side finally being booked has made me happy. :)
Cold and tired

Its freezing in my house, iv got all the heaters on and layers of clothes but its of no use.
Im tired cuz i had people coming in by this morning for half an hour so i had to get up and clean the kitchen and stuff. Least im not back at work til tuesday though :D
mood: average

Reason: ot ill anymore, but now I have a cold instead AGAIN. I only just got rid of the last fucker, went for a curry last night and to the local. I'm poo at darts -__- got abit tipsy then stumbled home top bed. Surprisingly not hungover. At all. I also went shopping yesterday, I was intendiong on buying a nice brown top to go with a skirt I have, bu I ended up buying 3 tops and 2 pairs of shoes. Thats what happens when you leave Bam unattended in the sales. I was in that shop for almost an hour

The brown heels I bought are RIDICULOUS, I fell over twice beforE I even left the house. They are gorgeous though, so its SO worth it. Just got a couple of spuds in the oven, gunna have a huge munch and playing FFXII. I seem to have fixed my lag issue aswel......has switched over to firefox >_>
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: My family is really getting on my nerves today. My dad got mad at me for no reason, and my mom has just been short with everybody today. I really wish I could just get away from them for awhile >_> I only have one more day until school starts as well, so I'm not to excited about that.
Mood - Happy, Tired, and Pissed Off all in one.

Reasons - Having a rather epic conversation with Mandi and Vik, as well as a really personal conversation with one of my RL friends. Tired because it's like, 2am. And pissed off because someone's just really gotten on my tits lately and it's really effected me today.
Mood: Lazy

Reason: Tired and still full of a cold, but I can have a nice lazy day today, I ahev nothing I need to do, bar polishing, wehich I'l get round to at some point. Oh and puting my washing away. Other than that, I'm free to louinge around and eat al day, because I even have FOOD for once. Not that I'm particiulrily hungry, it's too early
Slighly gutted but not that bad

Back to work tommorrow. Ive had 11 days off in total which is awesome. I feel refreshed and ready to get back into the thick of it. Being back on the tuesday instead of the Monday is a big plus as it shortens the week.:)
But i still wouldnt mind having another few days off before i go back :P
The thought of getting up at 6 in the am is scary, specially seeing as its so cold, but it has to be done.