What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Irritated

Reason: Not really in a bad mood or anyuthing, Im just feeling abit agitated still I suppose, Im tired got a bit of a headache but I overslept, so even though Im tired I know I wont be sleeping tonight Bah :gasp:

I have 61GB free on my Vista partition. I don't know why I gave so much space to my Linux partition, because my mp3 player is incompatible with it, and it's difficult to install the necessary codex to watch videos on it, so I really don't need more than 20GB of space. But noooo. I split my 320GB drive down the middle. I want to put all my ST episodes back, but it'll take up all of the space. I have cash to buy an external, but it makes me sad to spend $80 on something that should only cost like $30.
Mood: Frustrated

Reason: I'm determined to get rid of this fucking fly which is in my room before I go to bed. However, the fucker is proving to be quite difficult, it is faster and more cunning than the average fly. I need to get rid of the little shit because I know it will be buzzing around me all night if I don't get rid of it now. The last thing I need is a fly keeping me awake considering it's hard enough to sleep as it is in this heat
A little irritated.

It's 2:30 and my sister still hasn't gone to bed. I stay up until 5, and it's generally agreed upon that after about 1, the living room is mine. I want to turn the lights and television off and be alone, but she won't take the hint and leave. And, of course, I can't say anything, because then it's going to dissolve into one big hissy fit where she calls me a cunt and makes some snarky fucking remark about me being a whole four years younger.

I've been making conscious attempts to be more forgiving. Today, at Best Buy, some creepy guy asked me to read the package of cleaning wipes to see if they were for DVDs or CDs, and I calmly took it and read it and told him it didn't say. He walked away and asked some kid who worked there the same question, because apparently I'm lying, and I didn't even say anything to anyone until now. I didn't go back to the car and tell my mother about the complete fuckhole of a retard, no. I kept it to myself, even admonished myself for having such rude thoughts, and this is my reward.

This is really, really pissing me off. My desk and everything I need is here, so it's not like I can go to my room. Fuck.
Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Finally went to bed at a decentish time, so Ive had a proper nights sleep for the first time in ages. Slightly annoyed that 3 sets of people want me to go out at the same fucking time though. Why do people always want to do things at the same stupid time -__-
Mood: relaxed.

I have the night off from revising and homework for the first time since I went back to school. I've been getting my act together this term (though not quickly enough to do well in my latest Biology exam) and so I'm starting to feel on top of things again. Additionally, I'm not long back from a driving lesson during which my instructor said I only have a few more lessons to go before I'm ready to book a practical test. I'm also sitting here listening to Bond, a string quartet, and I'm feeling good. All in all, a better mood than I've been in for a few days.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I went to bed at around 1 last night, so I was pretty much a zombie today. I fell asleep in 3 of my classes and missed a lot of important notes, so I'm going to try to go to bed tonight a lot earlier. Getting up at 5 in the morning sure is a drag.
Mood: HAPPY/Stressed..
Reason: We won our school hockey game 2-1.. we were losing 1-0 the whole game til there was like 2mins left in the 3rd and we tied it up, then with 30 seconds left we got a penalty... then we broke out on a 2 on 1, scored with 9.8 seconds left! We now moved into first place with that win :).

Stressed because i got exams coming up and i got about 4 projects due by like next wednesday... end of semesters sawkz cawkz >_<
Mood: Juuuusssst a little pissed off

Reason: You know how it is... when you spend ages working on something, only for the program you're using to crap out on you, and you were so into your piece that you didn't save it. -__- -eats photoshop;-

I was watching Star Trek Voyager, season 4 episode 26, Hope and Fear, and recognized the actor who plays the devious alien Arturis as the same guy who plays Leland Palmer in Twin Peaks. I generally suck at recognizing actors, especially when they're covered in silicone looking like a giant sentient phallus...this made my night.

im waiting to get conformation that this guy did get my game I sent him a few days ago.
I hope it does.
and it's late I should go to bed.
And people just annoy me. It's like... everything they do, makes me mad.
Especially "her" parents. my girlfriend. Really, it's ALL adults that I've come into contact with that really push me over the edge, I just don't have the patience to put up with their insults and crap. I just snap at the first wrong thing they say and blow up in their face.
Mood: Upset

Reason: Let's just say this was supposed to be a good night. Now I'm stuck at home, with nothing other than the frustration and a big pile of unfolded clothes and dirty dishes which I refuse to do until the morning.. -__- What a complete waste of excitement.
Mood: Bored

Reason: I cba doing anything, so I suppiose it's my own fault I'm bored.... I cba playing FFXII either although I might shove it on to see how I face against Hell Wyrm.....there's not really anything to do anyway, I need to hoover but that can bog off, I hate hoovering. Bah. It's one of those days I think D:

Its the weekend which means no work, no getting up early and no boss. I plan on going out tommorrow and getting very drunk and making a complete fool outta myself and then lying in bed til 3 in the afternoon on sunday before going to the gym, i cant wait. :)
Mood - Bored

I've got fuck all to do really. I'm just playing FFI on the PSP for the crack now xD While watching Futurama =D

Simply ready. Waiting for this military time to roll around so I can start up my Boot Camp and get my life a'rollin'.

Also, ready to go out tonight. Drink time!@! Hoo-Ah!
Mood: Irritated

Reason: No other reason than Ive wokwn up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm in a stonker of a mood and I'm annoying myself -__-
Bored - going out tonight but i really cba. I need a haircut but i cba going out and getting one. Im just gonna lie in and play the comp for a wee ehile then get round to the haircut later maybe.
Mood; Totally shitty.

My ex, who has gone on many flings since we broke up, has now reached an all time low, she is 12 nearly 13, and is going out with an 17 year old who is nearly 18. Just angers me how she goes out with these stupid guys, is she trying to make me jealous or something because it's not working. >_>
Mood: Tired

Reason: I just got back from town, a few friends and I went clubbing and I am pretty damn exhausted. I've got a headache from the overpowering smell of cologne and I am just about ready to hit the hay.