What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: pretty good

Reason: Well I went to bed early last night, so I was able to actually get up early this morning ^^ I always hate it when I sleep late in the mornings because I feel like I've wasted half of my day. I'm supposed to go shopping for dresses later with my friend, so I'm looking forward to that as well.

Got a cup(well, technically three cups) of coffee at 7-11. I love this shit. It totally blows away Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts, and it's only $1.83 for 24oz. I also gorged myself on pizza, and am about to embark on another night of immersion in Star Trek.
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I had a late night last night and I haven't had breakfast yet. My body doesn't feel like doing anything but I'm supposed to play tennis with a friend today. Oh well I should be alright once I have some breakfast and pump myself full of caffeine
Mood: Shit
Reason: Hangover, and I was sick like 4 times last night :sad:, that's what I get for mixing drinks, otherwise I wouldn't have a hangover since I didn't really drink all that much.

I drunk too much last night so basically ive got a killing hangover, thats a sore head aswell and a stomach thats just waiting to throw it back up. Ughhhhh its nae fair.
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Far too much wine last night, AND I was in a afoul mood yesterday for unknown reasons. Danny took the piss out of me for a typo I did looking for a phone number and I pracically threw th ekb at him....a wine glass got thrown earlierr aswel xDD

Anyway, Im in a better mood today and Imhoping to win this stupid fishtank <__<

Half an hour to go
Mood - Tired

My sleep cycle's fucked up again, so I keep falling asleep and waking up at random times, my head is just bouncing D= and we have no painkillers in the house because I used them all last week -__-

I have a pain in my lower right abdomen. It's not really an uncommon occurrence, but it worries me nonetheless. I don't think it's appendicitis, because that's what I worry about every time I get it, and it's localized to one particular spot. I try not to worry, try not to google it because self diagnosis just makes my anxiety worse, but I'm compelled to. I don't really have any other symptoms, aside from the usual crap I get from panicking.

I really, really do not want someone to put their finger up my butt, which is exactly what will happen if I go to the hospital. Plus, it's 3AM and tomorrow is a fucking holiday, and I would only get WTFs if I went to the hospital for it anyways.

I'm probably just going to do without sleep, since classes start Tuesday and I need to start getting up around the time I currently go to bed.

And now that I think about it, I didn't have this pain until I started panicking about another random cramping pain in the back of my thigh, which leads me to believe that this whole thing is just psychological and I need to calm down and stop being such a puss.
Mood - Unbelievably tired.

I think I had like...an hour of sleep last night ._. Luckily I'm only in college till half 11 today, otherwise I'd end up falling asleep in a lesson. D=
Mood - Tired/Angry

Well, as most of you could probably see if you was on the SB yesterday I wasn't having the best day. I only managed to get to sleep at 4.30am due to some reasons I'd rather not discuss:gasp:
So I've had 1 and a half hour sleep, and I'm got to be in college in, 30 minutes.
Today is going to be brutal..
Mood: Very Irritated..

Right now, I'm seriously bored. There's no games online that interests me. There's no games that i would play.

The weather is hot, and my fan's not to be connected unless i make myself sweat to get it plugged in, and am in the situation where i seriously do not want to sweat and have to fan myself desperately........

I don't want to stop using the computer cos' i seriously don't want to do work, and revise, just cos' of some random mood....

And add my current ulcer condition which makes moving my mouth hurts...... ARGHGHGHG
Mood - Ecstatically happy!

I'm finally finally finally THROUGH with Keyskills. I'm off the register, and I never, ever, ever, ever have to go back to that lesson ever again! And now, I finish college at half 11 on Mondays! =D

Oh happy days!
Mood: Bitchy

Reason: Same reason all females get bitchy once a month.

And also because Ninja Fucking Periods are killing me and keep sneak attacking me. :gasp:

I need chocolate, liek, right naow! :grumpy:
Mood: Irritated

Reason: Wanted to go out today and do stuff, nothing particularily exciting, but the thought was there for a change, and Im just debating on getting ready, when it starts pissing it down. It better not keep this up all week, or I wont be amused. Either that, or I'l just bite the bullett and run out in a couple of hours........ >_> Actually, I might jut do that, go for the bus instead of walking...... <_<

Lets see how I feel a bity later :wacky:
Mood: Shitty
Reason: Me and teh lass called things off the other night for reason el personel, but now she be shaggin' a friend of mine. Dramaz inevitable :gasp:

I think the last 3 weeks I've just slept in 'til noon (excluding Sundays) and stayed in sweatpants and a T-Shirt until supper time.
Mood: indecisive.

I'm still unsure of what I want to do after school and this feeling comes amidst my second reply from a University - I have a conditional offer (a B in any subject this year) to do Developmental Biology at Edinburgh University. Time's running out and I just don't know. D=<

I almost never get sick but I have a pretty bad headcold right now. My ears keep popping, my nose is constantly running, and I can's stop coughing. It was worse yesterday but I'm still pretty down about it. I don't think I've been this sick in about 5 years. Thank God I'm not chunking.
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I'm on my fucking monthly, I'm cramping, and I need some goddamn chocolate. I have to go to work tonight and finishing pulling transfers which are over 300 movies. We're putting out new movies tonight. I also have to work with the little bitch I wrote up the other night because of time theft and her getting really nasty with me about it. She better hope like fuck she doesn't screw with me tonight. I'll hand her ass right to her.