What's Your Mood? V2.

Great, was out all last night and had a brilliant time. Just finally got home now and with perfect timing as the footballs away to start. So hopefully we beat hibs and aberdeen destroy Rangers, that would make for a great day. Think il go out tonight aswell, not back at work til wednesday.
I'm good. Really looking forward to going out tonight for my friends birthday ^^ It should be a blast. Until then, I've decided to forget my mountain of homework, until tomorrow, and just make the most out of today and really enjoy myself ^^
I feel really good today ^^ I had a lot of fun just hanging out with my friends last night. We went and saw My Bloody Valentine, which was absolutely terrifying, but I still had a good time. Today I'm just going to try and relax since I know I'll have a ton of homework come Monday.
Mood: Bored
There's nothing to do and I can't be arsed doing my homework which I really should because I'm at 5 a side and Kayleigh's tomorrow so I'm gonna have to do shit loads in the morning, but there's generally nothing to do today...how shit. :sad:
Mood: Numb

Lost ma uncle. I don't want pity before anyone says that. :stare: Just feel a little detached. Keeping my mind off it by making graphics and shit. Not literal shit. :stare: SB is keeping me perky. xD Not that kind of perky.

And I'm seeing innuendo in EVERYTHING I type...
Mood: Nervous
Reason: I got a big hockey game tonight and if i lose tonight we are done and out of OMHA which is the biggest tournament in Ontario.. I won it once out of the 14 years of hockey i've played, and it would be real nice to win it again in my last year... i just don't see it happening with the team we have. We've lost 2 out of 2 so far to the worst teams so if we lose to this good team, were done =\
I'm quite relaxed. I'm catching up on some moderating that's been piling up for a week, I now have another reply from a University (a conditional offer on a C in chemistry - that's reachable), I'm listening to music, telly's shite but still relaxing tonight, I've been at work and now feel satisfied that I've done something worthwhile today...just generally content, tonight.

Had a good last night, no hangover today at all so i can fully enjoy my sunday. And as an added plus Im not working tommorrow or tuesday. :D its gonna feel great lying in bed tommorrow.
Mood: Good

Reason: Had a good weekend. Went out on Friday nifght with a few of the girls and it was alot of fun and omg, it kicked off with some random lad on his own on Friday, he was there, looked at me and said 'sorry mate, I dont know you' So im like, Its ok, i dont know you either pal

We walked across the road, and he was there again and he said ' IL TAKE ALL OF YOU ON' meaning us 4 girls, so we are just like ....wot? He said he'd kick my arse because I was 2 stone wet through, Then proceeded to tell the rest of us what we 'weighed' I'd of ripped his fucking head off..... hahaha

THEN we walked down the road, and ouit of no where, this little boy staggered out of an ally way, so I grabbed him by the elbow and told him off xD

Turns out he was 14 and his mates where in Pizza pan, he stumbled off and I sent two police men on his trail xDDD

THEN we decided, because we'd seen the earlier idiot wander into a bar, to follow him and deck ghim, sadly, we didnt see him again, he would of got ripped apart by girls hahaha

I got a Wii aswel, so I played that all sat with my hangover, getting my hair off wih MArio Kart and Wii Sports

AND I finally replaced the broken fish tank, it's still in once peice, so far so good

So overall, its been a great weeekend, and Im in a great mood ^^
Good, not long woke up. It feels great being off work especially when you know that all your mates are grafting away :lol: I plan on lazing about and not really doing much of anything today, will probadly go down the gym later on but til then im not doing anything. Off tommorrow aswell which is even better.

Not sure why but I really feel like picking a fight. It's a great feeling but it never pans out well for me. hahaha Might need to drink me a Killian's, punt me a Red Bull machine, and bash a couple bottles off the nearest tonk's pate.

Anticipating warm freakin' weather. My room is the coldest in the house even though my window's half open since my Xbox Live cable runs through the bottom of it, but I don't even think dad's turning up the damn heat today unless we start a fire in the Fireplace. Cold as Alaska here, damn.
Pretty Happy. :)

I wish i knew why but i just feel really happy it's strange since i'm usually a downbeat miserable f***. I think it might be due to lack of sleep causing me to go hyper or something along those lines.
Mood: Irritable

Reason: It is incredibly hot here and I'm sweaty as fuck. It is not so much the heat which is annoying, but more so the humidity. Everything appears to be annoying me at the moment so I think I'll just try to go to sleep.
Mood: Shit
Reason: I've got like 5 essays to complete by Thursday and I've only half finished two of them...absolutely brilliant...that's why history is fucking bollocks >.>
Mood: Dragging

This new diet is kicking my ass for lack of energy in the mornings, I tend to pick up after lunch but my head feels dizzy until that point.

Going from a 2000 calorie + intake to a 800 calorie intake per day.. - PLUS no caffinated coffee.. always decaf.. ugh.
^ that would kill me D:

Mood: Abit Cranky

Reason: Abit tired, wanna go out, but I daren't check the bank balance, but I have things to do, soooooo cba. And I cant decide whether to go out now, or after Helen has called round...although I know as soon as Ive decided I wont have time, so I should just save myself the bother nd go out later on >_>

Well cba today-_-
Mood; Tired/Knackered

Just got back from a 3 hour beach sesh. The whole entire block had a blackout, no power = so internets.

So I got bored so me and my friends went to the beach. Since it's so fuckkkinngggg hot. -__-
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Mood: Tired and sore.

Reason: Shoveled a shit load of icy thick snow today because the damn snowplower had to shove all the snow in front of our driveway then they come back again thinking they were going to move the snow for us since it was heavy but no... they just plowed by picking up slush. >_>

watching happy gilmore and its hilarious, finished that friggin ff quiz and got 4th place. Cmon thats braggin rights. Its the middle of the week, cant wait for the weekend although i cant afford to do anything :( ive gotta pay for a passport and pay a holiday and get a new birth certificate, so my whole weeks wage will be near gone.