What's Your Mood? V2.

That's a bit ... :| You to need sleep :gasp:

Mood: Creative/Good

I can't seem to stop opening photobucket. Or writing. I'm happy cos it means I'm finally getting inspiration back after a drought of NOTHING, but it's distracting me from coursework x_x I'm in a fairly good mood because despite my bad news last week which was CRAP :grumpy: I've managed to pass through my course quite easily. :gasp:

Also happy cos it's just one week til my birthday :mark: and I'mma get wasted :gasp:
Mood: Good

Reason: The heat is finally starting to drop, it is still going to be in the high 30's but at least the nights have cooled down. There is a nice breeze coming through the window at the moment and I'm trying to savour every second of it.
Mood - Tired

It's like 4am, so I really should be going to sleep soon. There's fuck all on TV and I just don't feel motivated to do anything. Although, I'll play on FFI for another half hour or so. Kraken went down in three turns. Heh. Piss easy.
Puzzled yet content.

Tonight went so fast. I woke up at like ten to one, then watched Kitchen Nightmares getting moist over Gordon Ramsay and surfed the internet until five-ish when I picked up my DS and played Chrono Trigger until now. I'm hella sleepy even though I've got no reason to be.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish this game tomorrow and my FFT guide will come Monday so I don't have to go a single day without a pixelated world to derive all my joy from.
Mood: Lazy

Reason: The heat has dropped a bit, but it is still quite humid so I'm all sweaty and I can't really be bothered doing anything at the moment. I might go out later though, but it depends on whether or not I feel like it when the time comes.
Mood; Pissed Off -__-

School starts tomorrow! >_<
Augh holidays of episness have drawn to a close.
And my friends are all mad at me because I didn't wanna go to the pools with them.
Ffs, I've been going to the pools/beach for 2 weeks every day I'm stick of the damn water. -__-
They would NOT stop bitching. >_<
Mood: Panicked

Reason: I have to finish all my notecards tonight. Thing is, I don't have any index cards. I also have to do two essays and a term paper which are due at the end of the week.
Bored - Sunday, its absolutely freezing outside and the forecast is snow. At least if i had a bit of money i could go and do something with my mates but im completely skint. Didnt manage to pay off all my holiday and still havent sent away for my passport. Im startint to get a bit worried about how im gonna pay for everything.
Amused - Because this weekend was full of amusement :D Ajax lost, twente had a draw :) and now hoping for feyenoord and az to win :D

these are dutch soccer clubs so dont feel bad if you dont know them

I didn't drink my water before I went to sleep last night and I'm paying dearly for it. I'm also embarassed about basically declaring my love for Maree infront of her parents last night without even knowing who they were. <_<
Mood:Impatient I am impatient because I have to wait 23 days till Star Ocean The Last Hope comes out and some of the other rpgs that I want are going to take long to come out here. Especially FF XIII april 2010 jeez.
Mood: Ok

Reason: Benn onthe beer all weekend, although iI really wasnt in the mood last night, I shouldnt of got druink on Friday >_> Went for a nice meal, but we went for Indian AGAIN. Im getting abit fed up of curry, although it WAS really nice. Just abit disapointed because the weekend wasnt as good as I wanted it to be. Oh well, my own fault xD
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Mood: Calm

I had a stressful week with school and martial arts. It's good to kick back and relax this weekend. I do have homework to do, but it's not too much work. Talking to my boyfriend, helped calm me. We will see what happens next week.

It felt like spring all day today, even though there's still two feet of snow out, and now that it's dark out I'm reminded that there's still two and a half months of shitty miserable weather.

I don't really feel like going to school tomorrow. I still have two C++ assignments I haven't done yet. I also need to write two chapters of notes, which I could do during my breaks tomorrow, but have the sinking feeling I wont in favor of playing Chrono Trigger in my car.

Also, I'm kind of irritated because the FFTWOL guide I ordered wasn't processed until today, when the friggen' email said it shipped the 27th. Logic would dictate that traveling from OH to NY wouldn't take more than a day, but I have this sinking feeling that the friggen' USPS will stretch it for a week.
Mood - Relaxed

Today's just been such an easy day, and tomorrow will be even easier. I only have double History, and then I get to go home at half 11. And, there's lots of snow, so every thing's all nice and pretty looking =D
Mood: Brill!
Reason: Nooooo college woop! I love living in the country when it snows because when it snows it brings 2/3 inches of it! Plus I'm going to Kayleigh's tonight as well. :)
it brings 2/3 inches of it! Plus I'm going to Kayleigh's tonight as well. :)

I'm well frustrated. I used to love the snow but it's pissing me off. I can't revise at home and I was going to go to the public library, meet Daniel and revise there...but the snow has cancelled all buses and trains, so neither of us can get there. Instead, I'm here, feeling bad about not revising. xD

It's also irritating to think that snow is only fun if you're a bairn and the bairns are in SCHOOL, they can't get to it! So, to summarise:

I'm a miserable cunt who hates the snow today. xD
Mood: Not great

Reason: Tired fucked off and annoyed. I can't even be arsed telling Danny why Im annoyed at him becuas eIm sick of arguing now. In the past 24 hours Ive been called a stupid cow a dick head and selfish, and if he tries to say he didnt mean it well, he sounded pretty fucking convincing. So Im not really in the mood at all today. He made me a brew without even having to be asked....so Im sure he must remember, and he just asked me if I needed anything while he was out, to which I answered no. Biting my tongue because I wanted to snipe at him >_>

Sooo, not in the best of moods, if this arries on, Il be single AGAIN soon. Woe is me D:

Woo i dunno why but im in a great mood today, im full of energy which is peculiar for a working night. Im listening to arctic monkeys and im gettin the biggest urge tellin me to go to the pub, of course i wont (no money) but it feels great to be in such high spirits for once.

I skipped my last class of the day, because I had cramps and didn't feel like spending an hour and fifteen minutes typing random commands in a terminal. My friggen' guide still isn't here. Friggen' postal service pisses me off.