What's Your Mood? V2.


Had a good day at work for once, i got landed with a brilliant job which means an easy and quick day. Wish i could afford to go out this weekend but i have more of my holiday to pay amongst other things soooo its gunna be a quiet one, maybe a few beers round at my mates or something.
Head achy.

My guide finally came. Of course, I have a huge fucking head ache and staring at a PSP screen is the last thing I need for it. I'm pretty sure it's because this is the first time in a month I haven't drank an energy drink. I could have had one, sure, but I spent my last $5 on a box of Quinoa and some frozen broccoli because I watched that stupid etra on the IE DVD and wanted to try it. I don't feel withdrawl-y, though. I might make some cafecito and see if it helps. Or just like drive to Rite Aid and buy a can of Monster with quarters. Or maybe I'll just live with it, because downing 500mg of caffeine a day probably isn't good anyways.
Mood:great. I am feeling Great because today was a great day so much better than yesterday the horrible day. Anyways I got a 4 day weekend now so yeah am great.
Mood - Tired and worried.

I fucked up my sleep cycle again, and unluckily for me, Friday is my full day, and it starts with Double Law. Eep. Speaking of Law, I have two essays to do for tomorrow. Yey.
Pissed off

Took me 2 and half hours to get home from work. On top off all the snow all roads leading to the major roundabout here have been closed due to a burst pipe...fuck that!!! Im so glad i had my ipod with me as some twat on the bus was playing music on his phone...who the fuck wants to listen to hardcore trance when sitting on a fucking bus in traffic...Im meant to be working tommorrow but that can get to fuck, theres no way im gettin up at 6 to go to that shithole and if that burst pipe isnt fixed it could take me just as long to get home, maybe longer because its a saturday....oh and i lost my cigarettes but thankfully i had some at home.
Mood: Not bad

Reason: Turned down a couple of offers of beer related shenanigans, I fancy some quality time with myself, Im such an old boooooorrrrrre. Anyway, in my defense, Danny has been back all week, so Ive not had much time to myself and i kinda miss it :wacky: I could demolish a bottle of wine though, sooo gunna have to avoid texting people xD

I got out early, and spent some quality time down south for an hour or so. I'm quite relaxed, and I'm currently trying to decide what type of coffee I want, and whether I should play video games or watch a movie.
Mood: Optimistic

Reason: I've had a pretty shit weekend so far, nothing has really happened and it has been pretty hot and depressing. But it's going to be a lot cooler tomorrow and I'm going to play some tennis, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.
Mood - Happy

It's my birthday ^^ and I'm going out with all my friends tonight =D So, I'll be having a great day ^^
Mood: Pretty Good

Reason: Dunno why, I woke up abit crabby, Ive been tired recently, Ive actually beenfalling asleep without trouble, but unfortunately waking up is harder than usual, especially today. I think I need to go for an MOT xD Other than that though, Im quite cheery. Cancellled babysitting - dont really have plans to go out, so dont really need a babysitter, and she said she'd babysit next week end instead then, which is gewwwwwd. Just gunna slob around today and have some wine later when danny gets here
Really fucking irritated.

Buying a fucking tube of chapstick ruined my whole night. My mother said my lips were chapped from too much caffeine. I told her I don't drink that much caffeine, and that she blows it out of proportion, and then I couldn't let it go because every time she picks at me it makes me feel horrible. I told her she's conditioned me to feel so guilty about everything that I can't feel even remotely normal when she's angry at me, and now she's all upset and I think she's going to cry.

This sucks. It's like, I'm so much more respectful to her than my sister, I'm so much more mild mannered, and I love her, but I the second I'm honest about something, she gets pissed at me. Of course, she can deconstruct me all she wants, tell me that I need to stop being such a loner, make me feel so fucking horrible I can't think straight, and that's fine. I can't be honest, though. Fuck.
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Mood: Irritated

Reason: Boyfriend did my head in yesterday so he ended up going his mates. I hope he doesn't think he's staying here tonight... >_> And my mate Clare is coming round tomorrow, so he can bog off then aswel. I WAS in a good mood aswel, until he decided to piss me off. When some one tells you they are going for a QUICK drink and WON'T BE LONG, I think 3 & a half 4 hours later, you are entitled to get abit irritated, I'l try not to take it so literally next time. Silly twat. Then we ended up having a row :rollseyes: so thats when he decided to stomp off to his mates. Anyway, fuck it. I'l go out with someone else instead of him next weekend, even though its valentines...fuck...everyones gunna be paired up being all soppy and shit. Bha, comercial bollocks <_<
Mood: Amused

I just read Bambi's post :) <--- Smile

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your posts in the future.
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Not bad

Went out had a few drinks last night and a snowball fight. Foned over 17 taxi firms but couldnt get a taxi home, guess they wernt driving due to the mass amount of snow wev had. Stayed at my mates house and actually got a decent nights sleep just got home an hour ago. Not reaslly that hungover so thats a big plus im just kinda tired.

I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. 7AM is way too early to get up. 4PM is way too late to get home. I basically spent the whole day sitting on my ass watching TV, with like half an hour of FFT before I got pissed, but I didn't get that awful feeling that usually accompanies such inactivity. Hm.

Can't sleep even though it's midnight here. Gonna watch a few of the first epidosed of The Office to see if it's any good. I've heard it is from what people have said, but I'll give it a try and see if I can get hooked on it tonight. Maybe it'll at least put me in the mood to fall asleep if anything.

I can't use the SB and I really miss that thing. Besides I woke up 2 hours ago to find out that I'm alone....Not in life, I'm just "Home alone". I'm actually thinking about playing RE4..
Mood:Stringy and Content

Reason: This weekend was the girlfriend's birthday present I had promised her. Instead of a conventional gift, I gave her something different... an activity rather than a material present. I took her trail riding on horses for 3 hours in Corinth,MS @ little creek ranch. Great weather and interesting scenery. Steep inclines and prairie like environment (tall grass) I was able to pull off some great pictures on the back of my horse. After we finished up we headed over to the General Quarter's bed and breakfast and checked in. We grabbed some liquor and a movie and settled in for the night. After that night though my back has been shot to hell, which makes for the lack of sex.. Hopefully my back is fine, but I still feel sharp shooting pains in my lower and upper back when I lay down or walk/run.
I'm in a surprisingly good mood even though i have sat around the house doing FA because i aint been at college which normally puts me in a really crappy mood, but for some odd reason i am happy

Not sure why I'm in such an aggressive mood but I really don't feel putting up with dumbasses today. Drama queens, fuckfags, and morons beware because Azzy's feeling hostile today. Hopefully this mood will be gone by tomorrow but I'm pretty sure it's here to stay for the rest of today.