What's Your Mood? V2.

Scummy but good.

I haven't used Listerine all week because it kills all the tissue on my cheeks, but my mouth tastes like utter crap. Ugh.

Otherwise, I got out of class hella early today, and was home in time to watch Gordon Ramsay in all of his hotness. I also just found an archive of film books, which is awesome because finding any books related to film that aren't fuggin' Star Wars picture books around here is next to impossible.
Feeling pretty Good.

Didn't have work today but have a 9 hour shift tomorrow. But whatever. Going to see Coraline and then pre-order resident evil 5 special edition so im prettyexcited
Mood: Not Great

Still feeling under the weather to be honest. Today was a really really fun day on the forums but I'm starting to fade as the day closes out. For some reason it seems like people are doing a lot to piss me off now too, which I'm sure is only the perspective of getting tired talking. Ah well... hopefully I sleep better tonight than I have been.

That plane crash happened about half an hour away from where I live. Some people said they could actually here the explosion. It's so fucked up, like something out of a movie. A plane just randomly crashes into a house in a tiny little town in the fuckwad middle of nowhere in New York and fifty people die.

You can hear the planes heading to that airport overhead all night long. It could have been closer, could have been my house. That's fucked. Shit.
Mood: Irritaed

Reason: Things are just beginning to peck my head today. It annoys me when people say they 'won't be long' or Ive only got a tenner left so I wont be much longer' I didnt know a tenner lasted that long It was like 2 hours ago when he said that. If your out for the night just fucking say so Im not expecting you every 5 minutes. Things like that really annoy me. Liek my mate when shes like 'oh il be 5 minutes' and you're left waiting half an hour. Why do peple have such a poor grasp of time? Im late for everything, but at least i acknowledge it. Ugh. Im also bored whuich isnt helping, Id go to bed, But I cat BECAUSE I HAVE TO LET HIM IN!


The annoying thing is, he takes it as though im getting pushy because I want him home at a set time IM NOT. I just wish people wouldnt say OH I WONT BE LONG AND BE FGUCKING AGES. We dont have plans, Im not waiting for any reason, I just dont think he grasps how totally irritating it is. Im aare that I already sound like im over reacting, but its just one of those things that really grates. Like, people who cant stand slurping or something...wait I HATE THAT TOO!

eDIT* All is forgiven, he just text me and he's bringing food. Win
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kelly - my mates like that, says hel be 20 mns, 1 hour later hes still doing his hair or looking in the mirror. Pisses me right aff.

Im feeling good, went out last night for my pals birthday, hes 26 :gasp: had a few drinks, was well pished by the end of the night though.xD Best thing though is i met a really nice girl last night and made sure to get her phone number and save it. I have a bad habbit of getting a number then forgetting to save it. Didnt really get much of a chance to talk to her seein as we were both drunk, but whatever its all good. Gonna give her a phone sometime.....i actually really like her:gasp: iv only known her a day:gasp:
Content yet frustrated.

We had an awesome day of shopping, and I got like $15 in discounts on two DVDs, Spellbound and Persona, and my mom bought me new socks.

My uncle's computer is f'd up, it just hangs after the XP loading screen, and apparently it's my job to fix it. No error codes, though. Diagnostics don't detect any hard drive errors, which I suspected at first, and I can't reinstall because it freezes as it's searching for previous installations. There's nothing I can do.
Mood: Happy =D

I just finished my job on Friday. A job I've been at for the last 3 years. Now I have a week off and get a delicious payout. =D I start my new job as a data controller in two weeks at a Pharmacy and I cannot wait.

It's funny though. I'm actually working directly across from where I originally worked. :gasp:

So I will still see my old managers and workmates all the time. >_< I don't mind seeing a few of my workmates though because they are the shiz. However, I will still have to see the crappy managers and a couple of the other staff, who pretty much bullied me so much that I decided to put more effort into finding a new job faster.

Anyway, everything is working out otherwise. I'm looking at a house to rent tomorrow and I get to see my mum's new doggy (her name is Penny, that my dad got her for Valentine's) tomorrow as well. =D Apparently her other dog Henry wants to kill the new dog though. =/
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Mood - Tired, but happy.

I've had a really relaxing today. Went downtown to do some game shopping, and bought Enchanted Arms which is quite a nice little RPG. And, 2 of my ebay items arrived! Chrono Trigger DS and South Park the movie came today =D Very happy ^^
Mood: Sensational! :D
I managed to just finish that FFF Trivia V2 and came 3rd, 3rd because Mits cheated so she doesn't count >.> and I've got 5 a side today which is gonna be epic as always...plussss it's the start of our week off. :gasp:
Mood: Sensational! :D
I managed to just finish that FFF Trivia V2 and came 3rd, 3rd because Mits cheated so she doesn't count >.>

Exactly, thank fuck i managed that damn riddle quiz, i hate riddles so much but i love trying to solve tehm but i hate it when i cant.
Besides that im having a lazy sunday in the house, no hangover which is cool. Think il just hang around the forums and watch some tv, only fools and horses is away on so im going to tune into that now> :)

Bit bored, not looking forward to a mammoth homework task, I've not spoken to friends all weekend, and I'm tossing up which Uni offer to accept. Also slightly nervous about the results of an MRI scan next week. <_<
Mood - Excellent =D

I had my second driving lesson today, got to go on roads with other drivers and went round three roundabouts. Very fun. Aaaaaand, I wan my ebay bid =D great day so far ^^
Mood: GOood

REason: Had a good night last night, went for a munch then off to the pub, bloody kareoke was following me. I resisted the embarrassing urge to sing,, because well, I cant sing for shit. We fell over on the way home, also funny, and now im abit hungover, spent most of the day in bed which was great :monster:
Mood: Sleepy + Meh!

Reason: Well yesterday was supposed to be very eventful, but it was entirely not. My buddy Raj had scheduled our soccer practice at a perfect time originally.. but the girl friend got a call from her boss to come in a little later (2 pm to be precise).. So I had to miss out on my soccer.. sigh. So going on with our day we went out to eat and enjoyed ourselves for the few hours we had and then she went to work. With me not having a damn thing to do, I decided it was time for a small game change.. so I gathered up Crisis Core, Gears of War 1, and Tenchu Z (terrible game) and traded it in for Halo 3. After getting home my "xbox" buddies and two of my real life friends played some campaign for a few hours. At 8:00 I picked up Lindsay and we headed home since she had one of those "busy, awful" days at the tanning bed. The night ended up with us camping out to the movie "machinist" and that was that.

I was hoping for more from the day.. to get my foot back on the ball, to have a night out to eat, but since her owner screwed that up.. bah, the day was utterly useless.
Mood: Anxious

I'm going to Los Angeles today to visit my family since I hardly get to see them even though we're only 25 miles away. =/ My uncle has cancer (bladder, liver, lungs, kidney - one is not working properly) and I did try to visit him the other day at the hospital but he was having a bone scan so I ended up waiting at the waiting room for 45 minutes and had to go without actually getting to see him, so I was a little disappointed. So hopefully today I get to see him. That and it's my aunt's birthday and everyone's having a little get-together, so I'm looking forward to that too. Might sleep over at my grandma or one of my aunts' cramped apartments since there's no school tomorrow.

On the sidenote, yesterday was pretty meh. I had one of my mood swings again over something stupid and silly and was in a foul mood for like 4 hours. But I made it up to my husband around 5 p.m when we went to Medieval Times - a dinner restaurant with a show event about...well, medieval times. xD Lasted for two hours and we had to eat with our hands (wasn't expecting that at all) , which was very messy since we had half of a whole chicken, spare ribs, baked potato, soup, garlic bread, and a pasty. All very good food. The knights were so awesome! One looked like Freddie Prinze Jr. =]
Pretty Damn Good

Finally over my cold, I think... and gonna play some v-ball at 2:30. All in all should be a decent day. Also, kind of a weak achievement, but I've finally been able to step it up to Hard on Rock Band. I can never get that orange bar... but I've been practicing so w00t. Not a bad day. Hopefully that chick I met the other week texts me...

I spent my whole fucking day fixing that stupid fucking computer. I'm ten seconds away from finishing, when my fucking sister sits down at my spot where all my my shit is. I tell her, "I want to sit there when I'm done with this." She says fine. I get up when I'm done, stand there, and she's like, "OMG RNT U GONNA ASK ME NICELY!?!"

So we start fighting and now everybody is fucking pissed at me because that fucking asswad cunt of a fucking sister of mine can't do anything without involving some kind of fucking power play. This fucking sucks.

And of course everything is all my fault. Nobody will fucking talk to me because of one fucking thing. Shit.

Nothing much has happened today, besides my friends starting to read a certain webcomic. I've been reading books, traversing the interweb and such, but nothing exciting has really come up. I may have ennui, as I am almost always bored.

I had a bizarre sex dream about a man named Conan O'Brien who didn't look anything like Conan O'Brien, who gave me(and by me, I mean the slim, sexy ethnic hooker living in my grandma's back bedroom) $12 for a blow job, and the whole thing was so absurd that it dissolved away all the shitty miserableness from yesterday.

Had the day off. I only have an afternoon class tomorrow, in which we're just reading, so I haven't got much to worry about. Except, of course, the stats, C++, and Unix projects that I've got due on Wednesday. I still can't manage to stress myself out, though.