What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Crappy

Reason: I feel absolute HORRIBLE at the moment. I've been sick for about 2 weeks now, and I just can't seem to throw it, no matter how much medicine I take. I've been coughing my brains out for the past 2 days it seems -___- Besides being sick, life is good. I really hope I get over this sickness soon though 'cause it's a real drag.

I've got time to watch a movie tonight, I was thinking 8 1/2 which I still haven't watched, but part of me wants to see Mulholland Drive for the umpteenth time. The fact that it's still in my laptop makes the desire even worse.

I'm also really thirsty for both milk and mountain dew...
Mood: bored. I am bored because There was nothing to do because my network adapter for 360 would not turn on. I was sick for a long time which caused me to post alot less than I usually do. Anyways No Halo for me equals boring.

Fighting a semi-cold. It's not as bad as my usual one's but I feel like trash and have no energy to do anything; not even sleep. I just want to sit somewhere, preferably Indian Style, and stare at a wall. Here's to hoping a few hours of sleep will make me feel better tonight!
I sat up this morning and started getting shooting pains across my stomach and feeling sick, which tbh, I think may have been caused by the paracetamol I had last night - for some peculiar reason. But I'm gradually getting better, I can walk around now and not feel sick so I should be better come dinner time. :)

It's just so awesome to sit down and read the people's problems and laugh at them! There's nuthin cooler than this!

TYK ask me to explain so I will.

It's great to come here and see how the ppl feel and what's there problem, to find out that you're not the only guy screwed in this crappy world. Besides, some ppl write funny comments so you have to laugh at it, and some ppl have the same problem as you so you have to laugh and say "WTF? So I'm not the only guy after all!!"
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Mood: Average

Reason: Had a good night, til an argument erupted out of no where. In hindsight, it's quit efunny, because we are quite similar with our moods, dead laid back but with quite the volatile temper. So it kicked off AGAIN last night, and as much as we feel like fuming at each other, it never lasts >_>

Anyway, considering, Im not in al that much of a groucher, just gunna have a relaxing day today I think. was gunna go into Ashton, but I decided i CBA, SO iL go tomorrow instead
Mood: Anxious

I feel like I'm in limbo at the moment.

I finish my job of 3 years this week. Then I have a week off in which I will be getting my car fixed, while house hunting with my partner before I start my new job. >_<

I really want a house and to be settled in the next week before I kickstart my new career. =0

Fucking NBC interrupted Ellen's monologue and it pissed me off, and my sister takes it as an opportunity to make some inane comment about the "lesbian queen of TV" as if it was the most clever thing she'd ever thought of. I love how she's going to be a teacher but manages to be one of the most racist, bigoted bastards I know, who's been making the same accusatory jokes about my sexuality since I was like thirteen. Bitch needs to just grow up and move the fuck out.

I skipped my philosophy class last week, and found out today I missed a quiz. I got to take it again, but I don't think I did that great considering I skimmed rather than read the chapter and missed all of the notes for it. It sucks because this is only one of two classes I'll be able manage an A in, and I just pooped on my chances of it. Fuck.
Mood: Pissed off. I am pissed off because my fucking network xbox 360 adapter still will not work and I am waisting time of my 1 month membership damn it. Any solutions to solve this? I just want to get my 50!!! Also I am pissed at the fact that random friend requests are coming from Xbl players.
Mood: Annoyed/agitated >_>

I've been thinking about changing course at college, and i've been talking to Kelly about it:gasp:. I've also been talking to a rl friend about it as well who's in my class, and he keeps saying that I should stay on the course, and i'm trying to explain I don't want to do programming (yes I attempted programming:gasp:) anymore, so he keeps coming back saying "you should finish the course" etc etc, and I had a full rant prepared but I thought it would be too mean >_>
The exact was as follows: :wacky:
Can you see why I stopped now? xD
I'm not that mean >_>
Anyway we keep repeating this subject for an age and he's so annoying on MSN, seriously -__-
If he sends you a message he'll nudge you if you don't reply straight away, which I HATE and he takes an age to respond when I send one back.
My stomach feels funny too >_> I feel quite sick, and i'm starting to get a headache...
I'm still thinking about changing course but going back to this one is most likely not going to happen, seriously it's so annoying-__-
The teachers expect you to know everything already and it's like "you're supposed to be teaching me this" with which the prompt answer is "you're on a programming course, aren't you?"
Useless bunch of wankstains need to fuck off-__-
Ohyeah and I got paint on my jeans yesterday which did not amuse me in the slightest, my mum told me it was dry.:gasp:
She obviously does not know the meaning of the word, she woke me up twice today too to go to the fucking shop.
I hate being woke up, I turn almost feral. I nearly fell down the stairs earlier too >_>
Mood: Kinda good/ bored

I doing mostly okay the job search is going alright. No real big prospects yet but I have a good feeling at a few places. Still living with my parents and that just sucks, you dont know how good you have it when you move out until you move back in with your parent. Sometimes I really understand why people go crazy and do crazy stuff. And bored because I have been really slow to start up my FFVIII game, and so I get bored waiting to give myself that nudge to start it up.
Lol Andeh, bad couple of days huh :wacky:

Mood: Fairly average borderline bored

Reason:Not got anything to do, which instantly sends me on a hunt for food, so ive scoffed some toast even though ive not long since had my tea. Im gunna turn into such a fat bastard D:

Had a very minor row with the wife before he got a parking ticket. Sulked and hung up on me when i said it serves him right. Im not the most sympathetic of people am I >_>

Anyway, all was forgiven so I wandered into town to buy a STUPID card for him. I despise card shopping, i cant eve put into words how much this irritates me. It's like howsmall children are beiong annoying and wont shut the fuck up til yu want to beat them all to a bloody pulp and tell them to fuck off and leave you alone. CARD shopping has that affect on me. -__-

Anyway, Im that bored Ive put FFXII on and ima do some training. Oh yay
Really thirsty and tired.

I bought a can of Amp's new green tea stuff, and it was really good. I want another can but it's like 9:30 and I'm in my pajamas, and my parents would wonder where I'm going at this time of night and would disapprove. I'm too lazy to make a pot of tea. I do have some nice dragonwell, though.

Either going to watch Ichi the Killer or Battle Royale tonight. Haven't decided which. Probably which ever one has the shortest run time.
Mood: Excited!

Today was my second last day of work! I have one day left of this job I've been at for 3 years! I got my uniforms for my new job today as well. It all feels so real now. I'M SO EXCITED!

I'm going clubbing again tomorrow night to celebrate for the fourth week in a row since I found out I got the job lmao.
Mood: Pretty Awesome/Kinda Tired

Feeling pretty awesome in purple =D Also happy cos I'm going out to my friends house warming party tomorrow and I've not actually seen her for a while so that'll be awesome. Gonna get absolutely wasted, I can feel it. :wacky: also good because, I dunno. It's a secwet. :wacky:

Kinda tired cos since becoming purple I've been mosying around the sections and updating gfx stuff so I can keep on top of it. That and i've not slept for... iuno. But I sleep very little anyway. D: And I'm hungry. I'd add that to the mood part but it's more a state a being I guess. >_>
Mood: Sensational!!!
No college tomorrow due to a teacher training day which means I'm going down town tomorrow for valentines shopping then maybe going to 5-a-side if it's booked then going to kayleigh's before we go see Friday the 13th! :D
Mood: Fat

Reason: too many pies. Im putting weight on and it's not fair, dieting sucks. Its gay being a big lump of lard. It doesnt help that im due on so im set into self loathe mode. BAH. And I have nowt to do, other than play FFTA. Oh the joys. Roll on weekend, not that im doing anything mind, Im SKINT :stare: