What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Laaaaazy

Reason: I wekk didnt get up til 2pm, i'm determined to have the leaiest week EVER, if I have no money I might as well spend my week of lounging and doing fuck all. It's great. In a better mood than the growler I was in yesterday xD
Nervous, hormonal.

My dad is being all fucking doom and gloom, and I don't feel like listening to it. I've got OCD and my rituals just get worse the more I worry about stuff, and he just doesn't fucking get that I can't care about the horror of everyday life because it'll literally drive me nuts and I'll never be able to fucking leave the house because I've just got to walk in a circle one more time.

I have to write a four page paper on the vi text editor, which is completely asinine. I've written everything I have to say don't even have one page down. The only thing I can think to do is include full sized screen shots, which will just make me fail. It's stupid, because everyone in the class is either a CPS or CIS major and we're not supposed to fucking write.

I'm also really horny. It's enjoyable, but somewhat inappropriate.
Mood: Tired
Reason: I went to bed late, obvs! Then I got up fairly early at like 9:15, which means come the weekend I'm gonna have to catch up on lost sleep before I go back to college on Monday otherwise I'll be falling asleep in lesson. But we have 5 a side at 3 so I feel great! :gasp:
Mood - blah

My head is really killing me, I went to bed far too late and didn't get enough sleep. And, I already checked, we have no painkillers in the house. Lame -__- Stupid headache is stupid.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Being skint doesnt leve many opptions open and it's poo. I should be i the pub or something, enjoying my free time, but alas, no, im sat at home stuck on the internet as usual.what an exciting life i lead..... >=[
Mood: Happy. I am Happy because there happens to be no school today so I get to stay home. But I still gota do that Fucking Romeo and Juliet rock opera. Well I guess I am going to chill or something.
Mood: Erked

Reason: People can sometimes be such Fill in the blank to say the least. I mean yesterday my girlfriend had a customer walk into her tanning bed and she was all banged up. After convo'ing with her, the girl said that she fell off a horse she was training. Then she said that the ranch that worked at needed help to. So they exchanged numbers. L. of course was ecstatic because she had always dreamed of working with horses. That was like her number one job she had always wanted.

Well about 30 minutes ago I was told that the girl's number was either fake or disconnected. So L. called up there at the ranch and found out that the ranch was not needing help at all. I'm thinking to myself.. what provokes a lie of that caliber? Bah.. whatever.. life goes on.
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Turns out none of the projects that I rushed to finish were due today. Well, two of them technically were, but both of them said, "Oh, well, why don't you just work on it in class today and make sure it's in by like midnight." College. Puh.

Watched the local news all day, and twenty minutes of each broadcast was footage from funerals for some of the people who died in that plane crash, and then the other ten was dedicated to all the horrible details about this poor woman who's husband decapitated her. Made me really miserable.

I'm drinking a cafe cubano and considering having a cigarette to cheer myself up, but I doubt it will work.

Sore throat, nose is runnin' like crazy; just wanna stay in bed all day. This blows. Also, I hate the cold weather which no doubt has a role in this sickness.

I'm ready for Spring-time.
Im sick of this weather aswel -_-

Mood: Cold

Reason: My gas has run out, which nvolves a mission to tegh shop which i cba doing yet, ive only just got back in. wish id thought before i went out >_> also a tad miffed that i have 2 humongous spots, oh yay, im so glad i have no plans this weekend, id be gutted. Boring life is boring -_-
Mood: >_<

Reason: I accidentally found out a wee little secret about my sister-in-law when I first turned on my laptop this morning (I guess the laptop died on her last night). She was in the middle of reading/writing e-mails and I swear I didn't mean to snoop but those were the first thing that I saw in my screen. >.>

Secrets are no fun.
Mood: Slightly Down.. Eh not feeling all like myself

Reason: Well I did something I thought I would never have to do yesterday. I had to surrender my dog to the humane society. Why? Well for about 4-5 months now he's been chewing stuff up, running away when off his leash and has to be put in his cage 8-9 hours a day while we are are at work. I admit I wasn't a good owner, but I had a good attachment with the dog, which I hid from the girlfriend. When she told me to put him in the newspaper, I acted dumb and said I forgot, but yesterday was her last straw with him. Since this week hasn't been the greatest, I left work at 4:00pm (hour early) - took him to the humane society and gave him up. It was already wearing on my heart already, but when I got there, there were dogs every where in the office. People have been reassuring me all today that he will get a good home, but I feel a bit inhuman for not being able to assume responsibility for the animal that grew up with us as a puppy. Agh.. screw it.. life goes on.

I skipped class today. I sent the prof. an email telling him I had the flu, and spent the morning eating shrimp and watching TV. Now I'm drinking cafe con leche and feeling really guilty about not having continued my Spanish education, when in probably another year of courses I'd have been pretty much fluent. I suppose I could start again next semester, and just watch a lot of Telemundo in the mean time. Certainly with that, and my A+ certification, I could get a $14/hr job by next year.
Mood: Happy
Reason: I just managed to finish Bioshock then and grab 20/25 trophies in the last half which I'm rather glad about since it means there's less to when I re-run through the game and get the rest of them. It also means I can write a review on it now to keep Mits happy. :gmonster:
Mood: Tired
But I just cant fall asleep.
I've tried watching a crap film which usually puts me out like a light but for some reason the last few nights have been almost sleepless since I have a habit of staying awake all night anyways but the day I wanna goto sleep early...
Impossible >.<
Mood:pissed off. I am pissed off because my parents do not seem to care about me today. They think that I am not in a good mood all the time. Well anyways ill be ok tommorow.
Mood: Fed Up

Reason: Its friday im skint, theres nowt to do and im set right back into self loath mode. I need a good night out. Im making myself wait til APRIL though. Being sensible is shite

I lost my Spanish dictionary. It's fucking 1400 pages and bright orange and yellow. I don't know how I can lose something like that. To make it worse, it's about the same size as Atlas Shrugged (although its content is somewhat more substantial), and every time I get excited because I think I've found it, I realize it's just the same copy of that fucking book that's somehow moved along with me.