What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood - Relaxed.

Reason - I've had excellent feedback on my first piece of my English Language coursework ^^ and I've got a great idea for my second piece, so that's sorted =D and, I have no homework, and two easy days ahead of me. It's amazing, I might actually have energy for once xD
Mood: Excited/full of energy

I've drank too much Red Bull today fer starters. XD I was annoyed earlier cos the Polish tutor couldn't say my surname. It's hard enough hearing English people butcher it xD Laughing about it now though. >.> Excited cos I'm finally getting the finishing touches done to the new RP I'm putting up here. :gasp:

Kinda hyper. >.>
Mood: Hungry

Reason: My mind is on food, I have been thinking of waffles covered in melted butter, with confectionery sugar on top.. with blackberry syrup.. oh god shoot me now!

Usually I love growing my hair out long so it's shaggy like Tidus' or I like it completely off for when it's hot out. Right now though my hair is in-between which pisses me off. It looks alright, but it feels annoying as hell. I need to get it shaved again tonight I hope.
Fucking great

Its almost the weekend, i get payed tommorrow and i plan on partying the whole weekend, well hopefully, money situation aint so good atm :|
Work has been frying my head this week, i swear ive never worked so hard in my whole life as i have the last few weeks, im exhausted. Its gonna feel good to get a lie in in the mornings, regardless of whether or not im hungover.
Mood:Happy. I am Happy because Its almost Friday and I am getting Street fighter IV and Star Ocean Iv. They seem like 2 very good games. Also I am happy that its March break soon.

I've had two pots of Bustelo today and I'm still knackered. I also have to piss because of this, but my dad shampooed the carpet in the hall leading to the bathroom and it's gross walking over it.

Also quite annoyed. I got passed by this dumb motherfucking bitch I had history class with last semester on the way to school today and was so outraged I seriously considered keying her car(and the fact that it was a POS Toyota with a fucking sticker of the United Red States made it even worse). I have a general problem with road rage, but this girl(and I don't know if I should say girl, since she's either transgendered or really bad at being a bull dyke) is one of the biggest fucking morons I've ever met. She's one of those ultra conservative, blindly patriotic, utterly naiive fucktards who think the world would be all right if we all just found Jesus and John McCain, and everything that comes out of her mouth makes me feel like my colon is going to forcefully evacuate through my lips is a spew of bitter, liquid rage.
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In the mood to just get out and play basketball since it's sort of starting to get warmer outside. Ugh, I hate winter and being stuck inside all the time with nothing to do.
Mood: Fed up

Reason: No real reason, just a combination of things really, I feel like Im stuck in a rut, with nothing to do, nothing to strive for and nothing to look forward to. Same shit different day should be my own personal motto. So up yours if you think I sound emo, Im FUCKING FED UP :gasp:

/kills self
Hot and excited.

It's 40 out, but my dad built a roaring fire and it's about 90 in my living room.

Otherwise, Portia de Rossi is going to be on fuckin' Ellen(well...perhaps not literally, but that's all I'm going to be thinking about when she's there). I'm pathetic, but I haven't been this giddy since their wedding. x_x
Mood:Feeling great. I am feeling really great now that it is my march break. Yep no school tommorow for me. Hopefully ill use my brake wisely. Oh also I am getting 2 360 games tommorow Star Ocean IV and Street fighter Iv. Yeah I am feeling great!!!
relaxed - off work today so i could of got a lie in, though my brain insisted on me waking up at 7.45 -__- not got that much to do today, need to get a new birth certificate and get a haircut thats about it. Might nip round to my mates later, he broke his foot a while back so hes prolly dead bored...and he has my ps3:wacky: besides that its friday, cant see me goin out on the lash tonight though im skint as usual sadly. Bloody holiday savings are absorbing all my cash:(
Mood - Foul

Reason - I feel like I'm dying. So so so ill D= And I have to go back to college in time for my last lesson, and then I'm going out till about midnight tonight when I really can't be arsed but I can't let my friend down cause it's for her birthday D=

My first class was cancelled, and I never check my email so I drove all the way to school before finding out. Plus, fucking Rite Aid doesn't open until 9, so I had to drive another 20 minutes and pay $3.28 for a can of fuckin' Monster at the shitty little gas station across the street. I've got an hour and fifteen minutes to kill before a worthless fifty minute lecture in my monkey class, and another hour of waiting before statistics. I'd skip, but I can't miss the fuckin' stats notes. x_x
Mood: Sleepy and nerfed

Reason: Well after sleeping for a good 6 hours I woke up still a little bothered. I had a friend at work last night tell me about a pathalogical liar here at work, and he was reported to HR for confronting her about her problems. Also for some reason, some guys can be complete pansies when it comes to getting joked around with. Yesterday a guy came crying to my girlfriend about being made fun of when playing a "game" I say.. a "game" on xbox360. The dude is 26, and cries like a little kid, which is not the entire reason of getting me bothered. He also has the tendency to insight drama. I will say once.. I hate drama, hate it. After getting done talking to L. he went back to a few of our other friends and blasted them with what she said.. basically a tatle tale. So I wake up, and received 3 messages on xbox saying .. your girl needs to be talked to and what not. Man.. some guys.. I freakin swear.
^ Cut his head off and feed him to the dogs I say.

Mood: Foul
Reason: I'm just really angry with everything. I'm talking burning kittens kinda angry. Last night got to be proper horrible and the cloud still lingers. I just hope i'm feeling more mellow by the time I start work tonight as my fuse is seriously fucking thin right now.
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Mood: Sleepy and crabby

Reason: Just woke up to my stupid dog barking nonstop, and the damn creature won't leave me alone. To the point where I'm currently covered in 7 cuts from the stupid thing. ....anyone want the world's most annoying dog? :argh:
I'm unbelievably happy.

I managed to get myself a ticket to T in the Park, this morning. It's the largest music festival in Scotland and one of the three largest in Britain, it should be absolutely amazing. <3