What's Your Mood? V2.


My father and sister have this stupid fucking romanticized idea that hunting is the whole reason why we're a successful species. That's total bullshit. We're successful because we have complex brains and the ability to learn, not because of some "instinct" we share with most of the animal kingdom. Eating meat has nothing to do with any of it.

But, apparently, the fact that I'm pointing this out means that I'm a tree hugging vegetarian. And the fact that I happen to go to community college also means that any information I might obtain is totally false since "OMG UR NOT GOING TO LOL BUFFALO STATE COLLEGE HEE HEE." And, further, because I'm 18 years old I apparently can't know shit.

Disregard the fact that neither of them has ever taken an anthropology class, and anything they know about evolution and biology is from the fucking history channel. I can't be right. No. Not me.

And, god, my sister said this absolute gem: "We didn't start getting intelligence until we started cooking meat." Bear in mind, she's currently getting an MA in education.

Once more: "We didn't start getting intelligence until we started cooking meat."

And this was after the "No, WE ARE HUMAN NOT ANIMALS!" Funny, though. Even wikipedia classifies us as bipedal primates.

But oh, I'm wrong because I'm four years younger and go to the same community college she did.

I'm so sick of never being able to have an opinion. She does it with everything. I'm a CIS major, I love computers, and I'm especially interested in operating systems. But I'm wrong because "WINDOWS XP IS THA BEST OPERATIN SYSTEM EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Of course, the bitch doesn't even know what a kernel is, but because I'm only 18, I'm WRONG.

The only thing I can think to do to calm myself down is to change the router password and block the both of them from the internet and make them fucking apologize.
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I didn't really get that much sleep last night/this morning, I went to bed at 9.45 last night which seems early but I had an absolute bitch of a headache and though the the paracetamol stopped that I was till boiling and couldn't get to sleep and ended up waking up like every other hour until I finally woke up at 6.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. :sad:
Mood: Tired. I am tired because I usually stay up really late on the forums and on Halo 3. I only slept like 5 hours. Well I guess I just can not get off the forums.
Mood: Feh

Reason: Bored cold and hungry.....diet says no though after the huuuuge tea I had, so Il suffer, cold coz i spent like an hur cleaning out the fishtank and the new water is freeeezing, bored, well, nowt to do. I lead such an exciting life -_-
Mood - Shitty.

I get really really hot, then I'm cold, then I'm all dizzy, and then I want to throw up. And repeat. Seriously, bad combination. I went out for my friends birthday, and my friend had to support me when walking from the cinema to the restaurant, otherwise I would have fallen over. I hate feeling so helpless and want to try and be as normal as possible, but at the same time, I just want to go ot bed and never get out of it D=
Mood: Shit

Reason: I am paying the price for having a big night out last night. I'm not seriously sick or anything, I just have a blocked nose and I just generally feel like shit. The warmish weather isn't really helping either. I'm probably gonna have an early night tonight, hopefully I feel better in the mourning. It's more of an annoyance than an illness. -__-
Mood: Fed up

Reason: its saturday and IM stuck in yet again, im gunna go insane before I take myself off house arrest, Im already bored shitless with the anticipation of another boring night within the same four fucking walls. Oh YAY

Hangover is killin me....i jus wanna stay in bed and watch tv or better yet, get some sleep-_- worst part is i promised a friend of mine that id go out with him tonight so i cant stay in bed, well i could cancel but its his 21st and that would jus be mean and im a really nice guy dunncha kno.
Mood: Appeased and Relaxed

Reason: Well yesterday was a good night, we finally got out of the house and did something with ourselves. When I say we, I mean the girl and I. So after watching a few episodes of season 4 of the office, we opted to go to the pharmacy then to H20 which is an amazing Chinese place. Even if it's take out it's great. We heard rumors that our favorite theater reopened, and to my surprise we went to see Gran Turino. Let me explain how ecstatic I was that this reopened. This place is a stadium seating theater that supplies alcoholic beverages for cheap prices and also restaurant style food in which has over 20 screens. When we got there I expected to pay 8 or 9 dollars a ticket, but instead I only paid 5 dollars a ticket, and then the wine that we consumed was only 3 dollars a glass. (Zinfindale) So overall it was a great night, plus great movie.
Hungry like Starvin' Marvin.

About to head out to a buffet restaurant and grab some Chinese food. usually hit that place up every 2 weeks or so since it's pretty cheap overall and it's decent food. Can't beat and all-you-can-eat for about $7.

We went out for lunch, then went shopping. We might go shopping again later. I've still only got $4. The drive in is hiring. I might apply, because it isn't early in the morning and it's only a temporary thing. At least then I'll have some money.

Pt. 2 -


I've wrangled someone into going to Amherst on Monday and buying me Harry Potter y la camara secreta, but the 2nd and 3rd books have always been my least favorite, while the 4th has been my absolute favorite. I can't decide if I should skip to el caliz de fuego, or just suck it up and read it in order. It's taken me a week to get through 100 pages of the first one. It'll take me at least a month to get through two more. Agh.
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Mood: Anxious

I'm kinda nervous about going to work tomorrow. I have only been at my new job for a week and it's kind of scary because this is the second job I have ever had since leaving school.

It's just weird not being the one who delegates people around. I hate not knowing what to do and having to follow around people like a lost puppy. That's really what I am at the moment.

I hate starting at the bottom all over again when I was once right at the top and had no worries at all. >_<


I hope the next couple of months go smoothly. =/
Mood : Tired

I'm feeling much better than I was yesterday, but I'm still shattered. I think I might go back to bad after my driving lesson if I don't really wake up.
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I would say I'm bored, but there are plenty of interesting things I could be doing at the moment. However, for some reason I don't have the motivation to do any of these things. So right now my boredom is due solely to my own laziness.
Mood: fine

Reason: Aside from the fact theres nowt to do and no where to go as USUAL, im actually in a half decent mood - might change when Im rattling round inabit naff all to do though, which will suck, and Ive had a pretty dull boring arsed weekend. I dont suppose it could GET any duller, so yeah, average mood is me, feeling abit restless though, I rally need to let the hair down and have a beer
Mood: Sickkkkkk
Reason: I was at my friends house for his birthday and when i got up in the morning i just felt like absolute shit. Not so much in my stomach, but i got a huge stuffy nose and its pissin me right off. I can't be arsed to do anything today.
Mood:Fucking pissed off. Well You can bet why I am so pissed off. I love he site but there are some people who never fucking stop with there shit. They all know who they are and its just pissing me off. Well I can only hope it will stop!!!! There are nice people but even they turn evil.

I don't have school tomorrow, and I know I'll feel gypped if I go to bed early. I haven't even got anything to do except read and maybe watch a movie but it can't be anything complex because I'm too tired to pay attention.
Mood - Meh.

Sleep cycle's gone all screwy, again. I should be falling asleep now, not waking up now. I have my least favourite lesson ever (That Woman's English Literature Class) first thing too D=

Luckily, apart from English Lit, my day's fairly easy. 2 more lessons, with a huge break in between the two =D
Mood: Apprehensive

Reason: Not sure what's gunna happen today re. the ol' relationship, so Im sat here abit nervous :wacky: I think my hearts been in overdrive since last night, oh well, it'l be sorted soon, one way or the other