What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood - Lulzy.

I just found out some hilariously ironic news, and it has amused me so very much. xD I'm also looking forward to my 5th Driving Lesson this afternoon and I'm quite pleased I'm awake this early ^^

I fed seagulls today. And by fed, I mean I threw a hunk of toast that was bigger than the damn thing's head out the window which it then proceeded to swallow whole. But it's beginning to feel vaguely Spring-y. Which makes me feel better.

We get our results tomorrow! I'm hoping I won't have to resit...I don't think I'll have to, but it's always the thought that crosses my mind. I get Law and English Language exam results back, and English Literature coursework results back. I don't give a stuff about Lit, cause me and my friend are dropping it and taking Government and politics instead xD but I'm predicted As in the other two, and if I don't get at LEAST Bs...I'm resitting ><

I just ate a bacon sub. It had, like, two slices of Canadian bacon max, but I still feel like I've just eaten an entire slab of it. I don't know how the fuck English people eat entire sandwiches of nothing but bacon and not barf.

Slowly recovering from Impetigo that I somehow managed to catch in my lip of all places, I mean what a shit place to catch any disease, let alone Impetigo. It's kept me off college for 7 working days and I won't be going back 'til next Monday. It's rather boring being off mind you >.>

We get our results tomorrow! I'm hoping I won't have to resit...I don't think I'll have to, but it's always the thought that crosses my mind. I get Law and English Language exam results back, and English Literature coursework results back. I don't give a stuff about Lit, cause me and my friend are dropping it and taking Government and politics instead xD but I'm predicted As in the other two, and if I don't get at LEAST Bs...I'm resitting ><

Is this for AS or A Levels? I also did Law AS, and did English Lit and Lang too at A Level (along with french, sociology and psychology). Good luck with the results! I'm sure you've got the grades you need, if not, you can always retake. Let us know how you got on. I got my exam results back last week (for Uni) and I'm averaging a 2:1 which I'm pleased with!

My mood: Bored

I am doing a clinical essay, using lots of scientific journal articles... I wish it could just write itself! And here I am on a forum, not doing work! :)

I try to get in at least 20 pages of Spanish HP a night, but I've gotten like one down today. Every time I sit down to read my mind wanders. To make it worse, I randomly read the nastiest part of Philosophy in the Boudoir, and I'm not even in that kind of mood. Well, maybe a little, but still.

I'm also really fuckin' thirsty for soda and we've got none to drink.
Extremely relieved

I took four out of six final exams today, so I'm extremely glad that I'm pretty much done with them. Just two more to go tomorrow, then I can officially enjoy Spring Break! I'm satisfied with how I did on all of the tests for the most part...only one that has me worried is the one in AP Chem, but that's to be expected =/

I just got a 76 on an Anthropology hourly. And, like, I thought I would have at least gotten an 80. A 76 is really quite excellent considering that I haven't read any of the material all semester, took the bare minimum notes, and spent a huge chunk of the lecture time playing Chrono Trigger or doing my c++ notes, but I still feel like shit. I really don't want anything below a B- this semester.

The teacher is a fucking douchebag, too. We get *one* point added on to our final grade if we go to this two hour UFO lecture Monday night. And, like, I'll probably go, but fuck. ONE point? I'd rather have like 5 points added to this test grade, but noooo. ONE point on the average.

I also have a stats exam in an hour. Which I haven't studied for. The course irritates me, because a lot of it is easy crap I did in highschool, but then in the middle of all that we get random wtf formulas. I'm not sucking hardcore at it, at least.

Pt. II

Well, I failed that shit. I'm not entirely sure if I used the right thing on my calculator for the binomial distribution half. Shit fuckin' sucked.

Now this guy is randomly assessing the wind damage on our roof, I'm home alone, and my fucking cat won't stfu. She makes this like, howling/moaning sound and I'm pretty sure he can hear it.
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I'm not really sure what mood I'm in, I seem to feel okay but last night when I was in bed I think I might have reacted to one of my tablets I have to take until Tuesday and it didn't feel well for a couple of hours, though it might not have been the tablets because it happened like 4 hours after I'd taken them >.>

My mom and grandmother both want to take me gambling. This is bizarre, because I have absolutely no money, and even if I did, I would spend it on worth while things like cans of Monster and nefariously shaped objects. I wouldn't piss it away at a casino.

I guess I'm going, though. I'm nervous and somewhat pooped, because going places with my grandma always means waiting around for her to go to the bathroom an insane number of times. I don't feel like doing that.

I go home in less than a week! Can't wait to have the luxury of central heating, ironed clothes and food not from a tin lol! Although it is really fun being a Uni student, sometimes it's just amazing to be spoilt by your parents and feel like you're 12 again!

My day started off pretty much cool. I got up at noon, made beans on toast(and this of note because imported Heinz beans cost $2.09 a can, so this is like the fucking Rolls-Royce of breakfasts for me), and watched Reno 911 for a while. Then, I read HP until I went to Rite Aid and bought a can of Monster. Then I read more. Then I ate a veggie burger. Then I touched myself.

Then we went grocery shopping, and they didn't have any diet Mountain Dew, which pissed me off. We ate dinner when we got home, and then my father started talking about all this miserable shit and totally made me feel like crap.

I can't decide what to do to make myself feel better. =/

I got pretty decent exam results, including 116/120 in English Language, which was the highest score xD and I got an A in my English Literature coursework so I'm pretty happy about that. The stress comes from the fact that our entire Law class is resitting the exam after we all got Us >_> It's because the teacher only taught us 2 out of 4 topics intensely, and just briefly touched upon the other two, she was banking on one of the other two topics coming up...and the two topics that came up were the ones we hadn't learnt. Stupid woman. So, she said that when I resit in June, I should get an A easily, like I have been for all her essays, since she's doing revision classes to teach ALL the topics intensely, and I'm going to go to them xD
Tired and in pain.

Stupid cousin (who I spent the entire weekend with upon his request, since it was his 15th birthday) dared me to snowboard down this hill they call Suicide Hill (cuz every year people get hurt on it) cuz I told him I'm pretty good at snowboarding. So I went. And I made it down fine, but hit a patch of ice at the bottom, and was thrown to the ground. Had a killer headache all night and most of today. ><

I had to go back to college today after being off for 10 days ill, I wish I didn't have to go back, it just reminds me of how much I dislike going and how much I want to go to Uni. The socialising part was good since I haven't seen most people in ages but the lessons...not so good. :awesome:
Stuffed up.

Still trying to get rid of this cold that's been lingering for almost a week now. It takes all my energy right out of me and I hate being sick during work or when I was in classes and junk. I just wanna sleep all day basically. No desire to do anything else.
Relieved and tired.

I managed a 72.5 on that stats exam, which is awesome considering. The lowest exam grade is dropped, and hopefully that will be it. If it isn't, though, it's not like it'll destroy my average.

Also, I registered for my classes. My schedule for fall is pretty good, with my first class at like 9 and my last class ending at 12:50. No breaks in between, but at least I won't be so tempted to skip. I'm only taking three classes over the summer, two online and one on campus, but they're only until July 1st. My last semester should be great, because I'll only actually need two classes, and the rest can just be fun electives.

I went to the UFO lecture, and it was totally ridiculous. It was mostly, like, about big foot, and what the guy heard form other people who said they saw big foot. Most of his slides were just stuff he drew, too. Makes me feel just a little bit lamer for still believing in aliens.
Haappyy! 8D I've been eating quite a lot over the past two days trying to make up for when I couldn't eat during my illness and now I have colour in my cheeks again and don't look pale. I'll be tanning on the weekend regardless but I'm not white! 8D
Pretty good.

I sweated today! And, like, not because I'm fat, out of shape, wore a hoodie, and had to walk to my car. Well, maybe a little. But it was almost 60 out! Spring makes me feel so fucking awesome.

I also finished HP y la cámara secreta, which is good.