What's Your Mood? V2.

Lovely jubbly

I had a pretty good day at work, it was one where I was able to do everything on my own without going to someone for a bit of help, which is an accomplishment in itself because I'm nowhere near completing my training. xD

I've got a bitchy fucking headache. I took two advil an hour ago and it still hasn't gone away. I also think I'm getting sick, I'm starting to get this wet cough thing and my sinuses feel all hot. This pisses me off, considering how obsessively I wash my hands.

I also had a really stupid dream about being at an Obama rally sitting next to this really hot girl I go to school with, and she wanted to be next to me. I kept getting up and leaving though, to go steal cans of soda from my grandparents house(which was, god knows why, directly connected to where the rally was). It made me feel like such a shit.
For some unknown reason, I had a good nights sleep then all of a sudden I got tired again, also, Boro are shit and we're gonna be playing Championship football next season. But at least we'll still have the Tyne-Tees derby :awesome:
Ultra shitty.

My eyes hurt like fuck. Every time I move them I get this shooting, aching pain that goes all the way up my forehead. I also cough uncontrollably when I breathe too deeply, and my throat gets all sore if I don't like constantly drink.

I really don't feel like going to school tomorrow. But, of course, I skipped anthropology Friday to get out of doing groupwork, and I'm assuming I'll have to make it up tomorrow. I'm tempted not to do the shit at all and just get a D in the course, because it's not like I'm transferring to a school that gives a fuck.

Fuck it. I'm not even going to bother setting my alarm.
mood: relaxed

why: because I am about to log out and catch some Zs so I can go to school relaxed tommorow.
Rockin' and Rollin'.

Finally got Madden '09 back for my Xbox 360, so I'm playin' that like crazy tonight. Got my iPod gamin' playlist goin' in the background.

Also got a good chuck of FFIII done too today which I really want to finish before heading off to Boot Camp in a few weeks.

2am and I'm still wide awake. There's nothing good on TV other than South Park, and it's just repeats from earlier tonight anyway D= Sundays kinda really suck =/
It's the start of another college week, college is shit regardless of the socialising and it not being very hard, I'd rather just skip it and go straight to Uni >.>
Also, I want to play FIFA09 and get more trophies but I forgot to bring my PS3 down to my mums :sad2:
Mood: Bored to Tears

Reason: Well today is my first class after break and I'm sitting here hitting my head on my desk trying to get by the boredom. It ain't gonna happen, the fairy (woman who acts like she is on a permanent caffeine high) is trying to make "java programming" interesting. Yea right, let's just do some more arrays to make my head explode. Oh well... back to class with me.
Fired up

Gonna head up to an old manager of mine's house to have a Game night where a bunch of us all take up our Xbox 360's, System Link them all together, and basically play Halo 3 all night for a crap-load of hours. It's pretty much a blast since there's like 10 of us all in one room on 6 or 7 different Xbox's.
Lovely jubbly

And you call others gay?

My mood right now can best be described as anxious. I have a job interview coming up on Thursday and I know I'm going to be up against people with a lot more experience than I do. The economy sucks so all fresh grads are suffering... but I'm really hoping I can razzle and dazzle them. >.> Nervous...

I have half of two essays to complete which shouldn't take that long and also a small bit of English to do which I really can't be arsed with because it's boring >.>
Fun night for me :awesome:

im goin on holiday in like 7 weeks i think it is. May 11th :awesome: originally there was 4 of us goin but now another 2 have signed up, so theres 6 in total :awesome:. I cant wait to be lying in the sun on a hot beach holding a can of beer knowing all u british folk are gonna be stuck indoors in the miserable rain :lol:
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Alcohol. Clare came round, we ate we drank got pissed, I threw up...and now Im rough as fuck xDDD Im happy though, finally out of Survivor, came 3rd, I can live with that. Ive been posting none stop since I cae online, catching up and wotnot, I lead a sad sad life

Oh well, suits me

Yeah, woke up this morning, not really hungry. So I peruse down to the refrigerator and, "Oh My! Someone went grocery shopping! I think I'll have a Strawberry-Banana Yogurt for breakfast!"

Yeah, so I'm satisfied. :busta:
Fraggin' insane!

Started off ok.. But then as the day went on felt myself go down and down and down. When I came home I just had to scream my head off.
Hate days like that. :monster:
Mood: Slightly tired + Confident

Reason: Tired because I was stupid enough to stay up past 1 am last week with Spring Break + work, but now since classes are back in session, I am going back in at 8:00am. So yea, this leaves me super tired in the morning yet restless at night.

Confident - Well I'm entering a 5k run for Cancer and even though I haven't worked out in over a month I'm pretty confident I can get back in shape in less then 5 days. Also my mile time is down to 6:30 again, so knowing me and being competitive I can run a sub 6 mile time on those first 2 miles, and then on the third bust my arse to try and make it under 7 minutes. Bring it on, and may my knee not buckle from applied pressure.

College is shit on a Wednesday, I start at 10am which seems really early for my day even if I do finish at 2:30pm, plus, I'm at the dentist and my teeth are perfectly okay they'll pick a fault because they're cunt nuggets :awesome: