What's Your Mood? V2.

Very accomplished.

I've tidied my room today (it's now SPOTLESS), completed my biology investigation (finally!) and revised driving theory for a good portion of the night, as well as organised every little bit of paper that's been gradually piling up in my room for the last year.
Great 8D

Only a week left at college and half the lessons will be mocks anyway, which really aren't that difficult so it should be an easy week. Had a more than great night out last night, however, I have to complain by the over playing of Gaga's shit, it sounds great the first time of hearing but after Just Dance or Poker Face has been played again and again and again on every radio station, every club, every music channel, every party you come to realize on the face of it, she's shit. Plus she's ugly. :awesome:

I can't wait to see my best friend. I haven't seen her since last summer. Her and I never hang out, we barely talk yet, we still feel so close to one another. I'm currently on my spring break, she said she's coming to visit. So pumped.
Meh but excited.

Sleep cycle's fucked up again...which is why I'm still awake at 4am. I have an essay to do for the morning, and although I find Thatcher and her government to be fascinating, this essay is boring me. I have no motivation for it.

Luckily Monday's a piss easy day at college, double History and then I get to go home. If it was say, Friday, I'd be freaking out. Fridays at college are lame.

I'm excited for tomorrow because I'm meeting up with my friend, and I haven't seen her since October ^^ So, that'll be fun.
Dunno what my mood is really :|
Sleep cycle's fucked up again...which is why I'm still awake at 4am.
I'm getting rather annoyed of my sleep pattern, it constantly fucks me up when I least expect it.
Having a party on Wednesday, my brother gets back home then, from jail (fuckwit ¬_¬) so since the party's here i'm pretty much gonna have to be there/here. <_<
Guess i'm kinda excited about seeing him again, apparantly he's changed but who knows, i'll just have to wait and see; so i'm a bit meh at the aspect. =/

It's almost spring break for me and I'm planning to do a bit of sightseeing during that week, like going to Balboa Park to see all the museums and the world famous zoo. Plus a bit of relaxation with just work to do on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays would be great.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Bit tired, but the sleeping pattern has been on form the past couple of weeks, Saturday aside, Ive been going to ebd at reasonable hours and actually managing to get to sleep, which is good fucking going for me. For the 2nd time in the space of a week Ive been up and dressed before 8am.....I cant even REMEMBER the last time I did that..... although tbf, Im only up becusae I don't know wht time the tile mans coming, i had some fucked up dreams again and they make me tired

Anyway, Im feeling pretty good, I got alllll my housework done yesterday, i even hoovered and mopped which I despise, and I trappe dmy finger in the fucking mop bucket -grumbles- but I have nothing to do, just need to do the stragglers of the pots and turn the washing machine on, Ive even been thinking about having a draw again, I just...dunno what to draw...and I also need to set my scanner up which seems to be fucked....:gasp:
Mood: Good

I've finished most of the coursework I needed to do before I go on holidays. Now I just have one major essay left and little snippets of work here and there, but otherwise I don't really have anything else to do. :D
Right now, I am tired and doubtful. For several 'private' reasons am I doubtful. Tired - because I woke up at 8am, when I went to bed at 1 o' clock. Which is really unlike me..
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Right now, I am tired and doubtful. For several 'private' reasons am I doubtful. Tired - because I woke up at 8am, when I went to bed at 1 o' clock. Which is really unlike me..
Could you please put more detail into your posts please, like the other posts in this thread. Thank you:)
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Mood - Tired, but accomplished.

I've been awake for about 12 hours now, and I'm shattered. Thank fuck I only had two lessons today, and I got an essay back. The teacher claims she hasn't gave full marks out for three years, but today, I got 20/20 on my essay =D I thought it was really really encouraging and a great way to start the day xD
Happy 8D

Today was easy and so are the next 4 days of college, basically it's just revision up to the exams now or mock exams which are rather easy if I do say so. Plus all my teachers are away on Thursday which means cover teachers and my Psychology teacher said 2 hours is too much for us to do our own work so we get to go home at 1:30pm which is great since I start at 11am 8D
Then we break up for study leave on the 14th May until exams are finished wooooooooooooooooooo!
Absolutely pissed off to the max.

Had an annoying appointment at the hospital where I discovered that the operation I've been waiting on for months is no longer on the table because the hospital "don't want to put me through that", so they're giving me a simple mouthguard and "letting nature run its course for a few years" - can I please just take this time to emphasise YEARS, I'm at breaking point and this didn't help me very much. -__-

I've had over 12 hours sleep and actually woken up at a decent time today, so for once I'll be full of energy and not fall asleep during college! Wonderful.
Mood: Knackkkerrred

Reason: Got woke up early, then Ellie decides to get up before 7am, THEN my alarm goers off so Im thinking fuck this *turns it off* ten more minutes wont hurt...then Im woke up an hour late by the phoen ringing, so thats me diving out of bed at lightning spedd and ansewring the phone...Im impressed I made it. The tile man should be here any minute xD SO Im glad that's getting done.... :3

I might have a wander out when hes been aswel, I need facewash..weathers not looking to grand though...:gasp:

Edit* Id also like to add abit upset to that list, but it's my own doing so alas I deserve no sympathies D:
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Mood: Motivated

Today I actually came home and worked on my course for the pharmacy I'm working at. I haven't looked at it since I got it and today I managed to read a fair bit and fill some of it out.

I've decided that I'm going to stay back after work each day until I complete the booklet. It's just easier when I've got all the medicines and what not, right next to me to refer to if I get stuck.

I also came home and cleaned the dishes. =D Ever since I moved out I have been so unmotivated to tidy anything because I honestly didn't know where to start.

Each night we were going through the boxes to find cutlery and crockery in order to eat our meals and now that we have no clean dishes left...I kinda figured I should get my act together and be a tidy tenant. XD
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Mood - Fantastic

I love the weather right now. Sunshine and warmth is so much better than the rain and wind. It means I can go out without my hair ending up looking like I've just woke up >_>

Fun day at college too. Easy lessons, and lunch spent farting around in the park with the sun. Glorious.

Work was tiring today, i was working outside all day today and the temperatures are high :gasp: iv been climbing 30ft by 15ft beam structures all day and taking them apart by removing all the bolts and nuts.....im tottally knackered. Feels great to be home and relaxing :)

Exhausted: Was just out training weigts and well, my muscles are alittle stiff lol

Hurting: Was at the docter yesterday, and they cut away a mole on the back of my thigh xD (it was bloody and plain ugly, started becoming so about a week ago)
The thing is that i'm a "russ" this year (those who have finished their education in Norway celebrate finishing school, starts about now and goes on till 17th May.) so we have these "trials" we do for fun, and one was bathing (in a sea/lake) before 1st April.
So I got this huuge amount of seawater (mmm salty :weird:) in my open "wound" xD
Hurt like hell, and the water was cold as hell. :O
(But still fun :) )
I'm feeling pretty good today, overall. I went to Glasgow University today and finally had those unanswered questions dealt with, grabbed a good look at the various accomodation (I now feel better about sharing bathrooms, showers etc), spoke to the students at the Union...instead of being indecisive about Uni, I can't wait now!