What's Your Mood? V2.


I can't sleep. I'm not really tired and yet I feel exhausted. I feel like I'm drifting in and out of a clear mental state. When I'm tired and feeling like I'm gonna fall asleep I feel a little anxious and then I'm right back awake. And when I'm awake, I feel fine... other than just feeling tired.

I cant download frigging photoshop on my computer AND it takes ages to do it!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Too many dreams about fat men and cat fish. My imagination is fucked. Also Il add annoyed to that list seeing as Ellie knocked the tv off the table and theres a fucking huge dent in my floor, I well have 200 quid lying around to get it redone. Destructive little shit, she's still in the bad books from yesterday -grumbles-


I want to work on Gfx but my creative muse is dead. Tried to RP to get it flowing, but my writing came out poo. Not literal poo I might add. Gonna try opening Photoshop later and seeing what shit comes out of that, but RAAAAAAARGH it's so frustrating. I've been away for two weeks, itching to make gfx, and now I just can't seem to make any and it's annoying.

/rant :stare:
Sick once a-freakin'-gain

Tryin' to get all this outta my system before Basic Training, that's the last place I wanna be when I'm sick as hell. Gonna be goin' to sleep as early as possible from now on I think just to get rested up and back on-track.


I want to work on Gfx but my creative muse is dead. Tried to RP to get it flowing, but my writing came out poo. Not literal poo I might add. Gonna try opening Photoshop later and seeing what shit comes out of that, but RAAAAAAARGH it's so frustrating. I've been away for two weeks, itching to make gfx, and now I just can't seem to make any and it's annoying.

/rant :stare:
Just don't strain, otherwise it will be literal poo. :awesome:

Anyhow, hyper.

I don't know why I am, I have no reason to be, I just am. Now I need to crack open something alcohol so I can calm myself down...or turn drunk, either one is fine by me because it'll be sensational! 8D

I had like, 4 hours sleep last night and all I want to do is go to bed and not get out for days. However I have to be at the gym for 11am and then we're going out looking for garden stuff, and flooring for my room. And then start ripping out my carpet / painting fences. Bah :gasp:
Stuffed up

Can't breathe out my nose at all, I wake up with a sore throat every morning because of sleeping and breathing out my mouth, and I'm tired as hell for day #4 now. Ugh.

I had like, 4 hours sleep last night and all I want to do is go to bed and not get out for days.

My thoughts exactly. I'm freaking beat. Busta and I went out for a bit tonight. Everyone else got beers, I ordered coffee. I'm so damn tired I could barely stay awake at the table. Nearly took a nap in my freaking cheese steak.
Friggin happy

Just had my last exams, so now i dont have school for two weeks. Hell yea. Not to mention, i had an extra week off because of my exams. YES!
Tired ;_;

6 and a half hours sleep clearly isn't enough, but that's what I get when the father has to go to work and I need get dropped off at the mothers to babysit until she gets back from work >.>

Plus my R4DS hasn't come yet ;_; and you can't change your PSN ID or transfer trophies. Sony fail. >.>
Tired and frustrated

I woke up and for some reason I can't fall back to sleep. I feel very restless and I just can't sleep at all, but at the same time I feel exhausted. It's really quite frustrating to be honest. Meh, maybe I'll just play a game or something until I do feel sleepy again.
Mood: Feeeeeh

Reason: Tired again, well couldnt be arsed getting out of tbed this morning, then the floor man came and I was still in my towel so that was embarassing. The stupid site was being gay so I did housework, I threw away make up and shit i swear has been around since the dawn of tiome, wen to the shop and the gay electric/gas to upper thing wasnt working, so i had to go to the post office. So now Ive got a pizza in the oven to make up for my stupid day

Actually, I think I smell burning

Mood: Pretty Good. Well first of all my mom told me to stay home today so im off school which is awesome. I have Friday to Monday off cause of Easter and that makes plenty of time for games and the forum. Yeah im pretty good.
Pretty excited

Im goin on holiday in just over 4 weeks :D woo
And yup ive almost got enough spending money, itl mean staying in every weekend from now til i go away but itl be soooo worth it. I need to buy clothes for goin away and i need train tickets to glasgow because wer flying from there, not aberdeen ><
On another note work has been picking up so heres hopin it continues that way and there will be no more redundancies.

I've had a totally boring day. Looked around so many carpet shops for laminated flooring, which hopefully should pay off sometime in the next week >_> I can't wait for next week, cause then I've got something planned everyday, pretty much. This week's just boring. Apart from Friday, going bowling on a double date ^^ Should be fun.
Tired ;_;..again >.>

I'm off to bed in a minute, it's like 10 past 1 in the morning >.>
But at least I've got my AoTW/SoTW entries submitted, which is something off my mind and Dover on Sunday woop! :awesome:

I guess having an 'opinion' now accounts for 'talking smack' on people.

Today's just gone so horribly wrong. Everything has just gone wrong, and I just want to forget this day ><

On the bright side, looking forward to tomorrow, going on a double date and then going back to my girlfriends house. Should be really fun, totally looking forward to it ^^