What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Relaxed

Reason being is because today is the first day of my four day weekend. XD

I thought I was going to have a 6 day week at work until my workmates reminded me that I get Friday to Monday off.


So today I have done absolutely nothing besides sleep, eat bacon and eggs for breaky, play around on the net and have more sleep. XD

Kinda good that I don't feel like doing much today considering everything is closed. I was meant to go out with my mate today but she never got back to me, so nuts to her. =D

Looks like it might rain today too... YAY! I can sleep in my bed while it rains. XD
Mood: good

Reason: Managed to get a good sleep after the debacle the night before, although I can feel insomnia rearing its ugly head again, I'm gunna get all the sleeping in I can <_<

I've got no plans today, although I was gunna go into ashton coz i need some lippie and accessories for tomorrow, but the weathers looking abit shit. Cunting bank holidays andf their lack of buses

Still feeling abit sick from all that chocolate I ate yesterday aswel, Im hoping Il have a big poo ater. THat'l sort me oot

So in short, Im feeling pretty good and looking forward to town tomorrow night, I hope I get picked up early tomorrow so i can go shoppng with kelly

I have 5 a side booked for 12-1pm then I'm going to Middlesbrough clothes shopping then I'm going t' pub with my GF, dad and sister before coming back and having a footy sesh! Awesome day is awesome 8D
Mood: Bored

Reason: You know that feeling when you feel like you should go to sleep, but you want to stay up and do something because you're not tired, but at the same time you realise that you don't really have anything to do? That is my mood right now.

im staying in tonight...no beer.. no friends...no fun *sighs* its gonna be a long night with nothing to do. Oh well least im going out 2moro =/

Went out for a bit last night with Aztec and 2 of our good buddies and though we only stayed out for a bit at the bar, we went and got 6-packs and all went up to Aztec's backyard and chilled on his patio going through all the stories over the years before I leave. Stuff's just sinking in left and right and how it's hard to believe that in a week from now I'll be in a different state, not seeing these guys or family for close to 7/8 months from now is just, weird.
Mood: not so good. I am not good because I have noticed that I am kinda hated on the site. Well maybe not hated but people find me quite stupid. I hope this changes though. Ever since that misunderstanding its not like before. Whats happened. I would love to know why people have a problem with me.
Mood: Tired

It's raining outside and it got dark quite early today and it made me sleepy. XD

I went to the shops today to return our microwave that's been stuffing up and oh my gosh I've never seen it so busy. =0 The shops shut down for one day and everyone has a heart attack and rushes down to the shops as soon as it opens. XD

I mean I went down there too, but it was for an emergency! How am I to go one day without a microwave. =P Nah I'm just ranting.

I went to my parents too today to visit. It was a very short visit but yeah. Steve gets bored if we're there too long. Same for me if I'm at his mums. XD

Anyway I intend to have an awesome night tonight no matter what I'm doing, I intend to be happy and enjoy the rest of my weekend! Two more days!!!

mood: seeeeething

Reason: I just KNEW I was going to come on my period today fucking EARLY. KNEW it. Just in time for my big fucking night out

And on top of that, my ex decided to wake me up at 1.30 am throwing BOULDERS at my window, I damn near had a heart attack. Got pissed off after 15 minutes and let him in. Had no where to go apparently, let him sleep on the settee

This morning goes down stairs and he's going on at me ME for being a dick for having a go at him for waking me up at 1am! The CHEEK on it. Im fucking FUMING. Then hes sat there doing his litttle jekyll and hyde thing, I love you , you re a bitch, cant we get back together, youre a fucking heartless cow etc etc. What goes around comes around you will get whats coming to you etc etc. Youre just a fucking slag.....

Ive just spent the last half an hour crying down the phone to the mothership. Topday has got off to a FLYING start. Bring on te fucking alcohol

Im so fucking pissed off. Im joining a fucking convent

edit* he came back and appologised. Still fucked off though
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I slept for hours last night and i was in bed pretty early for a friday as well but im still knackered. I planned on doing some shopping for holiday clothes today but i dont think i can be bothered anymore, too tired =/ Whats irratating is that its sunny outside and i really dont wanna be spending my day indoors when i could be out side =/ well for know im gonna relax see how im feeling in an hour or so.
Mood: On Fire, Sexy, Excited

Reason: I did some shit hot right leg reverse kicks today, and I am now eagerly awaiting 6pm - I'M HEADING OUT TO ENNERDALE, THEN IM GETTING PICKED UP AND IM GOING TO MR.CHU'S! SCOTTY TIME!
Tired. Eye strained. :gasp:

I've just been lying around and watching TV for the past 2 days (it's Holy Week around here so three break-days). I've just finished re-watching Fushigi Yuugi :awesome: (I like it, go away)

And this is what I get for staring at my laptop for 6 hours. GAH. I need to get out. Seriously.
Mood:Happy. Well I listened to most of Yuna Ito's music videos last night and they are all really good. They make me happy for some reason. Her Voice just has so much happiness in it. Urban Mermaid and Trust you were really great. Shes so Beautiful!!!!
Mood: Sore

Reason: I thrashed this little trash talkin kid at Hockey last night. Best part is, he plays on a team and I dont :P

Dover tomorrow!!!! :gasp:
I don't like the fact I'm setting off at 3pm and getting there at 1am but oh well, I bought 2 sexy tshirts and I've got £300 in the last 2 days :awesome:
Mood: Tired

I slept in until 12:30 today. I didn't realise how late it was! It was so dreary outside and overcast that it felt like 7am.

*sigh* Another day wasted. I should have done something today but even though I'm awake now it's raining anyway and I have to do housework. >_<

*yawns* Should probably go back to bed. XD
im good

Despite the fact that last night turned out to be a complete bore i had a good nights sleep and im feelin pretty good today. Been to the shop and got some food for dinner and a bottle of irn bru Woooo :D
So im just gonna lay around today probadly, its a pretty nice day out aswell but i dunno, im not in the mood for goin out unless some of my mates wanna play football or something.