What's Your Mood? V2.

All over the place.

It's like 4am and I'm still wide awake, even though I need to be up and out tomorrow, cause Becky and I are going out all day. And downloading a Pokémon from Game xD I'm just amusing myself by playing my favourite songs and kicking ass at X2, which is a ridiculously easy FF game xD
Mood: Unmotivated

Reason: I feel like I should be starting my assignments but I just can't find the motivation to start them right now. I know that I should get them out of the way so I don't have to worry about them later. But I just can't be stuffed at the moment. -__-
Mood: Hungover

Reason: The largest cheapest bottle of plonk you have EVER seen, it was huge I still have one left over in the fridge, so Im gunna have to drink that at some point aswel. I might give it Clare....haha although she's a night mare hungover, so maybe not......Im running a bath, gunna have a soak, just eaten 2 painkillers, so hopefully it should pass soon, might even venture out...although thats unlikely....
HAngovers suck
Mood: Sad

I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. =( The weekends go too damn fast. It's not fair. Who said we had to work 5 days a week and only get two days off? They suck whoever came up with that idea.

I want to win some big money and work whenever I feel like it, if at all.

I just want to go on a massive holiday and not have to worry about any of my problems. XD
Mood: Neutral

Feeling rather mild right now. Not exactly bored, nor exactly excited. And a little sad about the new week starting, and yet happy to be returning to friends in school.. Then anxious about the tests this week (It's on every single day this coming week, literally, test-packed), yet not quite so, thanks to revision.

It's just conflicting to the point they cancel each other out..
Mood: @#$^&@^%$%$@?!

Reason: Ugh. I make very bad decisions. I don't think I should even be allowed to make them for myself anymore. -__- I enrolled for 9am-11am, 11am-1pm classes for Monday til Friday for at least the next 7 weeks, and it turns out, I can't take the commute. It's a little less than 2 hours. It's too far, too hot, too tiring. I've no choice now though.. It's just sad.
Mood: Alright

Reason: I polished off that other mammoth bottle of wine last night, and how David lol'd when I couldnt pop the cork in the fucker, took me a good 10 minutes, Im such a wimp D: Anyway, once iot was open the wine was a flowing and I ended up suitably pissed. Good times. Im not even that hungover which is good! Amusing night was amusing xD]

Jsut gunna have a mong day today, not gunna do a thing and i certainly aint bothering to get dressed
Mood: Bothered

Reason: I have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for my Anthropology class and I am currently at a point where I just can't progress any further. I really wanted to finish it today but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. -__-
Depressed ;_;

It's college tomorrow, I hate holidays purely because you get to the last day and all you think about is going to college the next day >.>, however, on the bright side, 8 days til my birthday and only 4 weeks of college left until study leave <3

Basically, if I clean my room until it's all gleaming and shiny like, I won't have to do any revision or work for college tomorrow. Bah, I really can't be arsed with going back. History and Law are no problem, and we've finished the course in English Language, so that'll just be joke lessons, it's English Literature that's the problem. I HATE IT D=
Mood: Confused.

I think I hurt someone. Well he deserved it... Kinda. I don't know. Grrr. I'm pissed with myself now. And with him. But at the same time I don't think I should be pissed at him. Agh dammit! >_< I don't wanna leave my bed today. I might kill something or someone with my fury lasers of d00m. I don't know what to do. =/

EDIT: Nah scratch that, we're fine now. Just a misunderstood. :wacky:

Mood: Relieved. ^_^
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Mood: Great

REason: Suns shining, been for a stroll bought some new sunglasses, just monging out eating a banana butty. All is gewd. Im well not doing housework today . Its too nice for such boring things
Mood - Blah

I'm totally exhausted and I really can't be bothered with this English Literature essay, I've been working on and off since about half 2, and I think I'm nearly finished. Just working on the conclusion now, luckily I've done at least the 1000 words she wanted, so she can't complain about the length of it even if it's complete shite cause no one in the class read the sodding book :wacky:
Mood: Stressed


I have to study for finals all week and I pretty much have no free time to do anything at all. I also have to write an English research paper that will determine if I pass or fail the class. And pretty much, I will be getting test review packets and stuff for the week since I have finals coming up (As I have previously stated). I also feel kinda weird right now since I'm using my computer during a bad thunderstorm. Lolz
Mood: Abit dazed

Reason: Im full of a fucking cold, it's getting WORSE not better each day which sucks. I'm now convinced Dave has a voodoo dol of me to teach me a lesson for not going to the doctors/chemist -__-

Its making feel even more distracted and out of it than usual though, my heads up my arse and Im feeling abit :gasp:

I might go for a wander out agam, seeing as its nice and DAVE STOP STABBING THAT DOLL IN THE NOSE, IM GUNNA GO GET SOMETHING FOR MY COUGH!

Happy but strange.

Sleeping pattern fucked up again, it's the one thing I hate about college, I'm always freaking exhausted. I love how it's all nice and sunny though, it means we can go for walks at lunch and stuff. Like yesterday, me and my Girlfriend found this great shop that sells huge ice lollies for like, 5p! Strawberry Ice lollies + Sun = Win.

I've been waking up and falling asleep all night, but I think I'll be okay. Double English Language is essentially a free lesson now, since we've finished the course, and General Studies is a piss take lesson anyway, so that just leaves Law. Good times.
Mood: Tired and Happy

I'm so tired because I haven't been getting enough sleep the last few nights. I keep going to bed late and then I have to get up early for work and then stare at a computer screen for eight hours. It sucks.

But I'm happy because I had my car taken in to get repairs done yesterday. They told me I wouldn't have it back until Friday at the latest and then they called me today to say it was ready to pick up! XD

Two days earlier than what I expected!

Oh and my FFIX game arrived at the post office today and I get to pick that up tomorrow too!!! XD XD XD

Then I'm going to Surfers Paradise on Saturday! Wootage!

Something has to go wrong soon because I'm feeling too damn good! XD
mood: D:

Reason: tired not well and wish people would leave me alone -__-

at least i got into size 4 jeans -__-
Only 2 days left of the week, 5 days until my birthday which I've been hinted and I'm getting lots of moneyz, going out monday night celebrating, tuesday going out for a meal and wednesday getting my hair dyed and cut and Saks. Hopefully my trainers for 5 a side will have come as well. :awesome:
Mood: Good ^___^

Reason: Me boots arrived today and tbqh, they are fucking assum. Fit perfect and are just so cool :awesome:

I did allll my housework yesterday so Ive not been sat here thinking ughhhh I need to do this that or the fucking other, so I am actualy having a nice relaxing day, even Ellies behaving, so all is good

Got a bbq at a mates tomorrow which should be fun aswel ;D