What's Your Mood? V2.

My birthday was like the best ever and I still get to go out for a meal tomorrow with my GF as well! :awesome:, we get Wednesday off for courserwork marking day so I've booked my appointment at Saks. And we only have to revise now without homework with study leave in only 3 weeks! :gasp:

Not sure why, I think it has a lot to do with the weather. It's been pretty warm lately but it snowed yesterday. Ugh, once I saw that white fluff falling from the sky, I literally shouted, "Noooo!". It was the first thing I said/done once I woke up.
Mood: UGH

reason: IM STILL ILL. Whhhhhhhy?! I get rid of the cold and then I get gut rot or some shit, its bollocks/. Im going out tomorrow aswel and I dont want being ill to ruin it, especially as Im on the beer that'l suck so much

The cat took pity on me again and curled up under the cover with me again D:
Mood: Okay

I decided to make up my hours that I took off yesterday due to me being sick. <_<

I didn't want it to interfere with my sick leave pay and I also didn't want to have any sick days for at least 6 months considering I just started. XD So this should give them the right impression I think.

Sigh, other than that I'm hating the state of my bedroom at the moment. It's a pigsty. I haven't gotten around to putting all the clothes away so they're all over the floor. <_<

And the lounge room is yuck again because Steve brought more shit home from work. XD

*sighs and goes to bed*

Looooooong day, im totally exhausted. Normally Tuesdays arent that busy but today was hectic, everything comin and going. Jobs that had to be shipped out by the end of the day never got out in time which means the boss will have a few words to say about that :dry: hes rich anyway so he can fuck off.
I can see myself being in bed by like 9 tonight, im knackered :lol:
Mood:Excited. I am excited to be back here I can never stop loving this place. Also I have been playing lots of rpgs lately and I aim to pass them all. 4 rpgs on 360 and 3 on ps2 which will be fun. Anyways im so Excited!!!! I also decided to ditch Halo 3 for a while.
Mood: Unsure

I don't know where to start with anything at the moment. XD

I have to:

* Take back my DVD rentals.
* Go to the shops.
* Find all my work uniform receipts.
* Put clothes away.
* Buy my tattoo stencil off some site.
* Vacuum.
* Finish my fanfictions.
* Finish my fanvideos.
* Read my Twilight books.
* Play my new FF titles I just bought!

I don't have a clue where to start.

I really should prioritise and get all the shitty jobs done first I suppose. <_<

Fun. XD
Mood: Mildly Annoyed

I have exceeded my monthly download limit so I now have to put up with crappy slow internets. On the plus side, my download limit gets refreshed in a few days, so I don't have to put up with slow net for long.

Besides that, I have to prepare a presentation for tomorrow, I've done all the hard work, so all I have to do now is get used to the Powerpoint slides. Something tells me I will have to stay up late to complete it though.
Mood: better

Reason: i was in such doom and gloom mode last night, theres no way I oculd have felt any more miserable today. I still feel abit delicate *pats poorly tummy* but alas, I cant let the side down and im out on the razz in a couple of hours, Il have a soak in the bath or some shit instead of a shower. Also the weathers better so that perked me up when i wwoke up this morning, better take a coat out just incase, although I left my only 'going out coat' at linziz, so i might havbe to go wiothout and hope for the best...

oh well

Had a pretty good day, got my hair done even though I was in the hairdressers for just under 4 hours but it was pretty good banter, watched the Man Utd/Arsenal game then I'll be off to be soon after playing some Revenant Wings. I love a sleep I do! :awesome:
* Read my Twilight books.

I wouldn't even bother if I were you. Recycling the bloody things is the best thing to do. Saves the planet, and stop you killing your free time! :gasp:

I'm shattered

Been a long day. Crap lessons at college - the Law teacher read from a single handout that everyone had read in 5 minutes for over an HOUR. In the same monotone voice -__- Been to the gym too, so that was a way to kill off excess energy. And, everyone in the house now hates my dad, cause he's being a bastard. I'm sick of all the arguments and tension in this house, and I can't wait till exam study leave ><
Good :)
Quite an easy day at college, start at 11 finish at half 2 and my dad picked me up so I didn't wait til 4 for the college bus. History was basically just watching people's presentations and Psychology was just revision so 'twas easy! :awesome:
Mood: Ok

REason: Still feeling abit ill, but Im just gunna have a day of relaxing and doing nothing, got some housework to do but that can piss off for a few days. I swear Im going to o to the doctors on Monday, I meant to go today but I couldnt be arsed. I probably wouldnt of been home intiome for Ellie anyway, so like thats my excuse for not going. Im supposed to be going to Mels later, but I dont think Im up to it D:
Mood: Awesome

Well I found out yesterday that I get another 3 day weekend. XD I love Public Holidays!

Went to my parents house tonight for my sisters 17th birthday and right now I'm drinking Jack and Coke. XD

I'm so happy! XD Gosh it's like 1am and I feel like another drink. I really should go to bed so that I wake up and do something tomorrow like start my list of things to do already.

Oh and my trainer at work handed me back my coursework I handed in this week and told me it was great and such, but then said I should revise it again for when the actual training guild rings me to test me over of the phone. <_<

Screw studying on my long weekend. I'm not getting paid to do anything for work this weekend so why should I bother. XD
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Mood - Great

I skived off Law today. What a shame missing that was. Not. Turned out she just read from handouts. Again. Lame. I'm so excited about tomorrow! I'm gonna go get my hair all cut and then dye it bright blue, and then go round my Girlfriends house =D Can't wait. ^^
Sensational! :awesome:

Our game is early kick of today so I still have chance to do stuff after that, going to go and get my belt from Republic then going to buy my GF her birthday present for a week on Sunday! :gasp:

went out tonight, everything was fine til one of my mates got too drunk, and i mean TOO drunk and turned into a fucking prick. Speaking to me and my other pal like shit and worse treating his girl like a piece of dirt. Basically, the night ended up with them fighting with eachother, i dont care cuz he got exactly what he had coming to him. His girlfriend who is a good friend of mine deserves so much fucking better than him. My 2 friends wont be mates again after tonight and if i dont get an apolagy then im thru with the cunt aswell. What makes it worse is that im meant to be goin on holiday with him and his girlfriend amongst others in a weeks time......so fuck knows whats gonna happen now :(
^^^ That really sucks. =( That's happened to me before. I've organised something big with a mate and then we end up fighting. It's a pain in the arse. =/ ^^^

Mood: Annoyed

I have been so lazy this weekend. All I have done is sit at the computer drinking Jack Daniels and then going to sleep early in the morning. I keep wasting my days off and I'll really hate myself for it one day when I'm older.

I'll think back at all the time I wasted and think how I could have done certain things on those youthful days.

It's really quite sad.

I might go to the movies today or go for a picnic. Try to do some living. XD

At least move from this chair anyway. XD
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I'm preparing myself for a full english then gonna buy my GFs phone since I didn't get it yesterday then I'm going to the mothers and playing 5 a side, I might go out tonight but it depends if I can be arsed, I'm defo having a parmo though :awesome:

after last night iv been speaking to a few of my pals ( not the one who went loopy though) and his girlfriend, shes finishing with him today when she sees him. Thing is no one knows where the cunts gone, hes dissapeared. Hes not at his dads or his mums......
He deserves what he has coming to him and im expectin an apolagy aswell-__- either way hel turn up, if not il see him at work on tuesday, see what the fuck hes got to say for himslef then.